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Welcome to the March 2016 edition of the South Shore Clean Cities newsletter. We provide you with upcoming transportation news in your area along with tips and ways to improve your fleets and communities. We appreciate your input so feel free to leave us feedback on how we're doing! Help us spread the word to better improve Northern Indiana's quality of life and reduce our environmental footprint.

Be sure to follow our social media pages (located on the right) to stay up-to-date with our latest events and topics in the alternative fuel and green industry!

Members are also encouraged to share their recent accomplishments, upcoming events or other current news in our monthly newsletters and on our website. Please email Catherine Yoder with any information you would like included. Let us know how we can better serve you and your team!
In This Issue
Thanks for attending SSCC's 2016 Annual Meeting & Awards!
Congressman Pete Visclosky giving the keynote address.
South Shore Clean Cities hosted it's 2016 Annual Meeting & Awards on February 16 at the Blue Chip Hotel & Spa. The event was attended by 300 people with Congressman Pete Visclosky as the keynote speaker, along with a video presentation by Senator Joe Donnelly on South Shore Clean Cities assisting the State of Indiana on being a sustainable leader. 

The event celebrated the accomplishments of South Shore Clean Cities and its partners from the past year. In addition, the event encouraged new partnerships and conversation about alternative fuel use in Northern Indiana. 

Awards from the night included:
   - "Excellence in Environmental Education" - Leon Simon, Tri-Creek School Corp.
   - "Green Fleet Communities of the Year" - City of Hobart & City of LaPorte
   - "Revolutionary Award" - Louis Dreyfus Commodities
   - "Impact Award" - South Bend Public Transportation Corp. (Transpo)
   - "Media Partner of the Year" - Steve Martin, Purdue Research Park
   - "Clean Fuel Visionary of the Year" - Family Express Corp.
   - "Empowering Woman of the Year" - Kathy Luther, NIRPC
   - "Overall Member Organization of the Year" - City of South Bend

Click Here to view photos from the event.
Click Here to listen to interviews from the Annual Meeting.
South Shore Clean Cities 2015 Annual Report Survey
Each year South Shore Clean Cities collects data from stakeholders and produces a coalition report for the U.S. Department of Energy. This report reflects all of the great work Northern Indiana has accomplished with alternative fuels. It also provides opportunities for funding alternative fuel projects and helps promote our coalition and our great state.

Please take a moment to fill out the survey based on your fleet. By doing so, you'll not only help us track all of the great things happening in Northern Indiana, but it also shows how much YOU have done to decrease your carbon footprint. 

Awards will be given out at our 2017 Annual Meeting based on the data that is collected from this survey!

Click Here to fill out the survey OR you can Download the Annual Report spreadsheet and send the information back to Catherine at Reports are due no later than this Friday, March 11th.
Clean Cities Green Drive$ Conference & Expo

South Shore Clean Cities is teaming up with Chicago Area Clean Cities and Wisconsin Clean Cities for the 5th annual Green Drive$ Conference & Expo on Thursday, May 19 from 8:30 am-4:00 pm CST.

As one of the largest green-transportation conferences held in the Midwest, this one-day event is a must-attend event for public and private fleets, as well as federal, state and local government officials, auto manufacturers, car dealerships, fuel suppliers, conversion companies, small businesses, and environment, clean-tech and clean-energy professionals. 

ohn Davis with MotorWeek will serve as the Master of Ceremonies along with speakers from Fleet Owner magazine, automakers, shipping and logistics companies, and suppliers and vendors will address topics covering advanced-vehicle technologies and alternative fuels. More than two dozen green vehicles will be showcased. Early-bird tickets for $55 each, and sponsorship's and vendor booths are now available! 

Register Today!

Click Here to check out Sponsorship Opportunities.

Midwest DRIVES Initiative
The Midwest DRIVES Initiative is a US Department of Energy funded program to offer fleets free demonstrations of advanced and alternative fuel and technology vehicles. The demos come with data logging equipment. Data driven case studies will help fleet administrators decide whether vehicles will work for their operations.

Contact the SSCC Office at 219-644-3690 to learn how you can take advantage of the free demo opportunities through the Midwest DRIVES. 
EPA Clean Diesel Emissions Reduction Funding
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced this week a $26 million funding opportunity for the Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program. The program is soliciting proposals nationwide for projects that achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions in terms of tons of pollution produced by diesel engines and diesel emissions exposure, particularly from fleets operating in areas designated by the Administrator as poor air quality areas.

Deadline for Applications: 4:00 P.M. ET Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Notification of Selected Applicants: June 2016
Funding of Awards: October 2016

Click Here for more information on the proposal
SSCC Met Clean Transportation Leaders in Washington, DC
Pictured Above: James Turnwald of MACOG, Ty Warner of NIRPC, Geof Benson of Dunes Learning Center, Dave Shafer of Town of Munster, and Carl Lisek of SSCC.
The nation's Clean Cities coalitions and transportation energy industry leaders met in Washington, D.C. February 7-10, 2016 for the Energy Independence Summit

Organized by Transportation Energy Partners, this premier clean transportation policy conference provides a unique opportunity for Clean Cities Coalitions and leaders in the clean transportation industry to network and build partnerships with each other, and with key Congressional and Administration policymakers in Washington, D.C.

Alternative Fuel News


The South Shore Clean Cities Team
9800 Connecticut Drive
Crown Point, IN 46307

Quick Links
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March-April Events
WEBINAR: Higher Ed PEV Charging
March 10, 2016
2:30 pm CST
WEBINAR: Preparing Your Maintenance Facility for Lighter than Air Fuels
March 10, 2016
12:00 pm CST
WEBINAR: High Octane Fuels
March 17, 2016
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CST
Mid-America Trucking Show
March 31-April 2, 2016
Kentucky Expo Center, Louisville, KY
Fleet Management Expo Swanapalooza
April 4-7, 2016
Charleston, SC
Sustainability Summit & Exhibition
April 13-15, 2016
Milwaukee, WI 53233
Northwest Indiana Earth Day Celebration
April 16, 2016
9:00am - 4:00pm CST
Valparaiso, IN
WCC Clean Air Golf Outing
June 16, 2016
10:00 am - 6:30 pm CST
Spread the Word
Clean Cities!

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on social media. 
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on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites.

Interested in Becoming a Committee Member?
South Shore Clean Cities Board of Directors created three Committees that develop and enhance the programs and overall look of our coalition. SSCC is looking for reliable, committed, and skilled individuals who would be interested in sitting on one of the following committees. 

1.) Marketing & Membership Development Committee

2.) Technology & Education Committee

3.) Regulatory Affairs/Legislative Committee

Please contact Catherine Yoder at, if you are interested!
New Members
  • Constellation Energy
Renewing Members
  • Breitinger & Sons, LLC
  • City of Gary
  • City of Michigan City
  • City of Whiting
  • CountryMark Cooperative
  • Cummins NPower
  • Envirotest Systems
  • IGS CNG Services
  • IN Dunes Environmental Learning Center
  • RelaDyne
  • Tube City IMS
Clean Cities
Question of the Month

Become a Member of the NWI Green Fleet Program Today!
Winter 2016 Edition
Fuels Fix Magazine

SSCC is a Proud Supporter of the SmartWay Program