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Discover Freedom Newsletter

This year, discover the freedom of an organized life!
March 2015


Sue Becker, CPO-CD, ADHD Specialist

Ben Franklin is credited with noting that "nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Seems he overlooked paperwork. No matter how we may try to go paperless, the piles remind us that we're not quite there yet. I've written previously about how to organize papers, but this month I address how to stay motivated as you sort through the piles.


If you need help with any aspect of organizing your paperwork, please get in touch, I'd be glad to help. I started From Piles to Smiles 15 years ago, and I love being a part of your life. Thanks for your trust in me - it's truly an honor to serve you.


Wishing you simplicity, harmony and freedom,

Sue Becker  

 Sue Becker, CPO-CD�, ADD Specialist



In This Issue

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Quote of the Month 


"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
   ~Thomas Edison



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    Get Unstuck and Be Productive


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15% off during the month of March 


APPLES Resource Guide 


  Overwhelmed by a disorganized home or office? Not enough time in your day to get everything done? 


This valuable guide is filled with my custom-designed forms and checklists that will make it easy to get and stay organized. Your purchase also includes a free phone call with me!  



Article  Stay Motivated While Organizing Papers

Don't bounce around. No matter how many piles you may have, just focus on one small area at a time. Choose a single pile and go through it before you move on to the next pile. By staying focused on one area at a time, you'll begin to see the pile shrinking before your very eyes.


Hide other areas. Drape a plain sheet over the piles you're not currently working on. This will minimize the visual impact that might otherwise make you feel overwhelmed, and help you focus solely on the area to be worked on.


Work in small chunks of time. Choose a short period of time (15 to 30 minutes) to chip away at your stacks and help make this dreaded task more tolerable. You might try the Pomodoro Technique to help you hang in there. Of course, if you find you want to keep going once you're in the groove, by all means do so. Inch by inch really is a cinch.


Make it fun. Yes, you read that correctly - fun! Play energizing music; play Beat the Clock (see how many inches you can dwindle the pile in 15 minutes); measure your progress by weighing your discard bag after each session and try to beat the prior sessions' weight (thanks to one of my clients for this tip). Be creative and enjoy the process.

Postpone tough decisions. If you find yourself getting bogged down trying to decide how to file particular papers, just set them aside to deal with later - don't let a few difficult items slow your progress. You may find that when you come back to those papers later, you'll have greater clarity about what to do with them.


Set your sights on the big picture. There's likely a reason you're going through papers - so you can file your taxes, to clear and repurpose the space, so you can easily find things, so you can move, etc. Focus on your bigger goal and remind yourself of how making a decision about each piece of paper is moving you closer to that goal.


Here's to showing that paper who's boss!


NeedASpeakerNeed a Speaker?


Do you need a speaker on time management and productivity for your company or organization?


Would your group like to hear a talk about how to keep up with their emails or dig out from their piles of paperwork?


See me in action:                                                       Hear what others are saying:

From Piles to Smiles Productivity
      From Piles to
      Smiles Productivity        Presentation


From Piles To Smiles- Testimonials
From Piles To Smiles- Testimonials



Contact me today!


I look forward to discussing how I can help your team be its best in 2015 - just give me a call at





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Discover Freedom Internationally known professional organizer, author and speaker Sue Becker is the founder and owner of From Piles to Smiles�. Sue's company helps business and residential clients live more stress-free and harmonious lives by removing obstacles such as overwhelming clutter, piles of paperwork, and jam-packed schedules. To learn more about how to discover the freedom of an organized home and office and sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit or call 630-724-1111.
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P.O. Box 903, Downers Grove, IL  60515-0903, 630-724-1111


Copyright 2015


 Sue Becker, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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