ONDAMED - a better way to make you better


Summer Guide for Ultimate Health

Summer in the Air

 Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

Silvia Binder, ND, PhD

One of July's awareness month's topics is "Recreation and Parks Month." Leaning on Recreation, we are focusing this issue on "Alcohol Addiction." 

The underlying cause of alcoholism almost always is linked to unresolved emotional issues. Alcohol robs our bodies of essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, A and B, zinc, and magnesium. According to the World Health Organization, alcoholism is defined as "alcohol consumption by an individual that exceeds the limits accepted by the culture or injures health or social relationships." 

Recent data from the National Institutes of Health reports that 15% of the people living in the United States are considered "problem drinkers." Of this 15%, 5%-10% of the males and 3%-5% of the females could be labeled as alcoholics.1

The total number of Americans affected, either directly or indirectly, is much greater, when one considers disruption of family life, automobile accidents, crime, decreased productivity, and mental and physical disease.2

Treatment is difficult for this addiction since the therapist needs to hone in on nutritional changes, helping the patient realize the importance to a more alkaline diet. More importantly however, is the underlying root cause, which I believe to be driven by emotional problems. 


In this issue, I offer you different perspectives to this topic by featuring:
  • Two articles about the health of drinking good and unpasteurized beer responsibly. This is an old wisdom which has been practiced for thousands of years. While there is a lot of talk in the media about the benefits of drinking moderate amounts of red wine, it seems that good quality beer needs to be mentioned as well, particularly as we are right in the middle of the summer season. The hot weather leads many to a cold beer versus a glass of red wine.
  • Alcohol Use Disorder Inventory Test 2) for you to use in your practice, yourself and your family. 
  • Case Story of an Alcoholic treated successfully with ONDAMED including the information of programs used. This case was provided by psychologist Kanwar Singh from India. 
  • Featured Practitioner of the Month is John Cline, M.D., from Canada whose passion is Detoxification. On August 14 at 12pm EST I will have Dr. Cline with me on a teleconference call to discuss his perspective on detoxifying his patients with different modalities including the ONDAMED. 

These e-magazines are a great tool for you to print and provide to your patients as reading material in the waiting room while offering you and your staff new insights into the use of ONDAMED. The featured practitioners are colleagues who have successfully embraced the use of our technology and are leading the way completing their functional/integrative medical approach for their patients.
Enjoy your summer,



2. Michael Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, ND.)Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine Revised 2nd Edition


A Couple Brews a Day 
Keeps the Doctor Away? 



6 Reasons Beer Is Good for You 

Source: The Active Times | April 1, 2013 


Beer lovers, rejoice! Not only does beer taste great, it can also be good for you. Here are six reasons why: 


1. Decreased Risk of Heart Disease 

There are more than 20 well-done, large international studies that all demonstrate the heart benefits of moderate alcohol consumption. One study, conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) noted a 20-40 percent decrease in coronary artery disease in moderate alcohol drinkers.1 

Now, that doesn't mean drinking more is better. Drinking beer responsibly is drinking healthy. Moderate consumption of beer (alcohol) results in an increase in HDL (good Cholesterol) and a decrease in LDL (bad cholesterol), along with an improvement in both HDL and LDL particle size.3 

 2. Hops of Vitamins 

A Dutch study showed a 30 percent increase in Vitamin B6 in beer drinkers, which makes sense because hops are loaded with this nutrient. This is good news for your cardiovascular system, as vitamin B6 helps to battle heart disease. 

3. Decrease in Kidney Stones 

The Journal of Epidemiology revealed a 40 percent decrease in kidney stones among beer drinkers. This is most likely secondary to the hydration from the beer since we don't note a similar finding with other alcohol consumption. 

4. Benefits for Women 

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says beer helps prevent a decrease in bone density. It is also high in flavonoids (from the hops) which act as a natural hormone replacement. 

The National Osteoporosis Risk Assessment followed over 200,000 females and found that drinking alcohol decreased the incidence of osteoporosis.7 All of this leads to a decrease in hip fractures in elderly females, which is important because hip fractures after the age of 65 are associated with a significant increase in mortality. 

5. Beer Makes Your Head Clear 

That's right: drinking the right amount of beer is good for your mental health. 

The New England Journal of Medicine reported a preservation of mental acuity, especially in elderly women, who drink alcohol moderately. 

There are numerous studies that show that moderate alcohol consumption not only decreases the incidence of Alzheimer's but also improves memory, concentration and reasoning.6 

6. Stroke Reduction 

Multiple studies consistently show up to a 50 percent reduction in the risk of strokes in moderate alcohol drinkers. Most notable was a study in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)4 

The American Stroke Association has stated that two alcoholic drinks per day can decrease your incidence of stroke Remember, the health benefits of drinking beer and alcohol in general are based on moderate consumption, which means two beers per day for an average size man and one beer a day for average size women. Many of the benefits described above are lost when alcohol is consumed excessively, and drinking alcohol excessively can have a serious negative effect on your health. 

This story originally appeared on Inspiyr. 



  1. Hennekens,C H Alcohol and Risk of Coronary Events : National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. US Dept. of Health and Human Services 
  2. Sesso H.D. & year changes in alcohol consumption and subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease in men. Archives of Internal Medicine, 2001 160 2505-2612 
  3. Mukamal, K.J. Alcohol consumption and lipoprotein subclasses in older adults. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2007 April, PMID: 17440017 
  4. Sacco, R.L. The Protective Effect of Moderate Alcohol Consumption on Ischemic Stroke, Journal of the American Medical Association. 1999, 281, 53-60 
  5. Stroke.org/site/preiguide 
  6. Espeland,M. Association between alcohol intake and domain-specific cognitive function in older women. Neuroepidemiology, 2006, 1(27), 1-12 
  7. Siris, E.S.. Identification and fracture outcomes of undiagnosed low bone density in post menopausal women; Results from the National Osteoporosis Risk Assessment. Journal of the American Medical Association, 2001, 286(22), 2815-2822 

Beer, With Benefits 

The best brews pack more than a heady buzz-they improve your health, too. 

Men's Health, By Matt Bean, Posted Date: October 25, 2010 

Beer makes you feel good. You knew that. But you don't realize just how good. Recent research has revealed bioactive compounds in beer that battle cancer, boost your metabolism, and more. And these benefits come on top of the oft-touted upsides of moderate alcohol intake: clot prevention, cleaner arteries, and reduced stress. We set out with a stack of studies, a panel of parched testers, and a 

full fridge to find the best-tasting, healthiest brews available. Enjoy. 



Avery Maharaja Imperial India Pale Ale

Hops help cut the sweetness in a beer, delivering a crisp citrus-and-pine kick to the back of your tongue. But the cone-shaped hops flower is more than just a flavor savior. Researchers have shown that it's also a significant source of cholesterol-lowering, cancer-fighting and virus-killing compounds called polyphenols. What's more, "Just one 12-ounce beer a day decreased fibrinogen, a clotting factor, and increased albumin, which is very important for protein metabolism," says Shela Gorinstein, Ph.D., a researcher at Jerusalem's Hebrew University and the author of a 2007 study on the bioactivity of beer. In our taste test, the winner was a smooth, fruity India Pale Ale (IPA) brewed with 8 pounds of hops per barrel. It boasts 80 times the hops of a mass-market lager. 

Runner-Up: Southern Tier Unearthly IPA 

Also Try: North Coast Brewing, Red Seal Ale, Harpoon IPA, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Stone IPA, Two Hearted Ale 



Beamish Irish Stout 

The typical low-cal beer is run through a deflavorizing machine on its way to the bottle. "Most of the calories come from the alcohol content and whatever residual sugars may be left after fermentation," says Garrett Oliver, brewmaster at the Brooklyn Brewery. We sought a brew that would go easy on the waistline without disappointing the palate. Darker beers have a major advantage here: They're relatively low in alcohol and have thick, creamy, smoky finishes. When the cans were emptied, Beamish stood tall. It contains about 130 calories per 12-ounce can, but with a full flavor and sturdy dark-chocolate notes. 

Runner-Up: New Belgium Skinny Dip 

Also Try: Sam Adams Light, Guinness Draught, Sprecher Micro-Light Ale, Mahr's Br�u Leicht, Shiner Light 



Wolaver's India Pale Ale 

The German Beer Purity Law of 1516 restricted "true" beer to three ingredients: water, barley, and hops. Today's megabrewery beers are anything but pure. A 2003 FDA study found that 27 percent of barley and 32 percent of nonorganic wheat products carried pesticide residues. What's worse, a loophole in the USDA organic-certification standard allows pesticide-grown hops. Our winner, an IPA with a pleasant aftertaste, is made with wheat from organic farms near the brewer's Vermont facility. "We track every detail of every organic ingredient," says Max Oswald, a Wolaver's spokesman. 

Runner-Up: Butte Creek Brewing Pilsner 

Also Try: Peak Organic Amber, Dupont Foret, Old Plowshare Stout, Orlio India Pale Ale, Samuel Smith's Organic Ale 



He'Brew Origin Pomegranate Ale 

Novelty beers can be cloying-you can't drink more than one-and few of the added ingredients pack health benefits. In our taste test, our top pick featured the antioxidant-laden superfruit, pomegranate, shown to combat cancer and lower your risk of Alzheimer's and heart disease. In a 2006 UCLA study, for example, men who drank a glass of pomegranate juice every day reduced prostate-cancer cell growth by 12 percent. Brewers dump more than 150 gallons of pomegranate juice into every batch (equivalent to 10,000 pomegranates, or half of a fruit per bottle), giving the final product a raspberry-like flavor that allows the malt and hops to come through. 

Runner-Up: Dogfish Head Black & Blue 

Also Try: Barons Black Wattle Ale, Rogue Juniper Pale Ale, Lindemans Framboise, Kelpie Seaweed Ale 



Brooklyn Brewery Local 1 

With bottle-conditioned beers, brewer's yeast is added right before the bottle is closed, reigniting the fermentation process. The result: deeper flavors, extra effervescence, and, it turns out, many health benefits-the yeast is a rich source of B-complex vitamins, protein, and minerals such as chromium. "German doc-tors used to prescribe bottle-conditioned wheat beer to patients with vitamin deficiencies," says Oliver. As a probiotic organism, yeast helps your body break down nutrients, regulates your digestive system, maintains your nervous system, and even helps modulate blood-sugar levels. Oliver's Local 1 won with a balanced blend of spices and subtle malt flavors. Bonus: Its brewmaster uses twice the yeast. 

Runner-Up: Southampton Grand Cru 

Also Try: Ommegang Hennepin, Tripel Karmaliet, Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse Hell, Allagash White, La Fin du Monde 



Trappistes Rochefort 8 

The smooth, deep finish of a dark malt develops during the same high-temperature roasting process that fuels the formation of antioxidants. "Dark beers are loaded with them," says Joe Vinson, Ph.D., a researcher at the University of Scranton. Vinson showed in a 2003 study that stouts, porters, and browns contain more than twice the antioxidants of lagers, on average. What's more, "The antioxidants in beer are better at reacting with toxic free radicals than the ones in antioxidant vitamin pills." The Rochefort's creamy cocoa and caramel notes won us over. 

Runner-Up: Goose Island Bourbon County Stout 

Also Try: Alaskan Smoked Porter, Samuel Smith's Nut Brown, Anchor Porter, Shakespeare Stout, Ayinger Celebrator 


Case submitted by Kanwar Singh, Ph.D., (India) 


ONDAMED is promising and we have achieved fair amount of success in managing Chronic Alcoholic Syndrome, where a patient who has very high level of dependency on Alcohol and Chewing Tobacco (Very common in India). He used to consume 01 bottle of 01 Liter of alcohol/ Whisky (McDowell's , an Indian Brand) since early morning and about 30 Nos. of Sachets of Chewing Tobacco. 

The Complete ONDAMED Solution

When he came to us he was in bad condition. His Hemoglobin Hb level was 6.8 and he was advised for Blood Infusion. His liver was severely infected. Gums almost gone because of Chewing Tobacco. He could barely open his mouth and the power of Jaw to bite was hardly there. He lost over 30 kg. In the last two years. Other related problems; Neuropathy in limbs, Poor digestion, Difficulty in Breathing, Stomach ache, Blood in vomiting, etc. 

He was referred to us by one of my Surgeon friend. We took the responsibility and it was a great challenge for us as well. After initial screening and taking Case-History we put the client on Brainfeedback Therapy (Neurofeedback) as these types of patients have very low motivation / Confidence. After initial couple of sessions, when he started responding we switched him to ONDAMED. 

Initially we worked with the Main Focus (MF) application followed by subsequent protocols in Module II. We created a mix and match of Module II. Since we are aware that those CAS (Chronic Alcohol Syndrome) patients have low motivation and have high tendency of anxiety. So, program Revitalization (12-18) was the beginning protocol followed by Psycho autonomic (23-34). Revitalization at the beginning protocol should be given once, but Prog.23-34 is more relevant in case of addiction/ dependency, as anxiety is greatly managed by the same followed by trembling of limbs, and palpitation. Then program 50 (Anti-Stress) must be administered. 



Client was relaxed, had sound sleep at night even sometime during the treatment (that's positive sign). 

Subject showed tremendous recovery after four sessions with insignificant signs of dependency on alcohol or tobacco. We even took him to a liquor store and he did not show any urge or craving. 

The MF method is a great gun. It is basically a combination of many Module II protocols. In those 12 minutes with the help of applicators, many reaction areas can be ascertained and focused upon. I insist on MF as initial treatment modality. 


NOTE: (The MF Method is taught by Silvia Binder, N.D., Ph.D. during the Intensive Practitioner Course.) 


ONDAMED Alcohol Specific Protocol 


DAY -1 

MF (Main Focus) through VAS. 

Revitalization (progr. 12-18) most appropriate prog. 16. 

Interference (prog. 47) 

Psycho autonomic (progr. 23-34) most appropriate prog. 28. 

Polyneuropathy (prog. 123) 

Addiction (prog. 94) 

Detox (prog. 72) - don't charge water 

Brain Right Side (prog. 133) 

Oxygen Exchange (117). 

This protocol may exceed over 60 minutes. Two bottles of 01 liter each is charged and given to the Client. 



MF through VAS. 

Psycho autonomic (progr. 23-34) most appropriate prog. 28. 

Polyneuropathy (prog. 123) 

Addiction (prog. 94) - If Physical urge still persist 

Oxygen Exchange (progr. 117). 

Delta dorm (prog. 51) - In case of Insomnia resulting into Hallucination, to make the Client Sleep 

Brain Right Side (prog.133) Very important program to counter Mood Swings / Disorders. 



MF through VAS. 

Psycho autonomic (progr. 23-34) most appropriate prog.28. 

Jaw Joint (prog. 76) as this Client could hardly open his Mount because of fibrous condition due to Chewing Tobacco. 

Constipation (prog. 147) 

Oxygen exchange (prog. 117). 

By now the addiction issue was almost addressed based on the symptoms shown by the patient. We focused ourselves on physiological aspects like: Difficulty in breathing, Constipation, Pain in limbs, Lack of appetite. Etc. 



MF through VAS. 

Psycho autonomic (progr. 23-34) most appropriate Prog.28. 

Polyneuropathy (prog. 123) 

Water Supply Regulation (prog. 171) 

Pancreas/Enzymes (prog. 143) 


References: Dr. Michael Murray, N.D., and Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine (Revised 2nd Edition.) New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998. Print. 


Spotlight Practitioner of the Month




John is a medical doctor who utilizes an integrative approach in his practice. He obtained a BSc in Biochemistry, followed by his MD and residency training in family medicine at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Dr. Cline has a particular interest in using various detoxification strategies and has taken extra training through the American Board of Chelation Therapy and the American Academy of Neural Therapy. He is Medical Director of the Cline Medical Centre in Nanaimo, located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. He has lectured extensively for the Institute for Functional Medicine and is a member of their teaching faculty. His book Detoxify for Life is a popular book summarizing various strategies for detoxification as part of a health recovery program. 



I am the Medical Director at Cline Medical Centre, practicing Functional/Integrative medicine in Nanaimo located on beautiful Vancouver Island, BC Canada. I first heard about ONDAMED from Dr. Rashid Buttar DO at the Advanced Medical Therapeutics course in 2005. 

At the time I was seeking a reliable way to assess and treat interferences in the electromagnetic grid we call the autonomic nervous system. I was impressed with ONDAMED and sought to learn more about it. In November 2005 I was privileged to attend the Bravewell Leadership Award event in New York. Rolf and Silvia Binder graciously came to my hotel room and demonstrated the ONDAMED. It was amazing to see how easily the ONDAMED discovered and prioritized the interference fields and then introduced the correct frequencies, gently moving the body along the healing pathway. Of course I purchased the ONDAMED. 

My nursing staff and I hosted Ondamed Inc.'s trainer Mike, who travelled all the way to our clinic from New York. Trish, our ONDAMED technician, operates the unit 4 days per week, along with EIS (Elector Intersitial Scan) and cold laser. Before I see each new patient they receive an ONDAMED and EIS evaluation. I then perform a 1.5 hour history and physical exam using the tools for critical thinking developed by the Institute for Functional Medicine: The Matrix and Timeline. After seeing the patient I then review the ONDAMED, EIS reports and compare that with my clinical impressions. More often than not, these line up - just like vectors on a target. A treatment plan is formulated and implemented which includes ONDAMED. Often, ONDAMED is used in conjunction with other therapies such as nutrition, detoxification strategies, neural therapy, cold laser, oxidative therapies and so on. 

Like most health practitioners, I find ONDAMED to be useful in treating a wide variety of disorders including chronic pain, chronic fatigue, smoking cessation, cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic non-healing skin ulcers and so on. I find that ONDAMED frequently picks up on things I have forgotten to ask the patient. For instance just this week an 84 year old woman came to see me 2 months post breast lumpectomy and was having trouble with anxiety, decreased energy and sleep. Over the years that I have known her, she has had many ONDAMED sessions. I had previously treated all of her scars using neural therapy. Just before I saw her this week, she had an ONDAMED session. As she was talking to me I looked over the ONDAMED report and noted that the 2 most important areas requiring treatment that day were interferences in the autonomic nervous system and scars. I then realized that she was 8 weeks post-surgery. I immediately treated the scars on the breast and axilla with neural therapy and she felt much improved. I will continue treating her with neural therapy and ONDAMED. 

Over the years I have observed many cases of near miraculous recoveries using the ONDAMED. This includes cases of hard-core smokers successfully quitting after only 1 - 4 ONDAMED sessions. 

Thank you Rolf and Silvia Binder for providing us with this amazing technology. 

John Cline, MD 


Upcoming Events 


Wednesday, August 14 2013, 12pm EST 

ONDAMED Teleconference Call 

"Detoxify For Life" 

To register for this teleconference call please contact: [email protected]


September 13-15 St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Accidental Cure Conference

Click here for more information


September 19-21 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

21st Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine 

Click here for more information


October 10-12 Schwanau, Germany

Intensive Course in English

Click here for more information


October 24-26 Schwanau, Germany 

Intensive Course in German

Click here for more information


December 10-11 Las Vegas, NV USA

Intensive Course 

Click here for more information 


December 12-15 Las Vegas, NV USA 

21st Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine  

Click here for more information 


Inspirational Thoughts for July


Keep your antennas raised and your mind open to possibilities that are not within our reach of thought at the moment. 

When offering a health solution like ONDAMED, we encourage your openness and flow at this very mo
ment in time. Working on the atomic level has been discussed in the far past by well-known spiritual leaders. Transforming life energy is an art of the highest and most profound sciences. 
Our methodology brings about an opportunity for each user to allow part of subconscious to connect with conscious levels, thereby facilitating a re-connection to the super consciousness. 


Transformation takes place. Miracles happen. 



Thank You for Being a Part of Our Team! 


ONDAMED - a better way to make you better  



Read Silvia's Blog: 



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