JFS Healthy Aging wishes you a
Happy and Healthy New Year! 

Enjoy a healthy lunch* and learn about


 "The Affordable Care Act and Beyond:

What it means to you!"


Wednesday, January 23rd

12:00 to 1:30

Temple Israel of Natick

145 Hartford Street in Natick


Aaron Agulnek, Director, Government Affairs

Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC-Boston)


Brian Rosman, Research Director,

Healthcare for All 

The Affordable Care Act (also known as "Obamacare") made substantial changes to Medicare coverage for seniors, including more benefits for prescription drugs, preventive care and check-ups. Here in Massachusetts, the state is making further progress in health care, changing the way doctors and hospitals are paid in order to promote better health and wellness. We will examine the changes in health care for seniors in Massachusetts, and how it may affect the care we all depend on.      

*$3 Kosher lunch         

Pre-registration required:

Call JFS at 508-875-3100 X330 or Register here.  

JFS Patient Navigators: 
Your trusted Guide at Medical Appointments

Patient Navigators are available to accompany you to your next doctor's visit.  If you don't want to go alone, or your family lives far away, JFS is here to help you navigate our complex healthcare system.  Call us at 508-875-3100 or e-mail
JFS Patient Navigator Program. Contact us at least one week's notice to find the best volunteer match for you.
Come Walk with us every Friday morning at the Natick Mall!
January 4, 11, 18, 25 - Walking Club
Join Elissa at 8:30 AM at the Customer Service Desk (by Nordstrom's)  at the Natick Mall and Walk your Way to Wellness with JFS Healthy Aging-no charge-Free Parking

And More..... 

January 15 - Qi Gong/Chinese Yoga 10:00 to 11:00 at Temple Beth Am in Framingham. Led by Nancy Fried-Tanzer - no charge
January 17 - Caregiver's Support Group-meets the third Thursday of every month 7:30- 9:00 PM. Shillman House. Facilitated by Abrielle Salloway, LCSW-no charge
January 23 - Lunch and Learn:"The Affordable Care Act" - 12:00 to 1:30 Temple Israel of Natick $3
January 29 - Qi Gong/Chinese Yoga 10:00 to 11:00 at Temple Beth Am in Framingham. Led by Nancy Fried-Tanzer - no charge
January 30-My Life, My Health-Living with Chronic Pain  2 1/2 hours X 6 weeks = Positive Change
at Temple Beth Am in Framingham, Led by Malka Young and Michelle Lipkin-Register Here 
What is Qi Gong/Chinese Yoga?


  • Gentle, relaxing and energizing stretching
  • No mat required: Qi gong is done seated or standing
  • Great for arthritis, neuropathy, joint pain, circulation, and digestion
  • Meditative--great for concentration
  • Fun!


Tuesdays, January 15th and 29th at 10:00 at Temple Beth Am at 300 Pleasant Street in Framingham - FREE!


Scheduled Events
And More...
Contact Information
JFS Healthy Aging
JFS of Metrowest
508-875-3100 x330
JFS Healthy Aging Team

Join Our Mailing List!
*JFS-Healthy Aging

is a partnership between JFS, CJP and local synagogues to enhance the lives of older adults in the community through health and wellness programs.  Call JFS for
  help or for more information.  508-875-3100 X330

Nancy Fried-Tanzer