January 7, 2016
26th of Tevet, 5776

The Wexner Foundation
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Wexner Leads

Teaming Up to Be More Effective Philanthropists
WHP alumni Sonia Simon Cummings (LA/Endeavor), Linda Mirels (New York 4) and Yoav Shoham (Palo Alto 03) share what they've learned as members of the Jewish Funders Network.

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What If Peyton Manning Ran Your Next Meeting?
WGF alum Rae Ringel (Class 9) looks to All-Star quarterback Peyton Manning to illustrate best practices for facilitating a great meeting.
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Happenings: November/December 2015
Check out our list of significant "happenings" for various members of our Wexner family in November/December 2015.
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The views expressed in WexnerLEADS do not necessarily reflect those of The Wexner Foundation.