Home Care and inSync                               March 2014
This newsletter is sent to the application's support contacts and subscribers.
Online Seminars
Home Care

Home Care Manager: ICD-10

April 23 & June 4

inSync: ICD-10: April 30 & June 11

Hospice Item Set: May 7 & June 18

inSync: Scheduling Demo: May 14

Mark your calendars for this year's Nurse and Home Care Forum which will be held June 11-13 at the Boston Marriott Quincy. Motivational humorist Bobbie Staten, RN has been announced as the keynote speaker. Register Today!

Realize Your EHR's Full Potential
Common Findings: Are you interested in how other MEDITECH customers are using their EHR solution? If so, the Common Findings Spreadsheet (Client/Server and MAGIC) is your one-stop shop. Here you'll have access to common findings from previous Optimization Assessment (OA) visits, allowing you to benefit from one another's successful workflow processes. Look for the Home Care or inSync tab within the Client/Server or MAGIC spreadsheets for more details.
Hospice Regulations & Hospice Item Set
With all of the upcoming regulation changes with Hospice, MEDITECH Home Care and inSync have been readily updating our software to comply. In addition, we have created educational resources to keep our clients informed and assist with training. Check out our Hospice Resource Center for additional information!

Home Care, 2.5 Update: Home Care version 2.5 is LIVE and being actively distributed along with Priority Pack 1. In addition to all of the exciting new functionality contained in this update, Priority Pack 1 includes the changes required for Change Request 8358: Reporting of Prescription Drugs on Hospice Claims and the changes required for agencies to participate in the ICD-10 National Testing week. We are happy to announce that we were able able to deliver these changes to all sites who expressed a desire to participate in the National Testing Week and claims were accepted.


Priority Pack 2 will be available very soon, which contains the changes required for CR 8441: HHA Reporting Requirements for the Certifying and POC Physician on Claim, as well as the practice tasks to help agencies prepare for ICD-10. The release dates for the changes for Hospice Item Set, OASIS-C1 and all of the other regulatory items coming up later this year will be announced soon.


If you haven't already been contacted, your primary service specialist will be in touch soon to arrange delivery of a 2.5.x TEST ring. This ring will be quickly updated to the 2.5.02 priority pack which will contain, among other things, the regulatory changes mentioned above. The remaining regulatory items needed this Summer and Fall will be delivered to this new TEST ring as soon as they are available. Service will then work with you to follow your internal processes to take these changes LIVE in plenty of time for you to be prepared for the many regulatory requirements on the horizon.  


We know that this is going to be a challenging regulatory year and MEDITECH is here to help you in every way possible. Watch our website and your inbox for updates as we face the challenges together.


inSync, Spring Regulatory Release: We are anticipating our next General and Regulatory Release this Spring. The release will include changes for the Hospice Item Set and the HHA Reporting Requirements for Certifying Physicians regulations. It will also include an enhancement to Home Care Manager to convert all PCL documents to PDF. Business Manager enhancements will include the 1500-0212 in PDF, enhancements to SCH to allow for appointment notifications in a new worklist, and more flexibility with EOV and auto-file UNA advisories.


inSync, Business Manager 5.5 Update: The BzM 5.5 Update is now live and we are rolling it out to all clients. We will schedule the Test update with you and allow for sufficient time for you to test the changes prior to moving it to Live. This process will also involve installing new Business Manager clients on user workstations to utilize the new 5.5 functionality. Please visit our website for more information, including webinar presentations and new documentation on the 5.5 Update.

See the full list of upcoming release information in the Home Care Road Map or inSync Road Map.
Reminder: Server Maintenance

We would like to remind clients that it is important to perform regular server maintenance. Along with routine backups, it is important to keep your servers up to date on all available Microsoft security and critical updates. We also recommend scheduling reboots of all your servers at least once a month.

Online Tutorials

Home Care, 2.5 Resource Center: We want to make sure that you have taken advantage of some of the new & innovative e-learning tools on our website that will help you to learn about the new features, prep your system for going live, and assist with training your staff. Please check out the 2.5 Release Page for more details.


Home Care, Hospice Reporting Tutorial: CMS released Change Request 8358 that requires additional information including medications to be reported on Hospice Claims. The corresponding system changes are available for Home Care in version 2.5.01b. This tutorial goes over the regulation, setup, and process.


inSync, Hospice Medication Claim Changes: Change Request 8358 requires additional information including medications to be reported on Hospice Claims. The corresponding software changes were released in the December 2013 Regulatory. inSync was updated to interface medications between Home Care Manager and Business Manager, and allow you to manually batch on medication charges.

MEDITECH | 781-821-3000 | [email protected] | http://home.meditech.com
Westwood, MA 02090

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