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March 28, 2016    
Dear  :

Welcome to Day 88 and Group Week 14 of 2016!

Again this week we have the pleasure of welcoming the return of another previous client to The Group. We welcome Andy Burris and his team at Andy's Creekside Nursery, Vestavia Hills, Alabama, back to The Group. Andy first joined The Group in 2005 and we are excited he is back to further build his retail operations!

Steve Bailey has shared his initial overview of the 2015 P&L Study just concluded. While Steve will share more in GROUPtalk in the coming weeks, one thing is clear... 2015 was a very positive year for those participating. He is sharing several examples below to provide you with a glimpse of the this years Study results.  In addition, there is an update on the Weekly Department Review (WDR) highlighting several trends. We hope they continue! 

GROUP CLIENTS - Are you participating?

And, we have provided more ideas behind the theme for The Fall Event 2016 - "The Art & Science of Garden Retailing." How this also ties into our host City of Houston is illustrated in several areas of interest. Much more on the theme and what we will experience September 26-29... coming soon!

Make it a GREAT week!


Quote for the Week:  "Put the CUSTOMER in Control. The best kind of customer service happens when management enables employees to put the customer in control. This require two leaps of faith: first, that management trusts customers not take advantage of the situation; second, that management trust employees with this empowerment." From The Art of Customer Service, Guy Kawasaki 
2015 Results - Annual P&L Study
by Steve Bailey

Hot off the Press! 
Or should I say, straight off the hard drive? But the 2015 P&L Study is a wrap, and the results are back to all seventy-five garden centers that participated.

The only study of its kind with more detail than ever before, the P&L Study gives each reporting center a comparison of their numbers vs. their respective Sales Group, Retailer or Retailer/Grower Group, Regional Group, Total Group, and the Best Practices/High Achiever Group. Why so many you ask? The value of the comparisons depends upon the ratio or line item analyzed, which means the Sales Group comparison may be pertinent, while with others the Regional Group may come into play more effectively.

The 2015 P&L Study was the largest in terms of participation since the Study began with 40 centers back in 2004. With total reported Revenues of $135,000,000, the numbers compiled from a group that large means viable, reliable data with which to manage. Add to that the fact that Group centers are so much more aware of the financial aspect of their business than non-Group centers means the data is that much more valuable.

Although the exact same garden centers do not report to the P&L Study each year, there is a core group of centers that report each year. Just as in The Group as a whole, they realize that what they put into it will be rewarded with the information they receive.

Each year new centers join The Group and the P&L Study. Many of these centers are seeking assistance with the business side of their business, and the P&L Study is a great place to start. And even though many of the new centers to the Study are not as profitable as they would like to be, the Study centers were up in Profitability 0.3% over 2014. That may not seem like much, but these centers alone realized over $400,000 INCREASE as a group in Profit dollars vs. 2014.

The lower volume garden centers remained the largest groups of reporting centers. Retailers with a sales volume up to $1.5 million comprised 30% of the total centers, while Retailer/Growers in the same volume group were 20% of the total. By the way, as in past Studies, Retailers made up 2/3 of the centers reporting, Retailer/Growers 1/3.

Roughly those same participations percentages applied to the Best Practices/High Achiever group as well, with 60% being Retailers and 40% Retailer/Growers. With the Retailer/Growers climbing in that percentage, it may be time to set individual goals for each center based on the percentage of the Revenues produced at their center. Hmmm, a future benchmark perhaps?

As a Group, we still remain primarily 12-month centers, with 78% of the centers open in January and February, 91% in March, 100% April through October, 92% in November, and 89% in December.

Each year, I highlight the depth into which reporting centers were able to report to the Study. For most centers, this is a measure of their accountability within their accounting and POS systems. And each year it gets better and better. This year, 44% of you were able to report through the entire reporting form, with the rest not far behind. This is one number I see as a direct indicator of your ability to manage. In most cases, if you have the information you will use it to improve your center's financial position.

So there you have the basics of the P&L Study. If you reported, do not forget to contact me and arrange a free one-hour review of your results. Several already have. If you didn't report, why not? We want your center represented in the 2016 Study, but most of all, you need the results. 

Give me a call and let's make sure you are compiling the information you need before you get into the heat of the battle known as Spring. If you don't this year, it will be another year at the earliest before you do. A year is a terrible thing to waste.

Additional details of the 2015 P&L Study will be in upcoming GROUPtalks - be on the lookout for those articles. And mark your calendar for the The Fall Event, September 26-29 in Houston, where all Group centers are invited to sit in and discuss the 2015 P&L Study results and implications. You won't want to miss it!


Got questions or need more information about The P&L Study?
Give Steve a call or email!

Steve Bailey
Tel: 618.319.9205
Cell: 618.521.5225

Steve Bailey is a service provider for The Garden Center Group and manages all Group financial sharing programs. 

REMEMBER: Your interaction (by phone and email) with Group Service Providers such as Steve Bailey, Robert Hendrickson, Sid Raisch and Jean Seawright, are included in your retainer! So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of all that The Group has to offer and give them a call or send an email now!
Weekly Department Review - WDR
A Group Exclusive

Weekly Department Review - WDR 2016

The complimenting Group Financial Program to the Annual P&L Report is the WDR. As the name implies, it is a weekly report of sales and transactional data (by The Group's Chart of Accounts) and there are a number of centers who report every week (we actually give awards away for this... The 100% Club). If you report, you receive that week's report. It's that simple.

Are you participating? If not, give Steve Bailey a call to discuss what you will need to have to participate. 

If you are reporting you will have already seen the trend beginning to build on AVERAGE SALE (the yellow box in the bottom right hand corner of the cover page). Here's a view (below right) up close and you can see, so far, we are ahead of the 8-year average!

A new addition to the WDR this year is AVERAGE ITEMS PER TRANSACTION THIS WEEK. This metric compliments the others already in the report: 
Average Sale (Week and YTD) and Transaction Count (Week and YTD). These three metrics give you a view of how you are doing with your customers. 

With spring arriving early in most regions, both Average Sale and Transaction Counts are up considerably:

YTD Average Sale +9%
YTD Transaction Count +36.5%

But, will this trend continue as we get farther into spring and the year? Time will tell.

Are you reporting? If the answer is NO, then consider joining the 91 other centers who are participating in the WDR for 2016. This is a Group Exclusive and one that is included in your retainer! Give Steve Bailey or Danny Summers a call to discuss participating today!
Coming Soon - The Retailers' Choice Awards 2016
by Danny Summers
Be Part of the Search!
The Group will host its Retailers' Choice Awards™ again this year at upcoming industry events. Watch for your invitation as we finalize details at the following events:

Cultivate 2016 - July 10-11, 2016
Columbus, OH

FarWest 2016 - August 25-26, 2016
Portland, OR

The Art & Science of Garden Retailing
by Danny Summers

We have previously announced the theme for The Fall Event 2016... "The ART & SCIENCE of Garden Retailing". This has been an idea rolling around in my mind for some time as I watch, with wonder, what our team of service providers do everyday. The ART is certainly in what we see in the work of Robert Hendrickson, Sid Raisch, Tom Kegley and what you will see in John Kennedy's work soon. And SCIENCE is certainly at the heart of what we see in Steve Bailey and Jean Seawright's handiwork. So it is easy to see how this theme fits The Group, even extending to each of you, our retail clients/members.

Now, let's also take a look at how the theme fits our host city for The Fall Event 2016... Houston, Texas: 
Last week we included some details of the large community of Museums in the Houston area. This is a big part of the ART of Houston.


Houston is home of the LARGEST MEDICAL CENTER IN THE WORLD with one of the highest densities of clinical facilities for patient care, basic science, and translational research, called the Texas Medical Center (TMC). 

TMC comprises:  21 renowned hospitals, 14 support organizations, 10 academic institutions, eight academic and research institutions, seven nursing programs, three public health organizations, three medical schools, two pharmacy schools, and a dental school. Most of these hospitals are interconnected within blocks of each other. So how important is PLANTS to science of medicine? Are PLANTS making an impact in medical advancements at TMC? We will be sharing more details of what we find to help answer these questions.

Houston is also home of NASA Johnson Space Center, which is home to Mission Control and astronaut training. NASA's Johnson Space Center has served as a hub of human spaceflight activity for more than half a century. As the nucleus of the nation's astronaut corps and home to International Space Station mission operations and a host of future space developments, the center plays a pivotal role in surpassing the physical boundaries of Earth and enhancing technological and scientific knowledge to benefit all of humankind.

More on Houston - to be continued!
Quick Links
PARTNERS FOR SUCCESS - Preferred Vendors

Bailey Nurseries

Bailey Nurseries
Partners for Success - Helping you thrive not just survive!

The Espoma Company
A natural in the garden since 1929. 

Horticultural Craftsmen 
Since 1926

Distinctively Better Plants! 

Prides Corner Farms

Prides Corner Farms
Our goal is to be your best business partner, a partner that helps you grow, helps you sell and helps you to be more profitable. 

Proven Winners

Proven Winners
is proud to support the members of The Garden Center Group. We are here to help your business grow with great new plants and programs to increase your sales.

Star Roses & Plants
Star Roses & Plants
The Conard-Pyle Company
is proud to support the members of The Garden Center Group. 
Preferred Vendor Info 
The Fall Event 2016
September 26-29

We are excited to offer new
for the $eason2BuyInventory Control & Budgeting System, developed by Steve Bailey.

(Regular $99)

*$948 Billed Annually
(Regular $1188)

As a Group Retail Client, you are eligible to receive Group Pricing for $eason2Buy and save 20%. 

Take Control of Your Inventory Today for Only $79* / Month for 25 Categories, based on $948 annual subscription (regular $1188, saving $240 annually). 

Additional categories may be purchased in blocks of 5 for $20 / month. A $199 one-time setup fee per company ally for new customers.

This is the perfect time of year to get set up to begin using this easy-to-use, online inventory and budgeting system starting January 1.

Season2Buy� will help reduce your inventory, lower expenses, and improve cash flow and profits.

Don't get lost in the INVENTORY JUNGLE

To preview the features of Season2BuyCLICK HERE.

Want more details or have questions? 

Contact Steve Bailey
Tel: 618-319-9205
Cell: 618-521-5225

Helping garden centers develop the business side of their business!
Danny Summers - Managing Director
PO Box 801494, Acworth, GA 30101
Tel  678-909-7770  -  Fax 678-909-7771  -  Cell  678-761-7145