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WESH Spotlights Editors
Simin Dadparvar, MD
Associate Editor:
Leilani Doty, PhD
Managing Editor:
Kate Marlys
We welcome your articles, tips, suggestions about professional resources; information
about jobs and opportunities. Submit to or contact anytime:
Simin Dadparvar,MD
Get Your WESH Wear!
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Issue: Vol 6, No. 1
January/ February 2013
Spring is here, or at least spring break is, and it is time for the 
WESH Annual Executive Leadership Spring Summit, May 3-5, 2013, at the beautiful Hotel Derek in Houston, Texas. The WESH Program Committee has worked hard to assemble a stimulating, provocative program, slightly different from previous ones; we hope you will find it exciting and motivating. The goals are to raise the awareness of and encourage us to engage in new leadership opportunities in medicine and science particularly in the new health care and funding climate. I recommend that you read the March 6, 2013 issue of "Nature" which addresses the continued under-representation of women in science and the inequities in our profession. It will prepare you for the high-level speakers at the WESH Spring Summit, May 3-5, 2013.
Leading off WESH Spring Summit is the Mayor of Houston, The Honorable Annise Parker, an icon who leads the 4th largest city in the country. Mayor Parker speaks eloquently on the economic impact of women leaders.
One of the articles in the March 6 issue of Nature, "Women in Biotechnology: Barred from the Boardroom" speaks to the importance of our first session, Women Rising to the Biotech Challenge, with Janet B. Koster, MBA, Executive Director of the Association of Women in Science. Janet Koster sets the stage for a motivating discussion by a panel of amazing women leaders in the biotech world who have started biotech companies that are publicly traded.
The lead speaker in the second session is Vivian Ho, PhD, the James A. Baker III Institute Chair and Professor in Health Economics at Rice University and Professor in the Department of Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. As a health care economist, Dr. Ho will bring to us the challenges facing leaders in the new healthcare and scientific environment. She leads in to a panel which highlights the leadership opportunities of today and why women should be in the forefront.
Innovation seems to be the topic du jour and who better to speak on this than the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at The University of Texas System, Patricia D. Hurn, PhD. As the chief health research officer to the UT System and its six academic health center campuses, Dr. Hurn focuses on building collaborative models of bio-health research, creating innovative science education programs and constructing technological systems and infrastructure for the mission of discovery.
Ann Bonham, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at the AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) will follow with a dynamic discussion on building partnerships with industry that are sustainable.
Finally, national news and chatter continue regarding the reasons women are not in leadership positions (they don't "lean in" according to Sheryl Sandberg). The WESH President's address will present an action and challenge that may help resolve this problem and features a panel discussion of the new "hot jobs" in science and medicine, those mission critical assignments that guarantee visibility.
So y'all come on down!
So come to my home city, Houston, Texas, which suddenly has become the darling of The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. For my dear gourmet foodie colleagues, Houston offers international gastronomic delights you will not want to miss! The shopping cannot be beat! And the weather will be GREAT!
So y'all come on down! Y'hear!!
Elizabeth L. Travis, PhD
President, WESH
Associate Vice President of Women Faculty Programs
Mattie Allen Fair Professor in Cancer Research
Professor of Experimental Radiation Oncology
The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Spring Executive Leadership Summit
Women Leading to Succeed:
New Frontiers in Medicine and Science
May 3-5, 2013
Hotel Derek, Houston, TX
The WESH Annual Executive Leadership Spring Summit, May 3-5, 2013, at the beautiful Hotel Derek in Houston, Texas is alittle under two months away. The WESH Program Committee has worked hard to assemble a stimulating, provocative program, slightly different from previous ones; we hope you will find it exciting and motivating. This program is set to raise the awareness of and encourage us to engage in new leadership opportunities in medicine and science particularly in the new health care and funding climate.
Leading off WESH Spring Summit is the Mayor of Houston, The Honorable Annise Parker, an icon who leads the 4th largest city in the country. Mayor Parker speaks eloquently on the economic impact of women leaders. Click here to see the Speaker Line-Up.
You can now register for the WESH Spring Executive Leadership Summit! Hurry! Save money and register now! You will not want to miss this Conference! (Early Bird Registration Rate has been extended until Monday, March 18th!)
NEW THIS YEAR! Click here to register online! (Members: We created a Username & Password for you. It has been emailed to you.) Click here to view the Hard Copy Registration Form. Registration Questions? Call 215-320-3898
WESH has secured a fantastic room rate of $169 (plus tax) for attendees at the Hotel Derek. The special rate will be offered until April 10, 2013 or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. Please make your hotel reservations by calling 1-866-292-4100. Be sure you reference "WESH" or "Spring Executive Leadership Summit" as the group name to take advantage of the low group rate. Reservations may also be made online by clicking here.
Support the WESH Summit while promoting your Institution!
View the Sponsorship Form here!
MD Anderson's Women Faculty Programs Received the 2012 AAMC Women in Leadership Development Award
MD Anderson's Women Faculty Programs received The 2012 Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) Leadership Development Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The award was presented to Elizabeth L. Travis, Ph.D., FASTRO, Associate Vice President of Women Faculty Programs, at the AAMC Annual Meeting on November 6, 2012.
Since the first award in 1995, this prestigious award has recognized the contributions of more than 30 individuals and organizations for advancing women leaders in academic medicine. MD Anderson's Women Faculty Programs was elected as the 2012 Organizational Award recipient for its commitment to advocating for the professional advancement of women in medicine and science.
Stephanie Bryant Abbuhl, MD, U of Pennsylvania, 2012 Individual Award (on the left) Liz Travis, PhD, MD Anderson U of Texas, 2012 Organization Award (on the right)
Contact Abby Mitchell to read Dr. Travis' acceptance remarks:
Abby Mitchell, MBA
Project Director, Women Faculty Programs
Phone: 713-792-6142; Fax: 713-745-9890
Legends and Legacies at MD Anderson: www.legendsandlegaciesbook.com
Electronic Communication
WESH members consistently identify the opportunities for networking and relationships as what they value most from their membership. Unfortunately, traveling to face-to-face meetings takes time and money many of us do not have. Luck for us, we have other methods to network. Never before have we had such a choice of means to connect with each other!
WESH can pursue a number of electronic communication options. All have some advantages and disadvantages. Some of our potential new activities may fit well with one option or another; please keep an open mind and consider trying each of these as we test-drive them over the next year.
The oldest technology available to us is the telephone. Multiperson conference calls can be made cheaply, and we all know how to talk on the phone. Many people are comfortable with this platform. Of course, that real-time component often limits participation; since everyone must be on the call, it must take place at a scheduled time. With a national membership spread across multiple time zones, teleconferencing can be a challenge. Surgeons in California may only be available at 3 AM Eastern time! Lack of visual contact can also make the technology challenging, since some players may dominate the conversation while others have trouble getting their thoughts spoken. Finally, many systems do not allow the conversation to be captured for future use.
Video conferencing may be a lot like conference calling. It does require a computer with camera for full face-to-face conversation. It also suffers from the need for a scheduled time, as well as difficulty in archiving discussions. It does overcome the lack of visual cues on a conference call, and Skype makes it "free" as long as one participant has a paid premium account.
Closed Forum
Online forums can easily be created to allow asynchronous discussion. WESH members would log in with a password and type in responses to a question or discussion. Some forums will send an email when a topic you follow is updated by another person. This platform lets people participate anytime, an advantage for a group with lots of members with scheduling issues. The written record can be kept forever. Trying to remember something from a book discussion? Pull up the forum thread and there it is! A private forum also provides a private protected environment for discussions. Its disadvantages include the need for a computer or smart phone. Asynchronous discussion also feels less conversational than chatting via audio feeds.
This network provides another platform for anytime, asynchronous discussions online with long-term archiving. Its major difference from a closed forum is lack of privacy; however, for a virtual book club, a protected environment may not be as important as bringing in more voices. Others may see our conversations and want to join our group! Like a private forum, it requires a computer and lacks vocal conversation. Some of our members have not yet joined LinkedIn; using this network could be the stimulus those folks need to join the 21st century!
Pascale H. Lane, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Associate Dean for Faculty Development
University of Nebraska Medical Center
WESH Chair, Electronic Communications
Leadership Tip: Inverse Mentoring |
In climbing the leadership ladder, how many of us do inverse mentoring?
And what is inverse mentoring anyway?
Inverse mentoring occurs when the less experienced fledgling/mentee/junior person provides guidance to the mentor/senior person. In other words, the junior person helps to advance the personal and professional development and success of the more experienced, more highly positioned person in the organization. Critical to moving up the ladder of success is nurturing relationships with the higher-ups.
A direct-report should be receptive to guidance from a direct-boss. At the same that the junior person works hard to groom and manage that relationship, efforts should focus on those relationships at higher rungs of the career ladder. For example, a Vice President while respectful of guidance from the President should reciprocate with mentorship of the President as well as higher-ups such as the Board of Directors/Trustees.
[Note: Not only should you dress for two positions above yours, but also you should be grooming those relationships ahead of time.]
Some call inverse mentoring an upward-bound type of management or managing upward. While traditional mentoring aims to foster the development of the less experienced person, inverse mentoring aims to foster the development and refinement of the experienced (senior) person for further success of the leadership team and the institution. These relationships are mutually dependent, that is interdependent. The junior person could set up brief private meetings with the senior person in order to explore concerns (read: that senior person's quirks, inefficiencies, inappropriate behaviors, or naïve decisions) in order to provide positive, respectful feedback, strategize about recommendations, and offer to assist with ways to guide the senior person in more productive directions.
A few examples of inverse mentoring show how the junior person (here called the
inverse mentor) may help her boss. The inverse mentor could:
1. Think in terms of partnerships or working on a team. In partnerships everyone is responsible in roles that are equally important for the organization to function smoothly and successfully. Apply such an attitude to take the initiative. For example, if the Dean is in the habit of "loose agendas" (read: incomplete, too full, or no agendas) for meetings with higher-ups, the inverse mentor as an Assistant or Associate Dean could arrange a short, face to face meeting to ask how to help the meetings work more efficiently toward the goals of the Dean and the college. With the Dean's assent, the inverse mentor could work with the Dean's secretary on a template to: solicit agenda items 3 weeks before a meeting, send out a draft of the Agenda (with issues and relevant readings about best practices, speakers and time allowed for each agenda item, etc.) two weeks before the meeting, and then send out the final Agenda a couple of days before the meeting.
The inverse mentor could offer to start the meeting on time, especially if the Dean is habitually late (and tied up, of course with other very important duties and glad-handing) and help to end the meeting on time with a phrase such as, since we only have 10 minutes left... Then 5 minutes before ending the meeting the inverse mentor could offer to sum up accomplishments of the meeting, assignments, and the time of the next meeting. [Remember, even higher-ups love it when a meeting ends 2 - 5 minutes ahead of time.]
2. Work on positive interactions, for example reframe communication to omit negative words and to build up people. For example:
Do not say:
"With all the budget shortfalls, we cannot replace the leaky roof on the chemistry and physics buildings or renovate the gross anatomy lab. Everything keeps falling apart because our deans, chairs, and faculty are not raising enough foundation dollars."
Better to say:
"When alumni weekend comes up next fall, I wonder if we could form a Leadership Committee to work with alumni to raise money for state-of-the-art renovations for the chemistry and physics buildings (which would include some new roofs). Included in the projects we will develop an Inspiration Wall to identify, honor, and thank donors as well as the Leadership Committee."
3. Know when and how your higher-ups function best (schedule important talks at that time), their priorities (? budget, ?research, ?growth globally, ?etc.), pressures, work styles (do they prefer to delegate or control, do hands-on, etc.), preferred method of communication (in face, on the phone, or other tech-tool), their decision-making style, and cultural style of communication.
For example, the inverse mentor could provide an explanation in less than 200 words when details would be helpful, or brief bullet points on one page or one text screen; a list of problems with suggested actions and no budget demand; a monthly list of successful actions completed, etc.).
4. Be available as a sounding board to help your higher-up think through issues. Share privileged information (bring the facts) that has come to your attention that may impact a decision, plans, or direction of the senior person.
Read More
By: Leilani Doty, PhD
Director, University of Florida Cognitive and Memory Disorder Clinics
Gainesville, FL
WESH, Communications Chair
Simin Dadparvar, MD
Editor, Spotlights, WESH
Opportunities for WESH Members to Lead
Many universities, colleges, and community colleges are doing a Presidential/Chancellor Search including major research universities and some member institutions from the Association of American Universities. To name just a few, some of the universities and colleges are: Illinois State University, Princeton University, University of Wisconsin at Madison, University of California, Berkeley; University of California, San Diego; University of Georgia, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina Central Hill University, New Mexico State University, etc.
This may be the time to try out leadership and application skills. For more possibilities check out www.chronicle.com ' Browse Jobs by Position type ' Executive.
Congratulations to the New Associate Vice President for Research at George Washington University: Jennifer Wisdom, PhD MPH
The newest addition to the Office of the Vice President for Research at George Washington University is Dr. Jennifer Wisdom. She became the Associate Vice President for Research this past Fall, 2012.
Jennifer Pelt Wisdom, PhD, MPH, is a licensed clinical psychologist and health services researcher who studies the organization, delivery, and quality of behavioral health treatment for children and adolescents. She is also an expert in mixed methods, and has presented nationally and internationally on the integration of qualitative and quantitative research methods.
She earned her PhD in Clinical Psychology (2001) at The George Washington University. She obtained post-doctoral training in health services research and earned a MPH in Biostatistics and Epidemiology (2003) at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon.
Jennifer joins George Washington University from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, where she was Assistant Dean for Research Resources, directing initiatives to improve the
research infrastructure at the Mailman School and mentor faculty on grant submission. She also had appointments as Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Mailman School, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia, and as a Research Scientist at the New York State Psychiatric Institute.
She has obtained more than $2 million in funding from the federal, foundation, and other sources to study healthcare service delivery. She served as Columbia University's faculty representative to the Federal Demonstration Partnership of the National Academies, which fostered collaboration between federal funding agencies and the nation's top research universities to improve the national research infrastructure.
She has presented nationally and internationally on her research findings, the applicability of qualitative and mixed methods to health services research, and on how faculty can improve effectiveness and productivity.
As the WESH Treasurer-Elect, she has contributed her energy and enthusiasm to increase the reach and success at achieving WESH goals. As the incoming Treasurer Dr. Wisdom will help keep WESH attentive to strengthening the budget and promote the advancement of women executives in academic medicine, healthcare and the sciences.
If you would like to add to our congratulations to Dr. Wisdom, contact her at:
Jennifer Wisdom, PhD MPH
Associate Vice President for Research
George Washington University
2121 Eye St NW Suite 601
Washington DC 20052
Phone: 202-994-2995
Email: jpwisdom@gwu.edu
Is this the Century of Women? Journalist Tom Brokaw believes it is!
During his discussion of many issues in a C-Span video clip of a call-in interview on May 6, 2012, news anchor Tom Brokaw stated;
"I happen to believe that the 21st century will be the century of women".
Then in a September 2012 he committed himself with the words,
He pointed out the leadership and pioneering roles of respected news anchors Diane Sawyer and Katie Couric. He mentioned that half of the ivy league institutions had women presidents, that the IBM president was a woman (Virginia M. Rometty is Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer of IBM), and named several other women in forefront positions. The clip of the interview is available at:
Clip: In Depth with Tom Brokaw - C-SPAN Video Library
How can WESH make the 21st century the century of women?
Share your ideas in WESH Spotlights by sending them to:
Meet Sandra K. Willsie, DO, MA - President Elect
I am honored to be the President-Elect of WESH and am extremely enthusiastic about my upcoming role as President of our organization!! I am quite familiar with the organization's history, having served as a member of WESH's Board in the capacity of Secretary for two years and on several committees over the years, including the Executive committee; Program committee; Membership committee; and more recently the Development committee (I currently Chair the Development Committee).
Channeling my energies into working to see that WESH becomes a stronger, more vibrant organization will require input and engagement of many, pooling input from excellent minds available in our current and future members, as together we reach out to engage new professional colleagues, professions, organizations and institutions. Continuing to stay vigilant with an eye towards our strategic planning will be pivotal in seeing WESH reach its full potential.
Reformulation and expansion of any organization requires fiscal responsibility and thinking outside of the box with regard to fund raising. Former and current Presidents Brown and Kunkel and President Travis have done a fabulous job of taking steps to reorganize WESH and it would be a pleasure to keep the momentum going! I am eager to serve WESH as President and I promise to do my very best to lead the organization in a transparent, inclusive, fiscally responsive manner. I will devote my efforts to working with the leadership team and committees to continue to build on the current evolutionary path of WESH.
Meet Kathleen Clem, MD - West Regional Chair |
Kathleen Clem, MD, FACEP is Professor and Chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Loma Linda University, located in southern California.
Dr. Clem received her MD degree from Loma Linda University School of Medicine where she also completed her residency in Emergency Medicine. As a new attending she established one of the nation's first International Emergency Medicine Fellowships and organized medical teams to provide medical support, liaison with Ministry of Health, and teaching in 11 countries. She is still very active internationally and recently returned from the West Bank where she worked with USAID to establish an Emergency Medicine residency training program. She completed a fellowship in the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) in 2003. Dr. Clem served for 9 years as the first female Division Chief at Duke University Department in the Department of Surgery. While at Duke she started the Emergency Medicine academic, research, and clinical programs. Dr. Clem returned to her alma mater in 2007 as Chair of the Department. She has held multiple national leadership roles within the American College of Emergency Physicians and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. She was the inaugural president of the Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine, and is the chair-elect for the American Association of Women Emergency Physicians. She was appointed by the Loma Linda University Dean of the School of Medicine to lead in Peer Professionalism - an institutional culture change effort. Research interests include women in medicine and international emergency medicine. As the West Region Chair her goal is to enhance participation in the organization, enhance access to organization services, and represent WESH in the west region while enhancing the networking opportunities for WESH members.
Meet Lindsey K. Grossman, MD - Northeast Regional Chair
Lindsey K. Grossman, MD, has served as Chair, Baystate Children's Hospital in Springfield, MA and Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Pediatrics, Tufts University School of Medicine since 2008. She completed her MD at Boston University, her residency at the University of Maryland, a fellowship in general academic pediatrics at Johns Hopkins and the prestigious Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine fellowship for women at Drexel University. In the past she directed divisions of academic general pediatrics at Ohio State University and the Medical College of Virginia and was associate chair at the University of Maryland.
Her research has focused on common pediatric conditions, breastfeeding promotion and care systems for underprivileged children and those with special health care needs. Her current academic work emphasizes care coordination systems for children with complicated chronic illness.
Dr. Grossman has served in numerous leadership capacities for national organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Academic Pediatric Association and SELAM International. She has served in an advisory capacity and lead programs for local, state and national governmental and non-governmental organizations. At Baystate, she leads a fully accredited children's hospital with more than 75 faculty and more than 60 pediatric and medicine-pediatrics residents, the only such facility in western Massachusetts. She has expanded the Department since arriving, brought it into fiscal compliance and charted a new vision for children's health care for the region.
President Liz Travis, PhD Visits University of Florida
For 2 days on a nonstop schedule that only someone of her high energy level could handle, WESH President Dr. Liz Travis visited the University of Florida (UF) in Gainesville, FL, this past September (2012). She brainstormed with Gator* faculty and administrators over "hot UF topics" such as how to move women into key leadership positions in these dire times of economic, medical education, health insurance, and research funding struggles.
As the keynote speaker at the annual UF Department of Medicine Celebration of Research poster and awards event (with 103 posters this year), she briefly traced her long track record from being a post-doc researcher to the fulfillment of seeing her own students develop into accomplished, published, successful academic researchers. Perseverance was and is key!
As the featured speaker at the weekly UF Medicine Grand Rounds, she challenged the audience of academic physicians and administrative leaders to move from the level of mentoring to the more active role of being a Sponsor. Her presentation on Sponsorship vs Mentorship: What's the Difference described the importance of not only telling people how to move forward but also opening the doors into higher levels of leadership opportunities. A focus on the advancement of a mentee should involve more than a mentoring role of listening and guiding. It should involve more than coaching such as suggesting new behaviors to try. It should involve being active as a Sponsor which translates into using the power of the Sponsor's position to proactively usher the mentee into opportunities, such as meeting prominent researchers and serving on important committees and then chairing one or two of those committees.
During her visit in the Land of the Gators, Liz Travis, PhD left a trail of challenging ideas and inspiring nuggets of wisdom to advance women at UF.
*Note: The University of Florida mascot is the alligator AKA "Gator" as in "Go Gators!"
Reported by: Leilani Doty, PhD, a Gator
Leading by Consensus
Leadership has been a dichotomous experience for me: at times a natural and gratifying extension of my work in academics but also challenging and frustrating. My MBTI* type as a consensus builder and harmonizer has both helped and hindered me as a leader; it has been helpful because I have been able to move projects forward through gaining general agreement, but perhaps a hindrance to my own academic advancement as I steered projects from behind the scenes.
As an Associate Student Affairs Dean, I was expected to establish office policies and procedures, advocate for students, and innovate educational and career building programs. Leadership in this venue required organizational and motivational skills, buy-in from staff and colleagues, and support from more senior administrators.
Challenges of an Innovation
One of my most difficult achievements was the establishment of a program in Distinction in Research for medical students, with this designation noted on the medical school diploma. In this effort, I needed to gain consensus from institutional leaders in both basic science and clinical research. Unfortunately, I seriously underestimated the difference between the two groups in how they viewed the deliverables in research achievement for students involved in such a program. I was ultimately able to shepherd this program through the Executive Council of the Medical School and the Board of Trustees of the University, but not without considerable time and effort spent trying to gain insight into differing agendas and subsequent smoothing of ruffled feathers.
Vital Leadership Skills for Meetings
Through experience and training, I have become more adept at running meetings effectively. However, challenges remain: As an extrovert in situations where ideas are discussed (I talk in order to think), but a social introvert, I still find myself dominating discussions, and then struggle with the concern that I am talking too much and not giving others the opportunity to express their own opinions. I can see connections between people and ideas intuitively, but understand that I need to rein in my passion and support the ideas of others. Therefore:
- I try to be mindful of the importance of encouraging a free exchange of ideas while listening carefully for the meaning behind the words of stakeholders.
- I try to decipher stakeholders' agendas ahead of time, and discuss contentious issues with colleagues before meetings to gain their support.
I consistently try to grow as a leader by remembering the lessons I have learned along the way, and for me this remains a work in progress.
*MBTI - Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (for more information see www.myersbriggs.org)
By: Susan Rosenthal, MS, MD Clinical Professor of Pediatrics Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) Formerly, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, RWJMS Formerly, DIO, Jersey Shore University Medical Center
Please contact me at rosentsu@gmail.com 732-672 0224 (cell, preferred)) 732-390-0139 (home)
Let's build a list of leaders, the WESH Leadership Bank, to suggest for positions and upcoming opportunities!
WESH needs a handy list of women to nominate for positions, opportunities, awards and moving up the career ladder. Each of us should have our own list with serving as the WESH Leadership Bank, a resource with a pool of candidates. WESH is the perfect place to build a pool of women in the sciences and health professions who should be considered for upper level positions and opportunities, such as:
- President of an institution, academic, corporate, public or private
- Provost or Vice president
- Board of Trustees
- President or Board of Directors of a national professional organization
- Dean
- Etc. (What other positions should we consider?)
Do you have handy your own list of names of potential women leaders to put forth for positions at your institution or a national institution?
Do you know women from your institution or from your national network who would be interested in moving up the leadership ladder?
Do you know women who may not have thought about moving up but who would have excellent skills perfect for administration and leadership?
Some women need encouragement, confidence-building or prodding in order to think of themselves realistically as a good fit for a higher positions of leadership. Of course, a person in the pool would always be consulted before the name is provided as a candidate.
Let's build a WESH pool of people who can be available for positions of leadership in opportunities around the country.
Send your name or the name of a good candidate for the WESH Leadership Bank to:
Simin Dadparvar, MD, Editor,
Email: Sdadparvar@aol.com
Request for articles! Send us your Leadership Tips to share!
WESH Spotlights is looking for brief pieces to publish that reflect leadership experiences as you move forward in your career. Write up a tip or two from your experiences (good, bad or indifferent) or reading (a book or article or newspaper story) any time and send the material to:
We will honor requests from contributors who want to remain anonymous.
APA LIWP 2013-2014 Call for Applications
Just announced: The Call for Applications to the 6th Annual APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology (2013-2014) APA LIWP Application Deadline Extended to Monday, March 18, 2013, at 11:59PM Eastern Time.
The Call for Applications to the 6th Annual APA Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology (2013-2014) has officially opened! The deadline to apply is March 15, 2013. To view the Call for Applications (also embedded at the bottom of this message) please visit:
Please note, the APA LIWP is open to mid-career* women psychologists in academic or academic medicine, and clinical or clinical consulting settings who are full APA members in good standing. Please review the Call for Applications for a complete list of eligibility criteria. There are two separate applications housed at the link above, be sure to complete the one for the track you identify with most. Check out the APA LIWP Frequently Asked Questions here: http://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/leadership/faq.aspx.
* - mid-career is defined by the APA LIWP Executive Committee as being no more than twenty (20) years and no less than ten (10) years post-doctoral degree. If you are more than twenty years post-doctoral degree and feel you are "mid-career", please explain why in the appropriate section of the application.
Please contact Dr. Shari Miles-Cohen (smiles@apa.org), if you have any questions about the program.
Click here for more information.
Dr. Joanne Conroy, AAMC Chief Health Care Affairs Officer, has posted an essay on the KevinMD blog asking the question, "Do we have too many hospital beds?" She discusses stranded capital and the complexity of predicting how many beds will be needed in 2030. http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2012/06/hospital-beds.html
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) on Monday announced the approval of 50 research funding awards, totaling $30 million over two years, through its Pilot Projects Program. Details on all awards, including the project name, primary investigator, research institution, funding amount and an abstract, are provided on the PCORI website. http://tinyurl.com/bslat29 http://www.pcori.org/funding-opportunities/pilot-projects/funded/
On June 11-12, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) hosted an international summit to explore ways to prevent and mitigate acts of animal rights extremism against the biomedical community. http://tinyurl.com/7aougmy
The American Medical Association this weekend named Ardis Dee Hoven, MD, an internal medicine and infectious disease specialist, as its President-Elect. She is currently the medical director of the Bluegrass Care Clinic, an infectious disease and HIV/AIDS practice affiliated with the University of Kentucky College of Medicine. She will become President of the AMA in June 2013. Dr. Jeremy Lazarus, a psychiatrist in private practice in Denver, becomes President of the AMA this week. http://tinyurl.com/84tuem3
The University of Miami Miller School of Medicine has announced a partnership with Magic Johnson Enterprises and Clear Health Alliance, a Medicaid specialty plan offered by Simply Healthcare Plans, a minority owned and operated managed care plan. The school says the partnership is "Ushering in a new, comprehensive approach to treating underserved South Florida patients living with HIV/AIDS." Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D., Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the Miller School and CEO of the University of Miami Health System, says this alliance is a new model involving academia, managed care and corporations that work in partnerships. http://med.miami.edu/news/dream-team-of-magic-johnson-the-miller-school-and-clear-health-alliance-fig
The American Journal of Preventive Medicine and the American Journal of Public Health have published a joint supplement focusing on the integration of primary care and public health. This special supplement complements the recent Institute of Medicine (IOM) study, "Primary Care and Public Health: Exploring Integration to Improve Population Health," and was supported by four agencies of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (AHRQ, CDC, NIH/NIMHD, and HRSA). All articles are available online at no charge. http://www.ajph.org; http://tinyurl.com/73zxwrn
The AAMC Reporter features, among others, a story on research partnerships between medical schools and teaching hospitals and industry. https://www.aamc.org/newsroom/reporter/june2012/285364/industry.html
Tony Mazzaschi AAMC
PS: Feel free to email cas@aamc.org if you have a problem accessing any article or resource mentioned in this summary. Also, have colleagues email cas@aamc.org if they would like to receive these news postings. We also welcome news tips and corrections.
PPS: Other news, policy, and innovation products from AAMC may be of particular interest to subscribers:
+AAMC Washington Highlights, a weekly summary of legislative & regulatory developments affecting academic medicine http://www.aamc.org/advocacy/washhigh/subscribe.htm +Wing of Zock, a blog about innovation and change in medical schools and teaching hospitals http://wingofzock.org/ and its Twitter feed @wingofzock +AM Express, the journal Academic Medicine's free monthly issue announcement service Subscribe by emailing: acadmed_online@aamc.org PPPS: The AAMC is on both Twitter and Facebook. Access details are available at: http://twitter.com/aamctoday http://www.facebook.com/aamctoday
WESH Award for Excellence
Each year WESH gives out an award titled, "The WESH Award for Excellence" to an individual who has made outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of women leaders in academic health professions. Click here for a description of the award and a list of past recipients. The award will be presented at the WESH Annual Executive Spring Summit. This year's Summit is taking place in Houston on May 3-5.
This is a perfect opportunity for you to recognize someone who has made an important contribution to development of women in your institution.
Criteria include:
- Senior administrator for excellence in enhancing the careers of women faculty
- Nationally recognized as a leader
- Demonstrated personal commitment to the advancement and promotion of women to executive positions in academic health professions.
- Active mentoring of women faculty. Encouragement and support of women's advancement.
- Serve as role model for other administrators in their efforts to advance women's leadership.
Please provide a complete nomination package to WESH Headquarters by March 27 2013 at 5pm ET. The nomination package should include at least 3 letters from individuals familiar with the nominee's work, who can outline in detail their contributions to the promotion of women's leadership, and a current curriculum vita for the nominee.
Materials should be sent electronically to wesh@fernley.com.
Thank you for taking the time to recognize individuals who promote the success of women.
Spotlights Quotes
| It's not that I'm so smart; it's just that I stay with problems longer.
--Albert Einstein, German-born physicist
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
--Thomas Edison, American inventor
One person with a belief is equal to a force of 99 who have only interests.
--John Stuart Mill, British philosopher and political economist
It may be that those who do most, dream most.
--Stephen Butler Leacock, British-Canadian political economist and humorist
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
--Theodore Roosevelt, 26th U.S. president
No person will make a great business who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit.
--Andrew Carnegie, Scottish-American industrialist
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
--Eleanor Roosevelt, former U.S. first lady
Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing.
--Harriet Braiker,
American psychologist and writer
It seems that the creative faculty and the critical faculty cannot exist together in their highest perfection.
--W. Somerset Maugham, British writer
To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.
--Marilyn vos Savant, American columnist
Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for.
--Marian Wright Edelman, African-American activist
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
--Maya Angelou,
American author and poet