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Journal Editors
Kristine M. Lohr, MD, MS
Associate Editor:
Leilani Doty, PhD
Managing Editor:
Kate Marlys
We welcome your articles, tips, suggestions about professional resources; information
about jobs and opportunities. Submit to or contact anytime:
Job Opportunitites
A new membership benefit is our Job Opportunities Section in the Members Only Section of our website.
Go to the Members Only Section or Click Here to see the Job Opportunities from the Winter 2012 Version of the WESH Leadership Journal.
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wear it to the next Summit!
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Vol 3, No 2, Fall/Winter 2012
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President's Message |
As we are on the cusp of the New Year, I am sure that all of us have
 | Elizabeth L. Travis, PhD, FASTRO |
made many resolutions for 2013, some of
which sound like a good idea but maybe not so much in practice! I ask each of you to add another resolution to your list that will be easy to complete. The Board and the Membership Committee decided that the least painful, and probably the most efficient and productive way, to increase our membership is to ask each of you to recruit one new member to join WESH. Of course, recruiting more than one member is definitely welcome, but we believe that asking all of us to identify just one new member is a doable first step. This strategy would also add to the many dimensions of diversity within WESH, be it by geography, discipline, job position, etc.
Just like 2013, the Summit will be here before we know it. The Program Committee is hard at work on creating the program. The theme this year will be "Women Leading to Succeed: New Frontiers in Medicine and Science." Stay tuned for further details. Meanwhile, please mark your calendars and join us in Houston on May 3 - 5, 2013.
In November I saw many of our members at the Annual AAMC Meeting in San Francisco. This year's theme of innovation was clearly displayed in the Plenary and Thought Leader sessions. Walter Isaacson is President and CEO of The Aspen Institute and eminent biographer of famous figures including Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein. He kicked off the innovation theme in his Keynote Address, "From Einstein to Jobs: Creativity, Leadership, and Change". Next, I had seen a 60 Minutes piece on the Kahn Academy, so hearing the founder, Salman Kahn, discuss his ideas in person was terrific (see "Innovation Arc: New Approaches"). The AAMC has a history of progressive thinking that was in full display at this meeting. I particularly enjoyed the session by Roberta B. Ness, MD, MPH, Dean, The University of Texas School of Public Health. She gave the Robert G. Petersdorf Lecture, "Innovation Redesigned: Optimizing Invention Within the System of Science." If you missed this session, you can view her lecture and other 2012 Annual Meeting Highlights on the AAMC website:
As for all big meetings, the block scheduling made it impossible to attend all the sessions that I thought were interesting. If I do not come back with at least one new idea from a meeting such as the AAMC, then I have not been very attentive. The AAMC never disappoints and neither does our Summit!
I wish all of you a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year.
Elizabeth L. Travis, PhD, FASTRO
Associate Vice President
Women Faculty Programs
Mattie Allen Fair Professor in Cancer Research
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
T 713-563-8780 office
F 713-745-9890 fax
Editor's Corner |
May you be blessed with the spirit of the season, which is peace, the gladness of the season, which is hope, and the heart of the season, which is love.
Instead of focusing on all the speculations about the fiscal cliff, I find news stories about giving far more interesting and uplifting. A recent Sunday Parade magazine carried an interview with Howard Buffett, son of Warren Buffett. Howard is a farmer who "gives away tens of millions of dollars annually to improve living standards in impoverished communities worldwide" through his Howard G. Buffett Foundation. Lately he's addressing "food insecurity in America." The article ends with "3 More Folks Who Are Fighting Hunger at Home." Now that warms my heart.
Yesterday I visited my good friend Mary Thoreson. She and husband Eric own Damselfly Studio & Gallery in Midway KY (http://www.damselflygallery.com/), a wonderful place to roam. I rarely leave without buying something wonderful. While there, I ran into a mutual acquaintance who asked Mary if she was going to the next Dining for Women. My ears perked up as I learned about this wonderful dinner giving circle, "changing the world one dinner at a time". Each attendee brings a dish to share at the monthly potluck. Before you leave, you donate what you think you would have spent if you'd eaten at a restaurant. Donations from chapters are combined "to support carefully selected international programs each month". These are "grass-roots programs in education, healthcare, vocational training, micro-credit loans and economic development." You can bet I'm going to do my best to attend the next one. Read more: http://www.diningforwomen.org/
We end 2012 with this issue featuring useful tips to practice in 2013. Patti Hoffmeier shares tips on making your network work. Leilani Doty outlines ways to keep an audience listening. My book review introduces you to The Zen of Listening: Mindful Communication in the Age of Distraction. This thoughtful, practical book provides a lot of tips on how to communicate and listen better. Linda Adkison summarizes an AAMC session featuring Dr. Linda Pololi's work on faculty vitality and attrition, and more recently medical student learning environment and professionalism. Liz Travis, our President, gives her take on the AAMC Annual Meeting in her President's Message.
It's that time of year that I dream of the eggnog served at my Germantown TN friends' annual Evening of Music at Christmas in their home. Jean (now deceased) and George Holmes, who almost never drank alcohol, made the most amazing eggnog for this event. I'm sure some of those molecules are still residing in any plaques existing in my arteries. So imagine my delight when I came across this recipe by Sidney Fry, RD:
Let ½ cup lite ice cream melt. Stir in 1 tbsp. bourbon and ½ tbsp. brandy. Sprinkle with nutmeg and garnish with cinnamon.
I couldn't remember where I found the recipe this weekend, but my Google search yielded the following version that doesn't match what I copied:
Either way, with or without eggnog, enjoy the holidays!
Editor, WESH Leadership Journal
Kristine M. Lohr, MD, MS
Professor of Medicine
University of Kentucky
©WESH 2012
SAVE THE DATE: 2013 Executive Leadership Spring Summit
Women Leading to Succeed:
New Frontiers in Medicine and Science
The WESH (Women Executives in Science & Healthcare) Board of Directors have finalized the date and location of the 2013 Executive Leadership Summit.
Plan to attend and learn from high profile speakers May 3 - 5, 2013. The Meeting will be in Houston, TX at the modern & sophisticated Hotel Derek in the Galleria section of Houston. Plan to attend!
How To Make Your Network Work
 | Patricia A. Hoffmeir |
Networking. It's a common, if not overused term; yet many underestimate its long-term importance. Whether you've asked for help in identifying a tutor, or called upon a colleague as a reference - you've networked. You've been networking in one way or another for your entire life.
Just as computer networks increase efficiency, professional networks expand your contacts and spheres of influence in becoming known to those who recognize your capabilities. Tyler & Company's Chairman and CEO (and my boss), J. Larry Tyler, believes what matters most "is not who you know, but who knows you because of your good work and demonstrated ability." This differentiation can make the difference between your career advancement or stagnation.
So let's talk about ways to make your network work.
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Patricia A. Hoffmeir
Senior Vice President, Tyler & Company phoffmeir@tylerandco.com
© 2012 WESH
Your Professional Toolkit
At the University of Florida this year, the Office of Equity and Diversity and the Office of Faculty Affairs and Professional Development partnered to launch a faculty development series entitled "Your Professional Toolkit". Three 1.5-hour sessions included a lecture format to provide specific definitions, templates and reviews of relevant literature as well as interactive individual and team activities. The series included the following topics:
Part I CV; Cover Letter; Biosketch - NIH format; Photo
Part II Elevator Pitch; Networking Skills; Introductory "Biosketch"; Writing a personal statement
Part III Letters of Reference - for you and from you; Nominations for Awards; Annual Evaluations - your role
Part I: CV; Cover Letter; Biosketch - NIH format; Photo
Faculty participants were encouraged to bring their CV's or biosketches to Part I to receive input from the presenter and peers. A key message was to organize the CV in a standardized format so that both quality and quantity of accomplishments were presented in a consistent manner that promoted easy access for the reader locating items of interest. For privacy reasons faculty were encouraged not to include their social security number, medical license or DEA number, or personal information - spouse's or children's names/ages. Padding the CV with "projects underway" was discouraged. Contact information should be easily found at the beginning of the document.
Another recommendation included never sending a CV without a cover letter. The cover letter provides a "focused lens" for the CV. Writing a cover letter for a specific position should describe how one's skill sets (what you bring) match with what the hiring institution needs.
For a personal statement, candidates should write in first person, calling attention to mastery of techniques, training/experience, prior research, and previous collaborations based on the intent of the recipient of the personal statement.
The importance of the message sent by one's professional photo was discussed. Several acceptable and several less than acceptable photos were presented to the participants for their critique.
View Part II and Part III Here.
Rebecca R. Pauly, MD
Treasurer, WESH
Associate Vice President, Health Affairs, Equity & Diversity
Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Florida
Marian C. Limacher, MD
Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development
Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
College of Medicine, University of Florida
© 2012 WESH
Leaders Keep an Audience Listening
Leaders should remember that how you say it may be more important than what you say. After all, if no one is listening or mentally fogging out every once in a while, your message will be missed. To hold the full attention of others during a small or large meeting of, for example, your Board of Trustees, a planning committee, a plenary session of 500 or a class of 15, a leader should keep listeners captivated.
The following four tips may help:
1. Get everyone's attention. For starters, as the leader of a meeting, start on time, introduce yourself with your role at the meeting and the purpose of the meeting, and ask everyone to shut off their computers, notebooks, and iPads; ask people to put their iPods, phones and pagers on vibrate. (If possible, before the meeting, ask the fire marshals to schedule the practice fire alarm drill for another time.) Then ask people to introduce themselves (I like to ask people to include a brief personal piece of information, such as their favorite color, their birth month and day but not the year, their favorite sport or the last site of a vacation, etc. - this brief detail brings a congeniality to the start of the meeting).
For a large group, such as at a conference plenary session, start your talk with a snappy but not discriminating anecdote, e.g., a national or global event familiar to people, and describe it in a way that connects to the interest of the audience and is relevant to your talk..
Sometimes a good way to get the attention of an audience is to share a personal anecdote with a touch of humor about how you tripped up, learned a strong lesson, and then turned that faux pas/disaster into a successful ending (audiences love to hear that a leader is "human" and they love to laugh).
2. Remember, variety is the spice of life. Use variety with your eyes and voice. For example:
- Visually scan the audience by moving your eyes slowly back and forth with occasional one-on-one eye contact with a specific person for 2-3 seconds before moving on to another person. Then scan the group again.
- Vary your voice to keep the ears of listeners pealed (encourage a translator, using American Sign Language, to enhance the communication gestures and face-body expressions). Start off speaking with a strong voice that changes to a soft voice occasionally. Change the pitch (sometimes high and sometimes low). Change the pace of your word flow (sometimes slower when making an important point and then faster at other times). Occasional reflective pauses for a few seconds help to emphasize the upcoming important point. Throughout the voice changes, pronounce words clearly and do not swallow words, prefixes, or suffixes; especially avoid swallowing the last words that end a sentence or the last words of your speech.
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Leilani Doty, PhD
Director, University of Florida Cognitive & Memory Disorder Clinics
Gainesville, FL
WESH, Communication Chair
© 2012 WESH
Book Review
Shafir Rebecca Z: The Zen of Listening: Mindful Communication in the Age of Distraction. Quest Books, Wheaton IL © 2000, 2003
Once upon a time my new and established patient slots were 60 and 30 minutes respectively. The current reality is 40 and 20 minutes, with my Division Chief resisting the corporate push for 30 and 15 minutes, respectively. Whatever the time length, I'm supposed to listen, interview, examine, create a differential diagnosis and plan, review external and internal test results, reconcile medication lists, write prescriptions, order tests, bill, code, and dictate. [A clinical service technician rooms the patient and takes the vital signs and chief complaint. The rest is up to me. In other clinics and institutions, "physician extenders" may be available to assume more responsibilities.]
In an ideal world those tasks should become easier and more accurate when our Division starts using the electronic health record in three months. Which would be a good thing, because getting all those parts of the medical evaluation and write-up done takes up to 1-2 hours longer than the 4-hour scheduled clinic (even with last minute cancellations and no-shows), and eats up the 40-60 minutes designated for "lunch." [When the electronic records are installed, will I fall for cut-and-paste so all my notes look alike? Will I look at the computer screen more than I look at my patient?]
Oh, yes, and being at an academic institution I'm supposed to teach learners, giving them appropriate levels of responsibility for patient care. And being a health care provider, my evaluations (for what they are worth!) consist of work relative value units and patient and trainee satisfaction scores that ultimately impact my salary.
Mind-Body-Spirit Month Adventure
So during the Mind-Body-Spirit Month (October 2012) at Joseph Beth Bookstore, I was browsing the table of featured books and picked up Ms. Shafir's book. She's a certified speech/language pathologist. The back cover asked, "What do family, coworkers, and friends want most but almost never get? Your undivided attention. Poor listening is often a cause of divorce, depression, burnout, customer dissatisfaction, low school performance, and malpractice suits. Why don't we listen better?" In the introduction, Ms. Shafir wrote, "At the hospital where I worked, managed care began placing severe restrictions on time spent with patients in order to drive down the cost of health care...If you do not get to know where that patient is coming from (his background, expectations, etc.) you cannot understand him, and he will not trust your advice."
Ouch. Did that ever strike a nerve! Periodically I've silently pronounced, "I can only listen so fast" or asked, "How can I tell a tearful patient that time is up and I need to move on?"
Read More
Kristine M. Lohr, MD, MS
Editor, WESH Leadership Journal
Professor of Medicine/Rheumatology
University of Kentucky College of Medicine
C-Change Facultry and Student Surveys |
At the November 2012 Annual AAMC meeting, Linda Pololi, MBBS, discussed the results of two surveys to measure culture change over time, first by measuring faculty and, then more recently, measuring student perceptions. The surveys were presented in two sessions: 1) C-Change Faculty Survey: A Tool to Measure Dimensions of the Culture Predicting Faculty Vitality and Attrition, and 2) C-Change Student Survey: Assessing Medical Student Learning Environment and Professionalism. Dr. Pololi is a Senior Scientist, Professor of Medicine, and Director and Principal Investigator for the National Initiative on Gender, Culture and Leadership in Medicine at Brandeis University in Waltham MA. Additional participants who contributed their experiences with the surveys were Arthur Evans, MD, Professor of Medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC) in New York NY, and Linda Gillum, PhD, Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs at Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in Rochester MI.
Dr. Linda Pololi's work began in 2006 with several goals, including a desire to foster a culture to help faculty realize their potential as faculty members and result in leadership opportunities. Multiple studies have acknowledged the negative impact of faculty attrition on university resources. Developed by a team of researchers, the faculty survey covers 12 dimensions with multiple items in each dimension. Baseline data were collected and analyzed from 26 schools and represented more than 2300 faculty responses. The 74-question survey assesses faculty perception of school support for career development, mentoring and work-life management. It provides information about faculty burnout and commitment to the institution along with information about an intention to leave academic medicine.
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Linda R. Adkison, PhD
Associate Dean for Curricular Affairs
Professor of Genetics
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Editor's Note: Read or view 2012 Annual Meeting Highlights at:
© WESH 2012
How well are women doing in science?
Here's a story about how 17-year-old Angela Zhang invents a nanoparticle that kills cancer cells.
The story with video (the editor just happened to be home in time to view it on the CBS Nightly News):
Then again, a recent publication analyzed the culture of academic medicine at 26 US medical colleges. Compared to men, women faculty were found to have a lower sense of belonging and relationships within the workplace, lower self-efficacy for career advancement, and lower gender equity. Women faculty were less likely to believe their institutions were addressing diversity goals, and less likely to perceive their institutions as family-friendly, and reported less congruence between personal values and institutional values. There were no reported differences in levels of engagement, leadership aspirations, feelings of ethical/moral distress, perception of institutional commitment to faculty advancement, or perception of institutional change efforts to improve support for faculty. Conclusion: "Faculty men and women are equally engaged in their work and share similar leadership aspirations. However, medical schools have failed to create and sustain an environment where women feel fully accepted and supported to succeed." [Pololi LH et al: Experiencing the culture of academic medicine: gender matters, a national study. J Gen Int Med online (DOI 10:1007/s11606-012:2207-1)]. Dr. Pololi presented this at the 2012 AAMC Annual Meeting (see Linda Adkison's report in this issue).
Read More
© WESH 2012
Pointy-haired Boss: We're hiring a Director of Change Management to help employees embrace strategic changes.
Dilbert: Or we could come up with strategies that make sense. Then employees would embrace change.
Pointy-haired Boss: That sounds harder.
Pointy-haired Boss: Your compensation will be based on achieving these goals.
Dilbert: Awesome. It's like written permission to ignore everything else you asked me to do.
Pointy-haired Boss: It's not like that at all.
Dilbert: Get back to me when you finish debating yourself.
Pointy-haired Boss: Dilbert, I need you to take care of this.
Dilbert: I'd love to. But it isn't on the list of priorities you gave me an hour ago.
Pointy-haired Boss: Do what I tell you to do, not what I say you should do.
Asok: I completed the busywork you assigned to me and I'm still cheerful! I don't know how I do it. I really don't. I assume it's a form of insanity. Do you have more worthless assignments I could do before I seek professional help?
Pointy-haired Boss: Yup.
Wally: I would like to be evaluated on my output, not the hours I work.
Pointy-haired Boss: Okay. That sounds reasonable.
Wally: t does? Wow. And I'd also like to work at home where there are fewer distractions so I can be more productive.
Pointy-haired Boss: Okay. That makes sense.
Wally: Really? I mean...Great! I'd also like to work on long-term projects that have no near-term deliverables. [Silently: Holy grail. Holy grail. Holy grail.]
Pointy-haired Boss: Go back to your cubicle and don't leave until five o'clock.
Wally: [Talking with Dilbert] I was this close to retiring at full pay.
Dilbert by Scott Adams
Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
Gloria Steinem
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.
Sir Winston Churchill
Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk.
Doug Larson
I never learned anything while I was talking.
Larry King
There wouldn't be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one.
Frances Clark
It's not easy being grateful all the time. But it's when you feel least thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude can give you.
Finally recognize that no one is responsible for your life but you. That you're creating your current and future reality thought by thought. And that what you give your attention to only gets bigger and manifests itself in the world. So try to live a life focusing on what's good and what you're grateful for, in order to have more goodness. That doesn't mean you're in control of everything, or that only good is going to come. Bad stuff still happens...When conditions are right for a tsunami or tornado, that tsunami or tornado is going to show up. But the wonder of life is that even in despair, when things seem hopeless, you still get to choose what you want to be and how you respond...Life isn't about what you have; it's about what you have to give.
Oprah Winfrey
Equality is freedom from having to be twice as good to get ahead.
Self-trust is the wellspring of courage.
Fearlessness may be a gift but perhaps more precious is the courage acquired through endeavor, courage that comes from cultivating the habit of refusing to let fear dictate one's actions..."
Aung San Suu Kyi
Difficulties are just things to overcome, after all.
Ernest Shackleton
You lose in the end unless you know how the wheel is fixed or can fix it yourself.
Edna Ferber
It's these turnaround or these pivotal moments that introduce you to yourself...these small or these huge catastrophic events in your life-I do think that that's where you really meet yourself.
Sheryl Crow
"...see how the flesh grows back across a wound, with a great vehemence, more strong than the simple, untested surface before. There's a name for it on horses, when it comes back darker and raised: proud flesh, as all flesh is proud of its wounds, wears them as honors given out after battle, small triumphs pinned to the chest-"
Jane Hirshfield, from For What Binds Us
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing-that's why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar
© WESH 201
Save The Date
- Laura Schweitzer, PhD, President, Union Graduate College
- Deborah Powell, MD, Dean Emeritus, University of Minnesota Medical School
- Jeffrey A. Norton, MS, Director, Office of Enterprise Quality and Safety, UK HealthCare
- C. Darrell Jennings, Jr., MD, Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education, University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Where and When
Hilton Lexington Downtown, Lexington KY
June 14-15, 2013
What You Will Learn
Introduction to Lean Theory, use of real examples to demonstrate improvement in systems and operations, and problem solving applications for use of the Lean Concept for enhancement of the academic mission. Sessions will focus on separating accountability from responsibility; the role of vertical versus distributed decision making authority and how it impacts instructions and curriculum; and the need for vigorous assessment in decision making.
Course Objectives
At the conclusion of this presentation, each participant should be able to succeed at the following tasks:
- Understand the Principles, Methodology and Tools related to Lean
- Understand the need for Lean management in healthcare educational processes
- Understand potential applications of Lean management to healthcare educational processed
- Improve awareness of the barriers to Lean management in healthcare educational processed
- Learn and be able to apply measurement concepts to access performance in a balanced manner
- Develop potential solutions through discussion and examples
- Be able to apply tools to begin transforming your organization
Intended Audience
Educators in the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing and all other related health professions.
Educational Method
Live-interactive lecture and discussion
Tuition includes optional reception at Hilton Lexington Downtown on Thursday evening, June 13, continental breakfast and box lunches (June 14 and 15), dinner on June 14 (Hilton Lexington Downtown), tour of Toyota Manufacturing Plant in Georgetown, KY on June 14 and optional tour at Woodford Reserve bourbon distillery on June 15. Tours provide a look at Lean Manufacturing and master craftsmanship.
© WESH 2012
Job Opportunities
All Job Opportunities are now listed in the Members Only Section of our website. By the way, did hear yet that AFP-GPC is getting a new website! Stay Tuned...the new website will be launched in 2013!
For now here are just some of the jobs listed in this section:
- Associate Director of Education, Department of Family and Social Medicine, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx NY
- Position opening: DocCom Managing Editor, Spring 2013.
- Assistant Director, Faculty Development, The Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Columbus, OH
- The Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Care and the Office of Assessment and Evaluation Studies, VCU School of Medicine invite applications for an assistant or associate level faculty position in the School of Medicine.
- Recruitment, Admissions and Student Affairs, Office of Education Duke/NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore