January 2014 Newsletter
MUSC 2014 Logo
Spring Soccer 2014
Registration for spring soccer is OPEN NOW. Milltown offers soccer for players in the U8-14 age groups in the spring, and it's a great time of year to play the game. Teams do sometimes fill, so register early for priority placement.
Hello, World! 

This is one of those good news/ bad news sidebar items. The good news: in December we proudly launched a redesigned Milltown website. The bad news: to really appreciate the new look--in fact, to notice it at all--some users may need to hit refresh on their browsers. We think it's worth the effort. A big thanks to David Chamberlain for his work on the update, and to Erik Voldengen for his past work on web design and hosting for Milltown.  

New Uniforms in 2014
Beginning with the spring 2014 season, all Milltown players will move to a new uniform style. This is a required change, as our old uniform style is no longer available. We will work with our new uniform partner, Gear Up Sports, to make the process as smooth as possible for Milltown families. Watch our website, newsletter, and Facebook page over the next few weeks for photos of the new style. 
Milltown Scholarships
Every season Milltown extends financial assistance in the form of scholarships to a limited number of players who would otherwise be unable to play organized soccer. But our resources are limited, and we do have other expenses. That's why we have developed a handy, pain-free Paypal link that our members can use to donate to the Milltown Scholarship Fund. Please consider a donation. Even a small amount--$5, $3, even $1--can make a big difference. (That sounds like a cliche but it is true). 
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Happy New Year!

As we head into the new year, I hope you are enjoying a relaxing off-season and that the year ahead is a good one. At Milltown, we look forward to providing a rewarding year of soccer for our players and families, and we are implementing some changes that we think will improve the overall experience for Milltown families in 2014.

Some of these changes will be pretty obvious--a new logo, new uniforms, and a new website, among other things. Others will be visible only in terms of effect, such as changes to internal procedures and technologies designed to make our club more user-friendly.

We are always exploring ways to improve our existing programs, and this spring kick and chase payers and coaches will begin to notice some changes, as we will be integrating professional coaches into the planning and execution of kick and chase practice sessions. The goal is to make it easier for our volunteer coaches to develop and manage efficient, fun, and age-appropriate practice sessions.

Perhaps our most ambitious initiative in 2014 will be the development of our Drop-In Soccer program, which will expand the range of soccer options available to kids in our community. This will start in the spring with academy-style sessions designed and run by professional coaches, and will eventually include a full menu of various types of sessions, much like the schedule of exercise classes available at a typical health club (only better, because they will involve soccer).

We have a few other things in the works for 2014, and there will be more announcements in future newsletters. But here's what won't change: our commitment to promoting skill development and enjoyment of the game in a safe, positive, and fun environment.

Thanks and best wishes for 2014,

Mike Reese
President, Milltown United SC
Drop-In Soccer


Starting this spring, Milltown will offer a range of programs designed to give kids more (and more varied) opportunities to enjoy the game of soccer outside the traditional structure of team and league play. We call it Drop-In Soccer, and we anticipate offerings such as academy-style training, free play, goalkeeper training, and more, all available on a drop-in, pay-per-visit basis. Our goal is to provide a flexible schedule of sessions that will give in-season players the chance to supplement their team practices, while also providing kids who aren't currently playing with a Milltown team the chance to play soccer, develop skills, and have fun.


Legislative Note: Concussion


Oregon law now requires organizations fielding non-school youth sports teams to educate coaches, parents, and players over the age of 12 about the signs and symptoms of concussion. Milltown began requiring concussion awareness training of coaches starting last season, and that requirement will continue. But recognizing concussions and responding appropriately is a team effort involving coaches, players, and parents. Because of this, we will be working hard to educate parents and players through a variety of channels, including a concussion information page on our website. For many parents and players, this emphasis on concussion awareness will mean some additional reading, a bit of extra paperwork, and increased attention to potential signs of concussion. Given the seriousness of the issue, we don't think anyone will mind.

New Year, New Logo
Astute observers have already noticed that Milltown has a revised and rejuvenated logo for 2014. This is something we've been wanting to do for awhile now, but we are soccer people, not design people. Fortunately, we know a guy named Dan, and Dan knows a thing or two about designing logos. He said he'd be glad to help out. He didn't even roll his eyes, or mutter anything under his breath when we asked (at least, not that we noticed). We told Dan we wanted to keep the same basic look, and the iconic Milltown saw, but wanted it to be stronger, bolder, and, you know, just plain cooler-looking. We think he nailed it. Thanks Dan!