Food Safety Consultants 

Valuable Information for Companies in the Food Industry
Welcome to PSV Food Safety Consultants


Welcome to our newsletter. It delivers important news and information, as well as identifying useful resources that can enhance your organization's competitiveness in the food industry. Our focus is on helping you to achieve and maintain an approved GFSI food safety certification. In doing so, we typically become a valued business partner to our clients. 
Three Reasons to Become GFSI Food Safety Certified      
Aside from the morality of ensuring that your organization avoids contamination in the food supply chain, there are three practical reasons for becoming (and maintaining) certification to one of the GFSI food safety certifications.
  • More business. Most retailers now require  verifiable food safety certification throughout the food supply chain in order to earn their business. A relevant GFSI certification ("Once Certified, Accepted Everywhere") is a typical requirement.
  • FSMA. Under the Food Safety Modernization Act, the FDA has staffed up and become aggressive in unannounced onsite inspections. Being GFSI certified with ready access to food safety expertise can help your organization keep the doors open.
  • Liability. The legal industry has now targeted food-related companies as a growth path. Law firms are already specializing in food safety lawsuits. Proof of certification to a GFSI benchmarked standard with properly maintained records and tested recall programs can mitigate legal issues if the worst happens.
We Can Help

We are a North American alliance of expert food safety consultants. If your organization needs assistance in becoming certified to a GFSI approved standard, we can help. We also have customized maintenance programs to help ensure your company is prepared for re-certification audits, vendor audits and FDA inspections. Learn more at Food Safety Consultants.
In The News
September, 2015



In This Issue
Don Steele, PSV Food Safety Consultants 
Don Steele

We are a nationwide network of food safety consultants with seasoned expertise in helping clients become certified under approved GFSI schemes. Our consultants work closely with you to develop a certification strategy that best fits your unique situation and budget. And our turnkey consulting approach ensures your certification success in a timely fashion...satisfaction guaranteed!.




(888) 799-2678



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How can your business and facilities become certified to a GFSI approved scheme? This detailed, customized report explains the steps involved and provides North American organizations with an estimate for consulting, Registrar and auditing fees. It also gives you an idea of the timeframe typically required for a company like yours to achieve a GFSI food safety certification. And just for requesting the Report, we will send a FREE publication, "Marketing your Food Safety Certification - How to Promote your Food Safety Certification," which explains how to leverage your GFSI-approved certification to gain more business.