October 31, 2014 


Honoring Mayor Thomas M. Menino


The Boston Foundation joins the people of Boston in mourning former Mayor Thomas M. Menino, who passed away yesterday.
"This is a great loss for the city, but it is a profoundly personal one for the people of Boston in an era where government is often criticized for not connecting with the people," Boston Foundation President and CEO Paul S. Grogan said in a statement. "Tom Menino showed there was still a way to bring a personal touch to the institution of city government. To his wife, Angela, his son and daughter, and his six grandchildren, and to all those who befriended, worked with, and got to know Mayor Menino during his life and career in public service, you are in our thoughts and prayers."
The family has suggested that in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Thomas M. Menino Fund for Boston so they can "continue to support the programs that Mayor Menino embraced and that helped so many." 

The Menino Fund was created by the Boston Foundation last year as a tribute to the Mayor's 30 years in public office, 20 of them as the city's chief executive. The Mayor's widow, Angela Menino, will be able to recommend grants from the fund to benefit the programs that he supported, with all disbursements and administrative tasks performed by the Foundation.

To make a gift to the Thomas M. Menino Fund for Boston, please click

here. Proceeds will be distributed to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations at the direction of the Menino family.

For information about funeral arrangements, please visit tommenino.org.


To read the Boston Foundation statement on the Mayor's passing, please click here.