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  Rx Addict Action
Defining moments in Rx addiction
July 2013
In This Issue
Interview with a Drug Dealer
Why should I call my Rep?
The Blogosphere
Who is on the Hook?
Brandon Update
Interview with a drug dealer

"Brian" shared how easy it was for him, a convicted felon, to open up a so-called medical marijuana dispensary in Los Angeles. Basically, he said, a cottage industry of accountants and lawyers who supported the industry sprang up. All you had to do was hire these guys and you'd be clearing $40,000 a month, pretty much no questions asked.  Tax Free! 

Hear my interview in the show's archives, and listen every Tuesday at noon PST on VoiceAmerica.com 

Call your representative?

People tell you this all the time. But why should you? And what do you say?  Mary Bono gave us some insight, and  you can read her suggestions here. 
The Blogosphere 

Be responsible about your pain management. 
Lock up your meds! 
RXDrugSafe Don't let the neighborhood get their illegal prescription drugs from you unwittingly.  If you have a house cleaner, a baby sitter, a teenager, dinner parties, anyone at all in your house and you take prescription meds, lock them up! 

RxDrugAddict.com friends get a special deal with RxDrugSafe. Check it out on my website! 
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Interviews with experts from the professional (Physician Andrew Kolodny), government/political (Former congresswoman Mary Bono), and civilian/criminal (Reformed drug dealer Brian) sectors have given me and my listeners a lot to think about and sift through over the last month of my radio show, Afflicted by Addiction


The one thing everybody agrees on is that it is people like you and me-people who are willing to step out of our comfort zones, step out from behind our picket fences, into the world of prescription drug abuse and addiction to raise awareness about this epidemic- we are crucial components in the battle to stop this tragedy from continuing. 


So whether you share your Memorial Minutes on my website, write to your government representative, ask your doctor for alternative treatment, talk to your children about the dangers of abusing prescription drugs, or pass this newsletter on to a friend, you are a valuable soldier in the fight. Thank you. 


Best regards,  


Bradley V. DeHaven


Fishing for Answers to Opioid Abuse

We've got a number of worms, and all of them are on the hook:

  • The pharmaceutical companies who actively promote their product to increase their profit without regard to the wellbeing of individuals or society.
  • The members of government who because of financial conflicts of interest, have been put in a position of customer service for the drug companies whose products they are supposed to regulate at the expense of the health of the citizens they are supposed to be protecting and serving.
  • The physicians who are caught in the rhetoric surrounding compassionate individual patient care and don't demand more information about the products they are prescribing. Or worse, Pill Mill Doctors- who are criminals and should be treated as such.
  • The patients who aren't aware of the questions they need to ask before they engage in filling their prescriptions, or who divert their unused meds into the black market intentionally or unintentionally without giving it a second thought.

Oh, and there are more. 


Leading opioid abuse expert Dr. Andrew Kolodny says we could control this epidemic the way we control any epidemic. By preventing people from getting the disease in the first place. 


Read more here, on my blog. Or listen to our discussion in the Afflicted by Addiction archives

Brandon Update 
portrait of Brandon


Brandon has enrolled in college and is taking some basic foundation classes (like English) because he skipped so much in school when he was an addict.  He needs to go back and do the work he avoided.  

He looks better every day, and I am so proud of him. He is so well grounded, and he mentors young people in recovery, but when they fall back in he distances himself--because they need to get help and not bring those around them down. He is aware of the danger around him. 

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