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Fall Quarter 2014 
News from the Heart 
Art with a Heart in Healthcare provides personalized fine art experiences that enhance the healing process for patients and their families. 
Express Your Selfie
MOCA Jacksonville teamed up with Art with a Heart in Healthcare to present a photography and mixed-media exhibition featuring the works of talented patient artists from Wolfson Children's Hospital.

Express Your Selfie provides an innovative look at the highly popular concept of the "selfie" through the eyes of hospitalized children.

Exhibition on display through November 2014.
The Art of Giving
100 Days of Summer 

Thank you to all that participated in our 100 Days of Summer Facebook Campaign by donating and sharing our mission with others.  Over $500 was raised to help us provide for more needed bedside art sessions in the hospital.

Catie Cares Night

We greatly appreciate the tremendous response to Christ Church Academy's Catie Cares night to benefit Art with a Heart in Healthcare. We like to also thank the Barton Family who rallied the support of the Bishop Snyder football and cheer team to participate in Catie's honor. The generosity of art supplies and donations will directly benefit our patients while remembering the ongoing legacy of Catie Carter. 
Jewelry Supplies Given in Memory 

A special thank you goes to our friend Will Engel, who made a heartfelt donation of quality jewelry supplies belonging to his late mother, Janice Warren. Her passion for jewelery making will be honored for years to come due to this meaningful contribution.      
Mr. D at the House 

A big thank you to Bob Drost who donated his time and talents to multiple art sessions at the Ronald McDonald House. Bob worked his magic doing caricatures with all the families and provided a night full of extra smiles. To hire Bob for special events and or parties he can be reached by email Here.

New Volunteers
Thank you to our new volunteers Matt Richards and Edmarie Hernandez. We welcome you to the team!  
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See more of AWAHIH by connecting with us through:

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Art with a Heart is grateful for the selfless devotion of our volunteers.


Wolfson Children's Hospital

Patsy Moore

Pati Merrill

Samantha Solley

Laura Meier

Karen Flautt

Matt Richards

Edmarie Hernandez 


Ronald McDonald House

Bradi Bergesen

Maddie Firestone

Sujin Yu    

Board of Directors

Melissa Roland

Cynthia Jacoby Greene

Robert Monsky


Guy Cuddihee
Paula McGarvey

Board Committees

Executive Committee 
Melissa Roland - Treasurer
Cynthia Green - Secretary

Board Nominating Committee
Robert Monsky

Fundraising Committee
Paula McGarvey 
Board of Advisors

  Kristen D. McLauchlin
Lisa Ullmann
Katharine Loeb
Sam Hall
Kathy Soler-Sala
Honorary Board Members 

Louise Freshman Brown
Professor University of North Florida

Suzanne Taylor
Community Volunteer

Karen Wolfson
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Art with a Heart
in Healthcare
841 Prudential Drive, Suite 150
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
(904) 306-0390


Art with a Heart Team

Lori Guadagno
Co-founder, Program Director 
 Artist in Residence

Lori Presto, MSW
Director of Operations 
 Artist in Residence

Josh Bergesen
 Program Manager 
 Artist in Residence

Christy Ponder 
Program Developer 
Artist in Residence 

Ajamu Mutima
Artist in Residence  
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Tracie Thornton 
Artist in Residence
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Cheryl Borja
Artist in Residence
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Kelly DeSousa, MS, Art Therapist
Artist in Residence
Kid Together Against Cancer

Jennifer Lail
Artist in Residence
Ronald McDonald House

Remembrance Weekend
Remembrance Weekend hosted by The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation exists for families who have lost a loved one to cancer and provides them with a weekend of support and fun activities. This year Art with a Heart artists and volunteers assisted over 30 families in a project of reflection and hope inspired by dream catchers and origami.


Behavioral Health Expansion

We are excited to expand our services to the Pediatric Behavioral Health Unit for three days a week. This is made possible by a generous and anonymous donor. We are so grateful to spend more creative time with these patients.
Funky Coloring Pages

We'd like to announce the unveiling of Funky Coloring Pages! Designed and conceived by former Art with a Heart UNF intern Michael Guy Tomassoni and fully funded by the David Garrard Foundation.

This coloring book appeals to all  of our patient population. Michael's talent and giving nature is truly reflected in this unique project.

Visiting Artist Series
Thank you to our most recent visiting artists, Michael Tommasoni and Bob Drost.  Both brought their art sessions to the bedside of patients who were unable to join us in a group. A special thanks to our very own Tracie Thornton for a memorable session of screen printing!

Use Amazon to Support Art with a Heart
Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Art with a Heart in Healthcare every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Art with a Heart. Just choose Art with a Heart in Healthcare when prompted. 
Patient Artwork



Storm Crosser



Boxed In

Tree of the Squad
