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Summer Quarter 2014 
News from the Heart 
Art with a Heart in Healthcare provides personalized fine art experiences that enhance the healing process for patients and their families. 
100 days of Summer
Please join the Art with a Heart in Healthcare team for a summer awareness drive to help raise funds for increased one-to-one artist time with our patients.
To participate, go to our Facebook page, Like, Comment or Share on any post relating to the 100 days of Summer campaign and help spread the word. All Participants during the awareness campaign will automatically be entered into weekly prize raffles.

Please help us by contributing today!
The Art of Giving
Jacksonville Country Day School used funds raised from "Break the Dress Code" to purchase art materials for Art-to-Go bags in memory of beloved friend Ellie Kavalieros. Mila, Ellie's sister, and Grant Szymanski, student council president, developed a smiley face theme for student council members to paint. The completed canvases and purchased art materials were delivered to Art with a Heart. We thank all the students who generously participated in helping to spread Ellie's creative spirit to so many hospitalized children! A special thanks to Shaw Lane, Lisa Kavalieros, daughters Mila and Penelope, Vivian Pinner, Christina Sanchez, Dr. Szymanski and his son, Grant.

Spiritual Conference 
The 4th Annual Conference on Children and Spirituality presented by the Wolfson's Children's Hospital's Department of Pastoral Care was held at Baptist Medical Center on June 13th. Art with a Heart Artist- in- Residence, Tracie Thornton, was a presenter in a breakout session with a focus on our photography program and the importance of providing the opportunity for expression and creativity. 
The Art of Giving
Bolles students donated over 20 pieces of artwork to Art with a Heart in Healthcare to be gifted to the patients of Wolfson Children's Hospital.  The students from the Whitehurst Campus belong to the club C.H.A.M.P.S. (Children Helping And Making Positive Strides)  The club, under the guidance of Kelly Stevenson, has the goal of teaching students to identify, research, and address community challenges using knowledge and skills learned through every day experiences.


Thank You C.H.A.M.P.S.!

Thank you to our Supporters

We would like to thank the following for their continued funding and support!  

The Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation - Nemours Children's Clinic 
Black Knight Financial Services -  
General Donation

Sarah Hedden - 
Matching Donation through  
C.R. Bard Foundation  

Cheryl Borja, Art with a Heart artist was given the Care and Service award by the Wolfson Children's Hospital Auxiliary.  Thank you Cheryl for all that you do! 
New Volunteers
Thank you and welcome to our new volunteers Samantha Sulley, Karen Flautt, Bradi Bergesen and Maddie Firestone! 
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See more of AWAHIH by connecting with us through:

Like us on Facebook       View our videos on YouTube 

Art with a Heart is grateful for the selfless devotion of our volunteers.


Wolfson Children's Hospital

Patsy Moore

Pati Merrill

Samantha Solley

Laura Meier

Karen Flautt


Ronald McDonald House

Cheryl Borja 

Bradi Bergesen

Maddie Firestone   

Board of Directors

Melissa Roland

Cynthia Jacoby Greene

Robert Monsky


Guy Cuddihee
Paula McGarvey

Board Committees

Executive Committee 
Melissa Roland - Treasurer
Cynthia Green - Secretary

Board Nominating Committee
Robert Monsky

Fundraising Committee
Paula McGarvey 
Board of Advisors

  Kristen D. McLauchlin
Lisa Ullmann
Katharine Loeb
Sam Hall
Kathy Soler-Sala
Honorary Board Members 

Louise Freshman Brown
Professor University of North Florida

Suzanne Taylor
Community Volunteer

Karen Wolfson
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Art with a Heart
in Healthcare
841 Prudential Drive, Suite 150
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
(904) 306-0390


Art with a Heart Team

Lori Guadagno
Co-founder, Program Director 
 Artist in Residence

Lori Presto, MSW
Director of Operations 
 Artist in Residence

Josh Bergesen
 Program Manager 
 Artist in Residence

Christy Ponder 
Program Developer 
Artist in Residence 

Ajamu Mutima
Artist in Residence  
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Tracie Thornton 
Artist in Residence
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Cheryl Borja
Artist in Residence
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Kelly DeSousa, MS, Art Therapist
Artist in Residence
Kid Together Against Cancer

Jennifer Lail
Artist in Residence
Ronald McDonald House

Back in the "House"
Art with a Heart has returned to the Ronald McDonald House! Sessions are held every Tuesday night by artists Jennifer Lail and Josh Bergesen and contributing volunteer artists, Cheryl Borja, Bradi Bergesen and Maggie Firestone. We are thrilled to be back in the House to share art with all the resident families. 


Welcome Christy Ponder

We are grateful to welcome Christy Ponder to our team. Christy started as a volunteer and has developed into a program consultant focusing on fundraising, public relations, community outreach and program expansion. Already her contributions to our organization have been invaluable!
Visiting Artist Series
Dream Boxes
Our visiting artist for May was Linda Altman who directed a wonderful session of painting personalized "Dream Boxes" with our patients.   
Visiting Artist Series
Angels for Allison
Visiting Artist for June was a team from the non-profit, Angels for Allison. They shared their signature angel ornaments with our patients to paint and display in their rooms.       

Thank you to all our visiting artists for donating their time.  For information on becoming a visiting artist with Art with a Heart please contact Tracie Thornton.

Patient Artwork


Intertwined Heart


