Art with a Heart in Healthcare provides personalized fine art experiences that enhance the healing process
for patients and their families.
Wheelchair Makeover
What makes a simple wheelchair customized? A group of Art with a Heart artists! Sometimes we get an out-of-the ordinary request from a patient so we work our magic to make it happen!
UNF Intern Displays Unique Teaching Approach
Our UNF intern, Edmarie Hernandez, devised an easy step by step drawing method to ease the frustration for a 6 year old patient who loves drawing realistic trucks. The results were hugely successful!
Patient Photography Exhibition, Reflections, at Downtown Library
Reflections, our patient photography show is currently on display at the Jacksonville Main Library through April. For directions, please click on the link HERE.
The Art of Giving
We'd like to thank The Cummer Family Foundation and the Woodcock Foundation for the Appreciation of the Arts, INC. for their continued support of our programs.
Thank You
Thank you to our two most loyal and loved volunteers. Patsy and Pati. Our program is extra special because of the both of you!
Cheryl Borja Artist in Residence Wolfson Children's Hospital
Kelly DeSousa, MS, Art Therapist Artist in Residence Kid Together Against Cancer
First KTAC Session
Art with a Heart artist Kelly DeSousa completed her first quarterly program working with KTAC. The art activities developed by Kelly are for children and families coping with a family member who has cancer. These sessions allow families to share their feelings through the comfort of a creative and positive art experience. For more information about KTAC please visit their website.
Jewelry Drive
Thank you Pineapple Post and Wolfson Auxiliary for your generous offer to collect and supply donations for our recycled jewelry drive. The patients are loving their creations! Thanks to everyone for keeping our program so successful. Keep the jewelry coming!
The Pineapple Post is at 2403 S. Third St (A1A) Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Donations can also be made directly to the Auxiliary offices at Wolfson Children's Hospital or can be mailed to Art with a Heart's Office at 841 Prudential Drive Suite 150 Jacksonville, Fl 32207.
Valentines Art
Art with a Heart set aside a special day of hearts, art and painting to celebrate Valentines Day. Beautiful mini-canvases were painted to create a very unique Valentine's Day Card!
We featured monoprinting as a visiting artist session with April Sham and Meagan Bardol with the help of new volunteer Samantha Solley and the UNF interns!
Monoprints from the session.
Patient with her piece.
Thank you to all our visiting artists for donating their time. For information on becoming a visiting artist with Art with a Heart please contact Tracie Thornton.
Patient Artwork
Day and Night Pink Dragon Fly Blue Bird Sittin' Tortoise