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2012 Year in Review
Art with a Heart in Healthcare provides personalized fine art experiences that enhance the healing process 
for patients and their families. 

Since our founding in 2001 by cousins, Lori Guadagno and Lisa Ullmann, Art with a Heart in Healthcare has served more than 35,000 children and their families at Wolfson Children's Hospital, Nemours Children's Clinic and Ronald McDonald House in Jacksonville, Florida.


Our talented team of staff artists, community volunteers and interns from the University of North Florida develop individualized art sessions in order to meet the unique needs of each patient. Together, artists and patients create art that reclaims the child's sense of self from illness.


Our emphasis on patient-directed creative expression helps humanize the high-tech atmosphere of clinical settings. The physicians, patients and families we work with report that our services help diminish fear and relieve pain while empowering children who find themselves in a powerless situation.



We believe that creativity is fundamental to the human experience; that artistic expression promotes physical health and mental well-being that leads to improved patient outcomes.

Digital Photography Program
Angela age 13



  • 5,349 Patients Served:
    • Wolfson: 3,995 patients
    • Nemours: 512 patients
    • RMcDH: 842 patients
 Patient Contact Hours  8,897


  • Number of interns: 5 from UNF
  • Number of patients served: 195
  • Number of patient contact hours: 389
  • Number of Volunteers: 8
  • Number of patients served: 1,074
  • Number of patient contact hours: 2,025
    • Wolfson: 1091 hrs
    • RMcDH: 934 hrs
 Visiting Artists
  • Bob Drost
  • Tracie Thornton
  • Elizabeth Cramer
  • Nicole Robinson
  • Dolf James
  • Megan Crosby
  • Amy McMann

Visiting Artist 

Meghan Crosby and patient.



AWAHIH extends our appreciation to the many Jacksonville businesses and people who supported our mission during 2012.  The success of our programs would not be possible without you.  We look forward to a prosperous and exciting 2013.


Baptist Foundation - 

WCH Services and Programs


Tom Coughlin Jay Fund Foundation - Nemours Children's Clinic


Woodcock Foundation -  

WCH Behavioral Health  


Florida Blue - 

2012 - 2013 photography program 

and MOCA group show


Southshore Group Partners INC - 

Donation of AWAHIH executive office


Cummer Family Foundation -

WCH Services and Programs


CR Bard Fundation -

WCH Services and Programs


Rayonier Foundation -

WCH Services and Programs


LPS Foundation - 

WCH Services and Programs


Jacksonville Auto Dealers Association -

WCH Services and Programs



Art with a Heart is grateful for the selfless devotion of our volunteers.


Wolfson Children's Hospital

Patsy Moore

Pati Merrill

Marilyn Antram

Tracie Thornton

Amy McMann


Ronald McDonald House

Suyjin Yu

Cheryl Borja

Nicole Coplin

Lidia Rodriguez

Kelly Grokulsky

Shellie Thies
Board of Directors

Lisa Ullmann
Co-founder & Chair

Melissa Roland

Cynthia Jacoby Greene

Robert Monsky


Kristen D. McLauchlin

Gary Corless

Guy Cuddihee
Paula McGarvey

Dr. Michelle Aquino
Board of Advisors
Katharine Loeb
Jennifer Wanamaker
Sam Hall
Kathy Soler-Sala
Honorary Trustees

Louise Freshman Brown
Professor University of North Florida

Suzanne Taylor
Community Volunteer

Karen Wolfson
Wolfson Children's Hospital
Art with a Heart
in Healthcare
841 Prudential Drive, Suite 204
Jacksonville, Florida 32207
(904) 306-0390


Achievements and Events
  • WCH/Baptist Foundation Calendar
  • 600 Art-to-Go bags distributed at WCH
  • Digital Photography Program reinstated
  • MOCA In this Moment Photography exhibition
  • Paint the Town annual fundraiser
  • CNN featured AWAHIH/WCH (aired Sept. 2012)
  • Featured Article in Arbus Oct/Nov 2012
  • 16 pieces of patient artwork displayed in Baptist Tower Cafeteria
  • 10 community visiting artists to WCH
  • Participated in Strike Jax Auction benefiting WCH
  • Implementing Patient Satisfaction Surveys
  • Remembrance Weekend with The Jay Fund (30 Families Attended)
  • MS Kids Camp art project (100 kids participating)
  • Art Exchange between JU art students and WCH patients
  • Cypress Village community outreach art sessions
  • 12 pieces of patient art generated for The Jay Fund fundraising Auctions.
  • Created collaborative recognition gift presented to The Jay Fund.
 "Art with a Heart definitely enriches the lives of our patients, siblings and parents and gives them a wonderful opportunity to express themselves. Each artist, volunteer and student with the program is an asset and brings with them very special talents to share.


- Pat Kirkland, WCH - Child Life Coordinator

We appreciate the people and organizations who helped in community outreach through supply drives and donations.


Catie Cares - Carter Family

Art supply drive and fundraiser 

in honor or Catie Carter


Manadarian Christian High School

Fundraiser in honor of Catie Carter   


Jami Childers Barbershop 



Brent Vance and Dan Tice

Art supply drive and fundraiser


Megan Crosby

Valentines Boutique fundraiser


MSC Medical Services and Employees

Art supply drive and fundraiser


 Mett Family

Art supply drive in honor of Kaylum


J. Allen Axson Montessori School

Art supply drive and fundraiser

In honor of Vivian Kowkabany
AWAH logo-verticle
See more of AWAHIH by connecting with us through:

Like us on Facebook       View our videos on YouTube 
Art with a Heart Team

Lori Guadagno
Co-founder, Program Director 
 Artist in Residence

Lori Presto, MSW
Director of Operations 
 Artist in Residence

Josh Bergesen
 Program Manager 
 Artist in Residence

Ajamu Mutima
Contracted Artist 
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Linda Broodfoot
Contracted Artist
Wolfson Children's Hospital

Cheryl Borja
Contracted Artist
Ronald McDonald House

Jennifer Lail
Contracted Artist
Ronald McDonald House

Nicole Robison - UNF Intern 2012
Final Semester Piece