The Discovery Mill Header Image with Logo making connections

Green Spark 
 April 2012




As managers and leaders, increasingly, we all need to be change-makers for energy and environmental improvement, putting in place the structures and processes that empower local leadership and help support and coordinate organisational change.


Finding and making connections is often the key to making it easier for you to make change happen. In this issue, we introduce some connections we have developed to help support our clients and the organisations we work with.


In This Issue
7 days to sustainability
NEMEX Sustainabilitylive!
At home - ABC targeting heat loss
300 Big green ideas - a university action plan

7 days to sustainability

7 days to sustainability     


This year, The Discovery Mill is proud to support the Planet Positive '7 days to sustainability' campaign.


The campaign provides a FREE sustainability programme to UK businesses to help them see the benefits of sustainability; from cost saving and energy efficiency to marketing and sales whilst, of course, being good for the planet.   


Read more to discover for yourself.

Connect at NEMEX



Sustainabilitylive! is once again taking place at the NEC, Birmingham 22-24 May 2012. It's a great place to catch-up with colleagues and friends and to make new connections.


We continue to support this event by contributing to the NEMEX steering group and chairing and presenting as part of the organisational behaviour change session on Wednesday 23 May (Energy Stage Two, 10.30-11.30am).


We hope to see you there!


Find out more.

At home - ABC targeting heat loss

 Hot roof

A hot roof means heat is being lost which costs you money - whether it's at home or at work!


Getting this right means connecting behaviour, technology and the way you run your buildings.


This picture shows high surface temperatures on this roof - a hot spot to target.  Our associate, Alun Ottley, and I discovered this and other opportunities when we recently surveyed a building with a thermal image camera.


Targeting heat loss is as easy as ABC - click through to discover how you can make savings:


The aim of 'Green Sparks' is to share ideas that help put PEOPLE at the heart of energy and environmental management success. If you would like to contribute please get in touch.


More and more, we all have a role to play to help influence and support colleagues in getting behind organisational goals for energy and making change happen.


Hopefully some of these ideas will help you do this.


Best regards,


James Brittain CEng MEI Director

The Discovery Mill


P.S. A Big green event is a great way to give everyday champions the opportunity to make connections and give them the support to enable them become smart savers and leaders giving them an edge for the future.





300 'Big Green Ideas'

A university action plan

Big green ideas  


 "A great way to think about energy saving"


The 'Big Green' event is one of our 'off the shelf' products that can easily be customised to use in a very cost effective way; most often delivered by embedding ourselves within our client's team.


LCMB (Low Carbon Maintenance & Buildings) adopted this approach for one of their university clients to involve staff more actively in their carbon reduction strategy as part of the work helping to make the university's buildings and estate work harder.


"Working with The Discovery Mill, and James, has enabled us to deliver a fantastic programme of 'Big green' events to help our university client reinforce key messages and generate enthusiasm and involvement in an innovative and visible way." John O'Brien - Managing Director, LCMB.


Following on from this success, The Discovery Mill will continue to support LCMB with facilitation and support tools on an associate, project by project, basis; our work being integrated into LMCB's overall approach with James becoming an Associate Director within the LCMB team.

Find out more


Where's James?


23 May 2012

'Metrics that sizzle'

NEMEX SustainabilityLive!


Come and see us at the behaviour change session at NEMEX starting at 10.30am

Share The Green Spark 


Do you know someone who is looking for a green spark?  


Share this email with them. 



What is The Discovery Mill? 

The Discovery Mill specialises in helping organisations to put PEOPLE at the heart of energy management success.
We offer tailored and combined behavioural and technical support to help create a 'green spark' and momentum, making it easier for teams and people to get more involved.
This delivers multiple benefits for the organisation as well as the people involved.

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