Region Matters


October 7, 2014  Vol. 4 - Issue 42   

Hello CRC Community,

Jonathan London

CRC Director

We hope you enjoy this week's edition of Region Matters - Because we intend Region Matters to be an asset to our campus and community partners, Please continue to send your requests for inclusion in our newsletter to CRC Info.    

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CA Civic Engagement Project 

Healthy Youth/Healthy Environment
CRC Partner Highlight

Watershed Moments for Healthy and Equitable Communities

The Leadership Council for Justice and Accountability - one of CRC's core partners on environmental justice projects in rural California -  and Fresno residents won two victories in their fight against the siting of unhealthy, polluting land uses in their communities, and for government accountability and robust public process.  These victories demonstrate the momentum shift underway in Fresno as community health and community voice take on a central role in land use and planning decisions.  The Leadership Council and several other community partners have also recently used the CRC's Cumulative Environmental Vulnerability Analysis in their critique of Riverside County's Coachella Valley transit plan for not serving the most disadvantaged communities in the Coachella Valley.

Recent Reports, Research, and Resources

Seeking Submissions for Public: A Journal of Imagining America 

Public: A Journal of Imagining America is a peer-reviewed, multimedia e-journal focused on humanities, arts, and design in public life. They are interested in projects, pedagogies, resources, and ideas that reflect rich engagements among diverse participants, organizations, disciplines, and sectors.  Public is part of the national consortium Imagining America: Artists and Scholars in Public Life, committed to the intersection of culture and participatory democracy.  In January 2015, Public: A Journal of Imagining America will accept submissions for its next publication. For more information, click here.


Request for Applications: Technical Assistance Scholarship Program

Earlier this year, the Center for Community Progress launched the Technical  Assistance Scholarship Program (TASP).  TASP is designed to bring significant technical assistance within reach of communities working to reclaim neighborhoods from vacancy and abandonment, while piloting new solutions to advance the field as a whole.  Deadline: October 17


Cap-and-Trade Funds
The California Strategic Growth Council (SGC), charged with administering a portion of cap-and-trade funds, released the first draft of guidelines for the new Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program. Also, the
California Air Resources Board adopted interim guidance for all agencies administering cap-and-trade revenues in the 2014-15 fiscal year, including the SGC.

Upcoming Events

Water Bond: Environmental Justice Webinar

The Environmental Justice Coalition for Water is holding a webinar to learn about the water bond that will appear before California voters on the November 2014 ballot. The Community Water Center, Winnemem Wintu Tribe, Southern California Watershed Alliance, and Restore the Delta, will present a variety of environmental and tribal justice perspectives on the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014.

Date: October 8
Time: 1:00pm
Place: Online

Registration is free.


UCD Geography Graduate Group Speaker Series

The weekly speaker's series featuring talks and discussions with speakers from UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and UC Santa Cruz will be held every Tuesday at 4:10-5:30pm in Wickson Hall, Room 2124.  For students who plan on attending, the series is available as a 2-unit course (GEO297, CRN: 45925).  The first talk is co-hosted by the American Studies Program: "War's Remains: Slow Violence and the Urbanization of Military Bases in California" by Lindsey Dillon, Chancellor's Post-Doctoral Fellow in American Studies.  Click here for more information on the series.

Date: October 7
Time: 4:10 - 5:30pm
Place: 3201 Hart Hall

Talks are open to the public.


Hispanic Serving Institution UC Davis Forums

Come learn about UC Davis' goal to increase diversity and improve campus climate by attaining Hispanic Serving Institution status, and join the discussion during the Q&A session.  Students, faculty and staff are all encouraged to attend.
Date: October 9
Time: 8:30 - 10am
Place: UC Davis Welcome Center

Job/Internship Opportunities 

Research Job Openings at the Berkeley Labor Center  

The Institute for Research on Labor and Employment at University of California, Berkeley is seeking candidates for appointment to the Specialist series to support two research projects at the Center for Labor Research and Education. Deadline: October 23


Full-Time and Summer Internship Opportunities at the California State Legislative Analyst's Office

The California Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) is the nonpartisan fiscal and policy advisor to the California Legislature.  Its mission is to reduce the cost of state government and/or to increase its efficiency.  The LAO is seeking applications for its Fiscal and Policy Analyst position and summer internship program. Deadline: December 19


About The UC Davis Center for Regional Change

Launched in 2007, the CRC is a catalyst for innovative, collaborative, and action-oriented research. It brings together faculty and students from different disciplines, and builds bridges between university, policy, advocacy, business, philanthropy and other sectors.  The CRC's goal is to support the building of healthy, equitable, prosperous, and sustainable regions in California and beyond.  


Learn more! Visit the CRC website. To contact us directly, email or  call us at (530) 752-3007.