Region Matters


August 26, 2014  Vol. 4 - Issue 37   

Hello CRC Community,

Jonathan London

CRC Director

We hope you enjoy this week's edition of Region Matters - Please continue to send your requests for inclusion in our newsletter to CRC Info.    

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CRC Spotlight
Regionally-Relevant in Print
Recent Reports, Research, and Resources
Upcoming Events
About The CRC
CRC Spotlight
CRC Takes Part in Sustainable Communities Strategy Learning Exchange 

CRC Director Jonathan London presented a comparative analysis of the CRC's projects to integrate social equity into regional planning as part of a Learning Exchange on August 20 in Fresno. The event, co-hosted by the Fresno County of Governments, Sierra Business Council and the Local Government Commission, brought together planning, health, and community development experts from around the state to share lessons learned and promising practices. Jonathan's presentation focused on using CRC and other mapping tools to inform community and regional needs assessment.


New CRC Employee

Nicole Washington joined the CRC in 2014 as a Student Assistant.  Nicole is a third-year transfer student at UC Davis and has already received her Associate's Degree in Arts & Humanities and Interdisciplinary Math & Science.  Her work at the CRC will focus on the weekly newsletter "Region Matters," the CRC Facebook page and CRC website updates.  Nicole is studying for her Bachelor's in English in hopes of becoming a top-notch journalist for a reputable magazine or publication.  Please join us in welcoming Nicole to the CRC community!

Regionally-Relevant in Print

Hmong Americans in Michigan

By Martha Adaljem Bloomfield

This book introduces readers to the experiences of Hmong refugees in Michigan and discusses Hmong American history, culture, and more specifically how they left homelands filled with brutality and warfare to come to the United States. Thoroughly researched, combining interviews, secondary sources, and participant observation, this study provides the reader with an in-depth sense of their experience through the use of detailed portraits of families and individuals framed within a broader historical, political, and economic context. Click here for more information or to order.  


Working Migrant Youth in the United States

Young migrants who come illegally to the United States face exploitation, poverty and marginalization. This is partly because they are not protected by law and lack parental guidance, according to a new policy brief released by theCenter for Poverty Research at UCD. Two policies, the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, target unauthorized youth for legalization based on academic achievement or potential service to the military. However, up to 62% of the unauthorized youth population is excluded because they are not enrolled in school and will not qualify to serve in the military. This also includes the young migrant workers that were interviewed for this research. For the full report, click here.

Recent Reports, Research, and Resources

Helping Disadvantaged Communities Deal with Pollution

The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the California Environmental Protection Agency announces the availability of the California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool: CalEnviroScreen Version 2.0(CalEnviroScreen). CalEnviroScreen is a screening methodology that can be used to help identify California communities that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution. For more information, click here.
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Workshops on Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities

The California Strategic Growth Council  (SGC) and its member agencies are conducting a total of three workshops; Fresno (Aug 25), Oakland (Sep 3), and Los Angeles (Aug 26) to solicit public input on guidelines for the new Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program  (AHSC). Public comments will be incorporated into the draft guidelines and discussed by the SGC on October 6.


Lecture on Geographical Indications & Indigenous Implications at UCD

Professor Brad Sherman of Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia will be giving a talk at King Hall on Geographical Indications and Indigenous Knowledge

Date: September 10
Time: Noon, 3-5pm for coffee and discussion
Place: King Hall, UCD

Open to the public, and lunch will be provided.


About The UC Davis Center for Regional Change

Launched in 2007, the CRC is a catalyst for innovative, collaborative, and action-oriented research. It brings together faculty and students from different disciplines, and builds bridges between university, policy, advocacy, business, philanthropy and other sectors.  The CRC's goal is to support the building of healthy, equitable, prosperous, and sustainable regions in California and beyond.  


Learn more! Visit the CRC website. To contact us directly, email or  call us at (530) 752-3007.