Region Matters


    November 30th, 2012  Vol. 3. Issue 10                             

Dear Community

We hope everyone had a wonderful and restful break. This week Region Matters highlights some of the innovative work of the CRC that is having an impact in the Sacramento Region and the state of California.  


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In This Issue
CRC Research Innovations
CRC Impact
Upcoming Events
Regional Change in the News
Grants/Employment Opportunities
CRC Research Innovations


CRC Impact

The CRC was pleased to host a book launch event for Associate Professor and CRC Executive Committee mr member, Michael Rios for his new co-edited volume, Diagolos: Placemaking in Latino Communities (Routledge Press)

Di�logos: Placemaking in Latino Communities will help readers better understand the conflicts and challenges inherent in placemaking, and to make effective and sustainable choices for practice in an increasingly multi-ethnic world. The essays explore three aspects of place: the appropriation and territorialization of the built environment, the claiming of rights through collective action, and a sense of belonging through civic participation. The authors illustrate their ideas through case studies and explain the implications of their work for placemaking practice.


Michael and JKL A consistent theme about planning and design practice in Latino communities emerges throughout the book: placemaking happens with or without professional planners and designers. All of the essays in Di�logos demonstrate the need to not only imagine, build, and make places with local communities, but also to re-imagine how we practice democracy inclusive of cross-cultural exchange, understanding, and respect. This will require educators, students, and working professionals to incorporate the knowledge and skills of cultural competency into their everyday practices.

Upcoming Events

Please join us for a brown bag lunch presentation sponsored by Healthy Youth/Healthy Environments, a new initiative to promote stronger, more equitable youth opportunities and outcomes by increasing understanding of the settings where young people live, learn, lead, play, work, and receive care. 


December 11, 2012, 12-1pm

142 Hunt Hall, UC Davis


Generation Waking Up: Local to Global Examples of Youth Engagement in Governance, Social Justice and Sustainable Development.  

Dr. Philip Cook, Executive Director International Institute for Child Rights and Development

Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria, Canada. Click here to for more information about the presentation. Learn more about Healthy Youth/Healthy Environments at regional change.


The UC Berkeley Center for Cities and Schools, the California Department of Education, the Strategic Growth Council, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research, the Health in All Policies Task Force, and the California Department of Public Health are partnering to bring the following event to Sacramento.


Partnering with K-12 Education in Building Healthy, Sustainable, and Competitive Regions: A California Policy Symposium


On December 6th,  from 10 am to 4 pm, join leaders from across California to discuss aligning important policy agendas: ensuring high-quality, opportunity-rich schools in healthy, sustainable communities. The success of our cities and regions depends on high-quality schools, just as high-quality schools depend on the vibrancy, health, and sustainability of our communities. State and local policy leaders increasingly recognize how the conditions, qualities, and locations of K-12 school environments affect not only teaching and learning but also equity and healthy community objectives, including land use, growth, and congestion.

Attendance is free with registration and lunch will be provided. Contact Ibukun Olude at for more information. Tsakopoulos Library Galleria, 828 I Street, Sacramento, CA 

More information and free registration at:

Managing Performance in Youth Civic Engagement Programs

Cost:  FREE

Date & Time: Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 3:00-4:00pm EST


Learn how newly released PerformWell content can help civic engagement programs for youth manage program performance and measure outcomes. Teresa Derrick-Mills, who led the development of this new PerformWell content, will address questions like: What are meaningful outcomes for youth civic engagement programs? What are good tools to measure them? Which aspects of service delivery should be managed to make sure the program is on track to producing desired outcomes? Dr. Derrick-Mills is joined by Zenub Kakli, who will speak to how the United Teen Equality Center manages performance in practice. Dr. Derrick-Mills and Dr. Kakli will answer questions from the audience. Register for this event here


Housing California is NOW accepting proposals for two types of learning forums: Pre-Conference Institutes Housing Calif Logo and Workshops. Proposals must be received by 5:00 PM, Friday, December 7, 2012. Click here for the grant application.
Regional Change in the News

Recent News Article:


Environmental justice implications of arsenic contamination: a cross-sectional, cluster-design examining exposure and compliance in community drinking water systems.

Carolina L Balazs, Rachel Morello-Frosch, Alan Hubbard and Isha Ray

We found that higher arsenic levels and higher odds of receiving an MCL violation were most common in CWSs serving predominantly socio-economically disadvantaged communities. Our findings suggest that communities with greater proportions of low SES residents not only face disproportionate arsenic exposures, but unequal MCL compliance challenges. The complete article is available as a provisional PDF.

Grants/Employment Opportunities

$40,000 in Funding Available:


A limited number of grants for undergraduate students are available for 2012-13 through Poverty Alleviation Through Action (PATA). PATA is a grants program administered by the UC Davis Blum Center for Developing Economies (website: The PATA grants program offers partial funding to pursue field work on poverty alleviation and/or inequality, preferentially but not exclusively, in a developing country. 

Click here to learn more information.