Region Matters


    October 5th, 2012  Vol. 3. Issue 3                             

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The CRC is pleased to announce the return of our Director Jonathan London to active stewardship of the CRC. After a much needed writing sabbatical, Jonathan is, once again, leading the Center's many partnerships and activities. Welcome back, Jonathan!

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In This Issue
CRC Activities
Regional Change in the News
Special Reports on Regional Change
Jobs & Employment Opportunities

Friends and Partners of the Center for Regional Change,


I would like to express my gratitude to our colleague Dave Campbell for his wonderful leadership as Acting Director of the CRC over the past six months. Dave skillfully moved the Center's many projects forward with great success, allowing me to take some time to focus on writing projects. I am grateful to Dave for his seasoned and respectful leadership with the CRC's many partnerships and its talented staff.


With great thanks,  

Jonathan London

Regional Change in the News

On Wed Oct 3rd, the CRC held its official public launch of the California Civic

Engagement Project introducing its resources to a wide array of audiences, including public officials, advocacy groups and non-partisan organizations. The event was great success, with folks attending from across the Sacramento and Bay Area regions. Click here is to learn more about the project.
At the launch, the CCEP also release the second in a series of policy briefs. The brief (click here ) tracks the growth of the state's registered youth population. Youth registration numbers in California have grown significantly over the past decade, outpacing general registration. Despite these gains, youth remain underrepresented in California's electorate, with disparity greatest in regions with some of the poorest outcomes for youth. Click here to see the of the fantastic press the policy brief has received, thus far.


Special Reports on Regional Change

Jim Keddy, Vice President and Chief Learning Officer at The California Endowment, recently posted a blog about his experiences in his new position. Read this enlightening post here


On Tuesday, the University of Southern California's Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration (CSII) recently launched an interactive, online mapping tool that identifies the share of recently naturalized immigrants in the voting-age citizen population in the U.S. This innovative, user-friendly tool, designed to illustrate the potential importance of this vote and help target resources for more effective efforts at registration and mobilization, is available here. The website is accompanied by a report, "Rock the (Naturalized) Vote: The Size and Location of the Recently Naturalized Voting Age Citizen Population," which further explains the importance of this analysis as well as the methodology used to generate the estimates at the state and sub-state level; it is available here.

 A new book by Rita Axelroth Hodges and Steve Dubb, The Road Half  Traveled: University Engagement 

at a  Crossroadsis available from Michigan State University Press. Drawing on ten diverse universities as case studies, this eye-opening book explores practices and strategies that can be employed to improve conditions in low-income communities and emphasizes the critical roles of university leaders, philanthropy, and policy in this process. 
Child Trends Conducts First-Ever Region Region-Wide Look at Data on Children across the National Capital Region. Their work is the first comprehensive review of data on children and youth throughout the National Capital Region. Child Trend's data review, Assessing the Status and Needs of Children and Youth in the National Capital Region. Click here to read the report. 

Cristian Hernandez & another youth, Tony Ramirez, have been working with BHC Merced and Youbiquicast on creating videos that will make a positive difference in the Merced community. Click here to see Cristian's YouTube video on what Building Healthy Communities, Merced & Claudia Corchado have helped him achieve in his young life so far! 

Upcoming Events

Join Mutual Housing Association to help continue their legacy of housing the region's

Mutual Housing

most vulnerable families. On October 11th, they will be hosting their annual free breakfast fundraiser where you'll hear inspirational and personal experiences of Mutual Housing residents. This year, Mutual Housing Association is also celebrating the start of its 25th year of building housing in the Sacramento region.


Thursday, October 11  

7:45 a.m.- 9 a.m.
Woodlake Hotel
500 Leisure Lane, Sacramento

RSVP: Allison Fleming
916.453.8400, ext. 220  

Fellowships and Employment Opportunities

The following are some current opportunities for youth employment in the region:

IN SCHOOL YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM: Throughout the month of October, Crossroads Diversified Services, in partnership with SETA, are continuing to recruit for their year-round In School Employment Program. This program offers seniors graduating in June, 2013 the opportunity to build employability skills and gain direct work experience while attending school.  Final Date to enroll is November 1st!  If you are interested in learning more, please contact Julia Lewis at here

NORTH STATE BUILDING INDUSTRY OUT OF SCHOOL PROGRAM: This year-round employment opportunity offers youth who are NOT currently enrolled in high school or college the opportunity to participate in a paid-construction internship. Youth must live in Sacramento County and be able to pass a drug test.  This program gives participants essential work readiness skills, up to 240 hours of paid work experience, tutoring/ GED prep, guidance to permanent employment, and exposure to the construction industry. For more information, contact Vicki Talo, or La Vonnia De Loach,


THE OUT OF SCHOOL YOUTH PROGRAM: This out of school youth program, conducted by Asian Resources Inc, is open to any youth that have graduated high school ages 16-21. This program provides 120 hours of paid work experience and includes ongoing community service involvement. For more information click here