Bishop Luers High School is a Catholic educational community that instills in each student dignity, integrity, respect and responsibility. Nurtured by Catholic truths, each student is able to face the challenges in his or her own life spiritually, academically, and socially while serving God and others in a global and changing society.

"We are the Light of the World!"

Dear Parent(s) and Friends,
I sincerely hope that the school year is going well for everyone. If you have not seen your student's mid-term, please ask about it. If you are still having trouble signing into Power School, please let us know. We are scheduling another day with a Power School "guru" and will be sure to try and get any parent connection issues resolved. I hope your student is getting involved in extra-curricular activities and connecting with new friends this year.
Thank you to all of our grandparents and special guests who visited on Wednesday. It was a pleasure to have visitors in our building. I remember how excited I used to get spending time with my grandparents. There is a special unconditional love that a grandparent has for grandchildren. Grandparents are a blessing. I hope all of our grandparents got great big hugs yesterday!
Many of our students have had the privilege of watching coverage of the Pope's visit to the United States. Today, Pope Francis addressed a Joint Meeting of Congress. As Congress considers the Holy Father's words, keep in mind this prayer for a governing assembly from the Roman Missal: "O God, who arrange all things in wondrous order and govern in marvelous ways, look with favor on the assembled, for whom we now pray, and mercifully pour out upon them the spirit of your wisdom, that they may decide everything for the well-being and peace of all and may never turn aside from your will. Through Christ our Lord.
May the Peace of Christ be with each of you,
Tiffany Albertson, Principal
"Mother of Perpetual Help"
Mother of Perpetual Help, today we face so many difficulties. Your picture tells us so much about you. It reminds us to reach out and help those in need. Help us understand that our lives belong to others as much as they belong to us.  Mary, Model of Christian love, we know we cannot heal every ill or solve every problem. But with God's grace, we intend to do what we can. May we be true witnesses to the world that love for one another really matters. May our daily actions proclaim how fully our lives are modeled after yours, Mother of Perpetual Help.
Sophomore Grandparents' Day
Sophomore Retreats
Austin Mack
Come show your support for Austin's accomplishments and join us in celebration!
Bishop Luers High School and representatives of the Army All-American Bowl would like for all students, faculty, coaches, family, and friends to celebrate Austin Mack's acceptance to their All-American football game. Austin is just the second Knight to be invited to this prestigious game (Jaylon Smith 2012-2013).
The assembly will take place in the Bishop Luers High School gym on Wednesday, October 7th at 2:15 p.m. 
Ronnie Archuletta
In case you missed it, there was a great article about Ronnie's accomplishments in art in The Journal Gazette. Here is the link:
Basketball - Clock Operator Volunteer Needed
The Athletic Department is looking for another great volunteer to operate the game clock this season. If you love basketball and are interested in being a part of the team, please contact Rick Brown, Athletic Director at (260) 456-1261, ext. 3021 or for more information.
Many thanks go out to our long time basketball clock operator volunteer, Gary Wasson. Gary volunteered for 22 years in this role, and we can't thank him enough for his dedication to our school and basketball program. Thank you, Gary!
Sports Physicals
  • Physicals MUST have a signature or signature stamp by either an M.D. or a D.O.  This is IHSAA By-Law C 3-10. 
  • FALL ATHLETES: A letter went home to the parents of those athletes whose physicals are invalid. This is a reminder that those forms must be returned by Friday, September 25, 2015 or your athlete may not participate in his/her sport until that is returned.
  • WINTER/SPRING ATHLETES: If you have not yet turned in your form or had your physical completed, please check that the form is signed or stamped by an M.D. or D.O. before turning it into the school. Remember, the forms are not valid if they are signed by a nurse practitioner (NP) or physician's assistant (PA).
  • If a form is turned in that is not valid due to this reason, athletes will not be eligible to participate until this form is correct.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Missy Gumbert, LAT, ATC, at
Parents of Seniors:  The deadline for the Meningitis vaccine is September 30, 2015If your child has not received it, please call your doctor's office, Walgreens, or Super Shots to get the vaccine ASAP. 
  • Nurse's office hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30-2:45. 
  • Please call Monica Gosche, BSN, RN with any questions or concerns (260) 456-1261  ext. 3019.
WALK-A-THON   Friday, October 2nd

Parents - The Walk-a-thon is quickly approaching!!  The date of the event is Friday, October 2nd.  Please remind your student that he/she must turn in his/her $75.00 pledge money by Thursday, October 1, 2015. All students participate in the Walk whether money is turned in or not, but report cards will be held until the commitment is fulfilled.


Volunteers still needed! Many parent volunteers are needed to work checkpoints, donate cookies, 2 liters of pop, and snack size candy bars, and to work in the cafeteria for lunch. 


If you have questions, would like to donate or volunteer, please contact Jenny Andorfer at  or (260) 456-1261 ext. 3139.

CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT   Friday, October 2nd
Join us for the CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT!!
  • Get your team together today.
  • Warm-ups at 5:15 p.m. / Tournament play begins at 5:30 p.m.
  • $20.00 per two person team.
  • $10.00 for single to-be-paired player.
  • Cash prizes to be awarded!! Limit of 32 teams.
  • Do Not Wait..... REGISTER TODAY!!

To reserve your team's spot, please send names and payment to:

Bishop Luers High School

333 East Paulding Road

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46816

Attn: Kathy Skelly - Corn Hole Tournament


**Donations requested** If you would like to help, we are in need of bottled water.


For more information on donations or questions about the event, please contact Kathy Skelly at 456-1261, ext. 3142 or

EUCHRE KNIGHT   Saturday, October 3rd
Please come join us for Euchre Night on Saturday, October 3rd!
Doors open at 6:00 p.m. / Euchre begins at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Luers' Cafe
The cost:
  • $30.00/two person team or $20.00/two person team with a LuersKnight auction item donation.
  • $15.00/single player or $10.00/single player with a LuersKnight auction item donation.
  • Cash prizes awarded for 1st and 2nd place teams.
  • Light snacks, soda, water provided. Adult beverages available for purchase.
  • Must be 21 to play.

RESERVE YOUR SPOT TODAY!! Please RSVP to 456-1261, ext. 3142 or

George Washington Slept Here
October 10 -11, 2015 
Bishop Luers High School Performing Arts Department proudly presents its 2015 fall production, George Washington Slept Here.
Bishop Luers theatre students will be performing George Washington Slept Here, a classic comedy in three acts written by Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman. The show explores the best of times and the worst of times when looking at and purchasing a new home that may or may not have the ideal qualities, including running water, a roof, or even the presumed historical value. This hilarious comedy is appropriate for the whole family.
7:30 p.m. Saturday, October 10th
7:30 p.m. Sunday, October 11th at 7:30 p.m.
(All performances will be in the gymnasium.)
Tickets are $10.00 each and may be purchased from cast members, online at  or by contacting Mrs. Pat Shifley at 260-456-1261 ext. 3162. or  purchased at the door.
Students at Bishop Luers will need to reserve a seat with Mrs. Shifley since each student receives one ticket for each show through their school activity pass associated with their school ID.
To our BLHS Drama Department Supporters: We are excited to announce the
2015 Bishop Luers High School Performing Arts Department Patron Drive. Please click on the link for this year's donation:  Patron Form
MEN'S SMOKER   Saturday, October 17th
2015 Luers' Men's Knight "Smoker" Party
Saturday October 17th
5:45 p.m. - MASS
7:00 p.m. - Smoker Open - Notre Dame vs USC
Tickets are available through the following:
  • At all HOME Varsity Football Games at the Main Gate Entrance
  • At the Luers' Athletic Office
  • From one of many ticket captains
Cost is only $25 for all the food (Italian sausage/brats/ Wings Etc. wings and THE STAND,  coney' more). Beer is included in ticket price.
Raffle - Chance to Win a large flat screen TV, box of premium cigars, hunting supplies & equipment, as well as many other prizes
The party is under a tent near  the gym.  Funds raised go to ALL LUERS ATHLETICS.
This year we are honoring ALL FORMER STATE CHAMP HEAD COACHES.
For more information:
Brent Egts, (260) 341-8510,
Mike Gigli, (260) 417-3005,
Sponsored by:
LADIES LUNCHEON - Sunday, October 18th

Please come join us at this year's LuersKnight Ladies luncheon!

The luncheon is free to attend. However, we ask that you bring a LuersKnight auction item or make a monetary donation to the auction. Bring your daughters, aunts, sisters, friends, mother, or grandmothers! Our guest speaker this year is Carrie Bubb, Class of '88. Carrie will be speaking about her recent trip with Bishop Luers' students to Haiti.
When:     Sunday, October 18, 2015
Time:      12:00 p.m.    Social Time
               1:00 p.m.      Lunch
Where:    Orchard Ridge Country Club
               4531 Lower Huntington Road
               Fort Wayne, IN 46809
Please RSVP by Friday, October 9th by calling 456-1261, ext. 3142 or email


KNIGHTS' TRIP TO FRANCE, July 11-19, 2016
CALLING ALL ADVENTURERS!!   The Knights are going to France again this summer.  The trip is planned for July 11-19, 2016! We will be starting in Paris, then taking the bullet train down to the south of France where we will spend time in Provence and travel along the coast of the Mediterranean.  We will see the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, pray in Notre Dame Cathedral, and take a sunset cruise on the Seine River before taking the bullet-train down to the Mediterranean Coast where we will tour the palace of the Pope in Avignon, visit Roman ruins, tour a French perfume factory, and spend a day in Monaco. It is the trip of a lifetime and all students are welcome!!  You do not have to speak French to benefit from this experience.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!  Installment payments are an option.  
For more information on the trip or to register, please visit our tour website:, Enter Group ID # - 148123 and Group Leader Name - Bubb 
Information packets are also available from Ms. Bubb. Have your student stop by Room 153 to pick up information.
Financial Aid Information:
  • The deadline to apply for the second round of financial aid is October 30th.
  • Please visit the following links for more information.
  • Link to FACTS Financial Aid
If you have any questions regarding FACTS or your tuition account, please feel free to contact Lori Price at or 456-1261 ext. 3026.
All School Choice families should have received in the mail their first semester Endorsement Forms.  Please complete and sign this form IMMEDIATELY, and return to the school office to the attention of Jenny Andorfer.  The absolute deadline to submit this form is Monday, October 12th.  Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.  If you have questions, please contact Jenny at (260) 456-1261 ext. 3139.
Juniors or seniors wishing to speak with one of the college reps will need to log onto to schedule the visit. They must print the confirmation page and get that signed by their teacher as their pass. Visits are held in Room 144.     
  •  Trine University: 9/28/2015 @ 1:55 p.m.                        
  •  Hillsdale College: 9/29/2015 @ 1:10 p.m.       
  •  Manchester University: 9/30/2015  Off Campus @ Manchester University
On October 14th, all sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSAT/NMSQT. This is the first test students take to prepare for the college admission tests they will begin to take at the end of their junior year. It will be administered during regular school hours. There is no fee for sophomores, but juniors are asked to submit the $15.00 fee to the Business Office prior to the test. Guidance will be in the classrooms when the test date nears and will distribute detailed information about this assessment.         
We have a few positions available. Please visit our website for more information:(

Check out the campaign website!

We need your support!


  • Friday, October 2nd - Walk-a-Thon/ Prayer Service
  • Friday, October 2nd - Corn Hole Tournament at 5:30 p.m. on the lawn by the caf�
  • Saturday, October 3rd - Euchre Knight Tournament in the caf� at 7:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, October 10th and Sunday, October 11th - Fall Play George Washington Slept Here
  • Friday, October 16th - All School Mass - Junior Grandparents' Mass and Mingle
  • Saturday, October 17th - Men's Smoker
  • Sunday, October 18th - Ladies Luncheon

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