Working Together on the Impacts of Alzheimer's
March 5, 2015 
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Collaborative in ACTion

A look forward: National replication and recognition

ACT on Alzheimer's entered 2015 with more national exposure and replication opportunities, including:

  • On January 26, the National Alzheimer's Project Act (NAPA) Advisory Council included in its annual plan the piloting of 10 to 15 dementia-friendly communities using ACT on Alzheimer's as a model. Watch the proceedings of the Advisory Council's Clinical Care Subcommittee and the ACT-modeling recommendations shared by Clinical Care and Long-Term Services and Supports.
  • On January 29, a group of national, cross-sector leaders met in Washington, D.C. to explore the possibility of developing a National Dementia-Friendly Communities Initiative, based on ACT's dementia-friendly community framework. The group included representatives from health, long-term care, financial services, legal, business, faith, federal and state government, law enforcement, cultural community networks, and Alzheimer's disease and aging services organizations. After a vigorous day of design and discussion, the group decided to collectively build the national initiative by year-end 2015 and is seeking resources for this public/private endeavor.
Stay tuned to upcoming We ACT! e-news for highlights and calls to action from the recent Health Care Summit hosted by ACT on Alzheimer's on February 26. 
Resources in ACTion


Health equity practices, adapted care tools, and learnings at ASA conference

Members of ACT's Health Equity Leadership group will present How a Health Equity Focus Can Lead to Community and Healthcare Transformation at the American Society on Aging (ASA) conference in Chicago on March 25. The presentation will cover the evolution of health equity work within the ACT on Alzheimer's initiative, including a comprehensive call to action, validating non-traditional dementia screening and assessment for diverse ethnicities and cultures, and lessons learned in positioning health equity principles within an existing framework. 

Community Spotlight


Several action communities are in Phase 4: ACTing Together!

As the 33 action communities throughout Minnesota continue the journey of creating dementia-friendly environments for people with dementia and their caregivers, exciting things are happening across all community sectors!  Well-attended community events, screenings of Still Alice, dementia aware signage in local businesses, book drops at neighborhood "little free libraries," and Dementia Friends trainings are only a sampling of the activities underway. Read recent media coverage and join in the conversation with 200+ followers on ACT's Facebook page.

Leadership Groups

March Meetings: 
Management Steering Team, March 12
ACT Evaluation Subgroup, March 12
Detection and Quality Health Care, March 30
Visit the Collective Action Lab to learn about Leadership Groups and to access the calendar 
ACT on Alzheimer's is a volunteer-driven, statewide collaboration preparing Minnesota for the personal, social and budgetary impacts of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Over 60 organizations and 400 individuals have come together to  ACT on Alzheimer's.
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