Dear Friends,
Thanks to your generosity, our children are thriving and we have some great success stories to share with you on our blog. In addition to our ongoing programs, below are the highlights of our work in the past quarter:
  • We have secured a home for our new private orphanage in Kerman, Iran, and are currently raising funds to renovate the facility and prepare the home for 30 orphaned girls. Donate Now
  • We have completed establishing five Preschool Centers in the remote villages of Iran, and are currently in the process of finishing 20 more centers. Presently, we are raising funds for setting up 70 more preschools. Read More.
  • We have established our first Computer Center as well as a new Learning Center in India. Learn More.
  • We are completing the construction of our second school in Senegal.
  • We are, additionally, establishing a new learning center in Sierra Leone and providing for the basic provisions and renovation needs of an impoverished community in Mexico.
Our programs are vital to the lives of thousands of children on a daily basis. Become a member of our global family by making monthly donations. Your participation will provide these children with the life opportunities which they deserve. Become a Monthly Donor now and help:
  • Feed a hungry child in the U.S.
  • Provide a home and education for a child in Cambodia, India, Iran, Mexico, Sierra Leone and Senegal.
On behalf of the children, we thank you for your compassion and support,
The MAP Team


MAP's fundraising events are not only a major source of funding and means for providing a lifeline to our children, but also a way for us to build and celebrate our community and work together. We have two great events coming up!
Highlights of MAP 2015 Fundraising Event in Orange County, California
2015 Event in Orange County

MAP 3rd Annual Fundraising Event in Orange County on August 27th
Check out the event details and online purchase options by following this link. 
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Bita Milani at [email protected]

Highlights of 2015 MAP Fundraising Event in San Francisco
2015 Event in San Francisco

MAP 9th Annual Fundraising Event in San Francisco on October 8th
Check out the event details and online purchase options by following this link
For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Marjan Javaherian at [email protected].


New Private Orphanage in Kerman, Iran
Omid Pre-school in Tehran, Iran

Vocational Training Center in Kerman, Iran
Omid Cultural Center in Bushehr, Iran
Tahbazof Orphanage in Kurdistan, Iran
Ahmad Hakam School in Azarbaijan, Iran
Boys Home in Dangobadi, India
Learning Center in Dangobadi, India
Computer Center in Dangobadi, India
School Construction in Mbour, Senegal
HOPE Home in Break Bonging, Cambodia
Education Program in Cambodia
Site of Gardenia Renovation Project in

Construction of New Learning Center for Street Children in Makeni, Sierra Leone


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Moms Against Poverty | P.O. BOX 4212 | Burlingame | CA | 94011