November 2013
Dear Friends,
The Holiday Season is upon us and we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support of impoverished children. We feel very blessed to have such a strong community of donors and volunteers, with a collective passion and commitment to children living in poverty. The success of MAP's 6th Annual Fundraiser in San Francisco is testimony to the strong will and strength of our community. More than 1300 guests attended a sold-out event and helped us raise over $270,000. We are deeply grateful to all the sponsors, businesses, volunteers and individuals that made this event possible.
All your hard work and generosity in 2013 has helped us not only maintain, but also grow our various programs providing education, healthcare and basic needs for thousands of underprivileged children in the United States, Iran, India, Cambodia and Afghanistan. (Read on to learn more about our work.)
Our programs in these countries run year-round, but in the spirit of the Holidays, MAP distributes food, toys and clothing to children in our communities through our Holiday Helping Hand Program.
In Virginia, we are sponsoring another food packaging event through Generosity Feeds at Dominion High school on November 24th. The food packaged during this event will be distributed to various needy families in Loudoun County. In Northern California, we will be distributing toys and food baskets to needy families and children in the community.
This work would not be possible without the charitable giving and commitment of our community. We wholeheartedly thank you, and wish you and your families a wonderful Holiday Season.
On behalf of the children, we thank you,
MAP Board Members
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MAP in Iran 


In addition to our ongoing programs supporting various orphanages in Iran, this year; we launched a one of kind educational and Therapy center in Kerman, started the construction of a state of the art high school for girls in the village of Asheglou in Azerbaijan and began work to re-build a cultural and education center in Bushehr.

MAP in Cambodia


MAP continues empowering and educating children in Cambodia through HOPE Children's Home, the Family Outreach Program and Motomedix Free Health Clinics.


In This Issue
MAP in Iran
MAP in Cambodia
MAP in the U.S.
MAP in India
MAP in Afghanistan
MAP Fundraiser in VA

MAP in the U.S.

This year, MAP supported impoverished children in the U.S. through a hunger prevention program and a trauma and mental health counseling program in California and Virginia.


MAP in India

MAP continues to support 50 girls at Assist Orphanage in Orissa by providing them with food, education and healthcare.


MAP in Afghanistan

MAP continues to support the computer, literacy, peace, cultural exchange and environmental educational programs at Rokhshana Girls School in Kabul. These programs not only teaches hundreds of Afghan girls life skills, preparing them for adulthood, but also help bridge the cultural gaps between American and Afghan students through the cultural exchange program. 


Save the Date

MAP 5th Annual Fundraiser in VA.

  dancing people

Join us on

March 28th, 2014

at the

 Ritz Carlton

McLean VA


Who We Are 

Moms Against Poverty is a volunteer based non-profit organization dedicated to serving and supporting children living in poverty in the U.S. and around the world. Our vision is to nurture and educate these children to their fullest potential so that one day they can contribute and lead within their own communities; thus breaking the cycle of poverty. We carry out this mission by developing and renovating schools and orphanages, providing education, health care and basic needs to these children one community at a time.

"Changing the World, One Child at a Time"  

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