April 17, 2014  

How is BJE Connecting Teens to Jewish History?

BJE Teen March of the Living
BJE's 2014 Teen March of the Living (MOTL) delegation is beginning their journey to Poland and Israel on April 23rd.  We have seen the true lifelong impact MOTL afforded past participants and look forward to extending this connection with Jewish history and commitment to Jewish life to this year's participants. BJE is able to enhance and secure this connection through pre-trip orientations and post-trip alumni activities which add context and offer closure respectively.
We invite you to follow this year's journey virtually on our blog. Check back frequently for reflection posts from teens and staff and pictures from the trip.  For further updates and pictures, you can also follow the teen MOTL on Twitter and Instagram

This year, 190 teens will be joined by 10 survivors, 
2 historians, 2 doctors and 21 staff members. Our teen participants represent 19 schools and 46 synagogues across greater Los Angeles. Our 10 survivors range in age from 78-86. BJE is proud to welcome three survivors attending our trip for the first time as well as survivors who have been part of the March for as many as 8 or 10 cycles.  


BJE will also be leading 34 donors to experience the March in Poland this year, with 8 continuing to Israel.  The adult March features an itinerary, accommodations, and enrichment programs tailored to adult perspectives - and the opportunity to join teens and survivors for key events such as the actual March of the Living. "You can watch movies, see pictures, study the Holocaust all you want. When you go there, you get a whole different perspective that can't be described in words," said Mel Plutsky, a past BJE Adult March participant.     


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BJE programming transforms the Jewish educational landscape of Los Angeles. Through your generosity, BJE makes a difference every day in nurturing and connecting children and families to Jewish learning and community. You are investing in the Jewish future!

Please consider making a gift to BJE today by clicking HERE.

For more information about this BJE program please contact Maya Cohen, BJE's Specialist for Teen Experiential Education.  For information about other teen programs and services, contact, contact Monise Neumann.


6505 Wilshire Blvd, Suite #300, Los Angeles, CA 90024 | 323.761.8605 | www.bjela.org
BJE Teen March of the Living