How is BJE Remembering the Shoah?
BJE March of the Living 
November 7, 2013  

  Kippa on tracks                 March of the Living


Each year, BJE March of the Living brings a group of 160-200 high school seniors on a two week educational trip to Poland and Israel. The BJE "March" delegation travels with Holocaust survivors and educators. Eva Perlman, one such survivor, shared her story with teen participants and added, "I was saved by many miracles; I was preserved to be able to be here with you."

Each year, participants experience Yom Ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) in Poland and Yom Ha-Zikaron (Day of Remembrance) and Yom Ha-Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) in Israel.  The 2014 trip will run April 23 - May 7.  Registration closes December 3, 2013 and financial aid is available.  


The profound impact of March of the Living on teen participants encouraged BJE to host several trips for adults.  In 2012, BJE's Executive Director Gil Graff led a transformative experience with an itinerary, accommodations and enrichment programs tailored to adult perspectives.  BJE is again offering the Adult March of the Living in 2014 from April 23 - May 7.  Registration for the adult trip closes December 3, 2013.


This December, BJE is hosting a BJE "Teen March" alumni event, Shmooze-a-Palooza.  Hosted in the home of Natalie Gold, a survivor who has accompanied the teen trip three times, the alumni event, geared to past teen participants, will be an opportunity to celebrate Havdallah, eat delicious snacks and reconnect with survivors and friends.  If you have participated in the BJE Teen March of the Living and would like to attend or know someone who should be invited, please be in touch with Maya Cohen 


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BJE programming transforms the Jewish educational landscape of Los Angeles. Through your generosity, BJE makes a difference every day in nurturing and connecting children and families to Jewish learning and community. You are investing in the Jewish future!

Please consider making a gift to BJE today by clicking HERE.

For more information about this BJE program please contact Maya Cohen, BJE's Program Leader for March of the Living.  For information about other teen programs and services, contact Monise Neumann.


6505 Wilshire Blvd, Suite #300, Los Angeles, CA 90024 - (323) 761-8605 - www.bjela.org  

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