October 2015
Kitchen + Family Room
White Dog Cafe
Compost Bin
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  Best of Houzz 2015


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Kitchen + Family Room Remodel ~           
Project of the Month

Modern kitchen
Flipping the location of the kitchen and family room created a spacious kitchen and a cozy family room.  See more photos and information. 
Inspiration ~ 
The White Dog Cafe

Bow-wow WOW!

The design of this restaurant is so whimsical, colorful,
creative and FUN!
I just love it.
And the food is delicious -- made from seasonal, local organic ingredients from farms that practice sustainability.


White Dog Cafe, Philadelphia
Read more about the restaurant here.
Mindful Living & Green Design ~ 
Composting bin for your kitchen

Make composting easier and more convenient with a stainless bin recessed into your countertop, as seen in this month's project. Stainless cover keeps odors contained. 
Compost bin
I help smart homeowners upgrade to stylish, functional healthy kitchens and baths.  What's on your wish list?

Contact me at 973-202-8130 or tracey@traceystephens.com

Tracey Stephens, 
Tracey Stephens Interior Design Inc