June 2, 2014
Dear Partner,

I am writing to alert you to an important opportunity to strengthen the voice of community stakeholders in the future shape of California's obesity prevention programs. Please take action today by calling the Senate and Assembly conferees named below.


As part of a compromise in the state budget related to SNAP nutrition education, the California Assembly Budget Subcommittee included language that would require the California Department of Public Health to convene quarterly stakeholder meetings. These stakeholders would advise the department on nutrition education and obesity prevention programs and help ensure a smooth transition in California's SNAP nutrition education program. The Assembly proposal would ensure that representatives from community organizations, food banks, nonprofits, program contractors, and counties can have input into the state's decision making.


The final language will be decided in the Budget Conference Committee process between the Senate and Assembly, beginning today. The Senate and Assembly have now named their conferees (see below), led by Senator Mark Leno and Assembly Member Nancy Skinner.


It is important that the eight members of the Senate and Assembly Budget Conference Committee hear TODAY from you and your partners with a clear message: Please support the Assembly Motion for Budget Change Proposal CD-03 for the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention program and establish a strong community stakeholder process.


A stakeholder convening process is necessary to help ensure sustainable obesity prevention services in California. Please join us in advocating for this important priority.


A decision could be made early this week so please take action now. Please phone or fax the conferees named below today.


Thank you for your support.




My name is ______________ and I work for ________________. I/We strongly urge (Senator or Assembly Member ________) to support the Assembly Motion for Budget Change Proposal CD-03 for the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention program during the budget conference. The Assembly Motion would require the department of public health to convene quarterly meetings of stakeholders, including community organizations, food banks, nonprofits and counties, and help strengthen Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention programs for low-income Californians.



Senate & Assembly Conferee Contact Information:


Senate Members:

Senator Mark Leno, D-San Francisco

Chair, Senate Budget Committee

State Capitol, Room # 5100

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 651-4011 / FAX (916) 651-4911


Senator Loni Hancock, D-Berkeley

State Capitol, Room # 2082

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 651-4009 / FAX (916) 651-4909


Senator Jim Nielsen, R-Gerber

State Capitol, Room # 4062

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 651-4004 / FAX - they do not use it


Senator Richardo Lara, D- Bell Gardens

State Capitol, Room # 5050

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 651-4033 / FAX (916) 327-9113


Assembly Members:

Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley

Chair, Assembly Budget Committee

State Capitol, Room # 6026

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 319-2015 / FAX (916) 319-2115


Richard Bloom, D-Santa Monica

State Capitol, Room # 2179

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 319-2050 / FAX (916) 319-2150


Jeff Gorrell, R-Camarillo

State Capitol, Room # 6031

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 319-2044 / FAX (916) 319-2144


Shirley N. Weber, D-San Diego

State Capitol, Room # 3126

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 319-2079 / FAX (916) 319-2179