Maimonides School: Middle School Matters
Jan. 30, 2015                   Parashat Beshalach              11 Shevat,  5775  

Maimonides School
In This Issue
Actors' Guild Performance
Sixth-Grade Trip
Middle School Sports
Eitan Katz in Concert
Pie the Principals!
Living Room Learning
Chinese Food Mondays
Online Photo Galleries
Quick Links
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Dear MS Families,   


What a week! Between the sixth-grade trip on Monday, our early dismissal, and not one but two snow days, it's a shock to all of us that the weekend is here so soon. We hope your middle-schoolers were helpful in the snow clean-up at home -- they were very enthusiastic when it came to cleaning up our courtyard here!


Please read on for the latest Middle School news and information on upcoming events.  


I would also like to share with you this  D'var Torah from Rabbi Mordechai Soskil, Middle/Upper School Limudei Kodesh Principal.
Brian Cohen

Associate Principal, Middle School 

Sixth-grade students participate in
the Christa McAuliffe Center simulation

Middle School Actors' Guild Second Performance

Please join us for the Maimonides Middle School Actors' Guild rescheduled second performance of one-act plays on Tuesday, February 3rd.  The performance will be at 7:00 p.m. in the Brener gymnasium. The shows are suitable for all ages, and there is no charge for admission.

Over 25 students will take to the stage in plays written by five well-known authors of novels for middle grade readers.  In addition, each of our casts is under the direction of a member of our 8th grade:  Bayla Cohen, Ayelet Fried, Aviva Savitz, Talya Saltzman, and Josh Schoenberg.

Sixth-Grade Trip

On Monday, the sixth grade visited the Christa McAuliffe Center at Framingham State University. It was a fun-filled trip to the Center, which is divided into two parts.

First, the students entered a 30-foot-dome planetarium and watched two shows based on space, weather, and planets. The films were followed by a look at the night sky and constellations.

The other half of the day was spent in the simulation center, participating in a "Mars voyage." The students wore astronaut vests, completed jobs and tasks, and worked together to complete the two missions they were assigned.

Middle School Sports


This Sunday's Middle School basketball game
has been cancelled.

Instead, there will be practices at the following times:

Boys: 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Girls: Combined with girls' varsity team
from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Middle School Basketball Team Game
Tuesday, February 2
vs. South Shore Christian Academy

The girls' team will be playing at 5:15 p.m.,
and the boys' team will be playing at 6:15 p.m.
 Eitan Katz in Concert at Maimo!

We are thrilled to announce that Eitan Katz will be live and in concert at Maimonides School on Sunday, March 15, for a community event co-sponsored by the Maimonides Kehillah and NCSY! 
Eitan, a sought-after Jewish performer, keeps the flame of Jewish music burning through his soulful melodies and heartfelt interpretations. His songs reflect the deepest meanings of the tefillah and Tanach from which they're chosen.

Eitan will perform in the Judge J. Fox Gymnasium on the Saval Campus along with his band.  
Advance ticket prices are $5 for students and $10 for adults. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. To purchase tickets and to view videos of Eitan Katz in concert, please visit our event webpage.  If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Pulda, 617-232-4452 x 423

Pie the Principals!
A group of upper schoolers are working together to raise money for a tzedaka named Shalva.  Shalva is a wonderful organization that provides free of charge services to children with all sorts of disabilities.  This year Maimo is joining with other schools from around the world to run the Jerusalem Marathon as part of Team Shalva.  Members of our team will be running either the 5k, 10k, or half-marathon components of the race. 

Shalva's corporate sponsors are paying for our team to travel to Israel, and will provide all other accommodations for us while we are there.  Our responsibility is to raise funds to support the good work of Shalva.  One of the ways we are doing that is with a Pie the Principal raffle!

For the next two weeks, we will be selling raffle tickets in the Middle and Upper Schools.  On Thursday, February 12,we will pick several lucky winners, and they will each be able to PIE A PRINCIPAL! Mr. Cohen, Rabbi Huff, Rabbi Soskil, and Mr. Mattoon have all agreed to have a pie smashed in their faces for tzedaka.  Tickets for Rabbi Huff, Mr. Cohen, and Mr. Mattoon's raffles are $0.50 each, and tickets for Rabbi Soskil's pie are $1.00 each.  Teachers and parents are also invited to buy tickets!  (The winner has the right to spare the administrator, too.)

We hope that you will help us support this very worthy
tzedaka and our students.  This project is one that overlaps with so many of our values, from tikkun olam to ahavat ha'aretz.

Parents are encouraged to please support Team Maimo here:


Upcoming Living Room Learning in Newton
Join Upper School teacher Karyn Spero on Tuesday, February 10, from 7:45-9:00 p.m. for a Torah conversation focusing on Moshe's eventful first year as the newly-appointed leader of Bnei Yisrael, following the exodus from Egypt. The topic will be: "From Staff to Calf: Moshe's Leadership in Sefer Shemot."  This discussion will be hosted by Rachel and Ernest Mandel at 195 Mill Street in Newton.

Ms. Spero explains, "Once again we will engage the text and each other, this time through an in-depth study of Moshe's leadership from the splitting of the Red Sea to the Sin of the Golden Calf. We will explore the beginning of his journey down the path towards his destiny as he transforms into the paradigmatic navi, ambassador of G-d, and defender of the Jewish people."  


Taam China Monday


The popular eighth-grade-run Chinese lunch program continues on February 2! The eighth graders are looking forward to serving lunches to the students who have ordered food from them.     




On behalf of the entire Middle School: Shabbat Shalom!

Brian Cohen

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