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Issue 126 - Call of the King -  August 2015

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Ignatian Practicum and Experience
     Usually Soul Windows Reflection brings a focused theme with Bill and I approaching the theme from various viewpoints.
     This issue, instead, will focus on my Reflection of a recent week-long ecumenical Ignatian Practicum and Experience at Montserrat Retreat House at Lake Dallas, Texas, presented by Joe Tetlow SJ, Carol Ackels and others.
       --- Jan  

Past Issues


2-Creating Sacred Space

3-Leaving Footprints


5-Ordered Life

76-Vanier Visit

87-Wondrous Fear, Holy Awe

91-Crater Lake


101-On Reflections 

102-Morning Moments

104-Into Self Into God

107-First Home

108-NBA Championship

110-On Freedom 

112 Robin Williams 


114-Simple Acts 

116-Kentucky Epiphany 

119-Christmas Mystery  


121-Radical Amazement 

122-St.John's Bible 

123-We're Back  

124-Botanical Garden 

125-Living Provisionally  

Link to all past issues   


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Sincerely,  Bill Howden & Jan Davis
Soul Windows Ministries 
       Ignatian Spirituality is drawn from the life and writings of Ignatius of Loyola (16th century Spain) and is a way of conversion, that is, getting rid of disordered affections in order to find and follow God's divine will in regard to the disposition of one's life for the salvation of the soul.
       The Spiritual Exercises is a guide for prayer, reflections, and meditations on Holy Scripture, praying with biblical narratives of Jesus: his life, ministry, passion, and resurrection. At the heart of the Exercises is a consideration of The Call of the King and Contemplation to Attain Divine Love. 
       The beauty and value of The Spiritual Exercises recently have been rediscovered and is becoming a prayer form for many faith traditions.

       Memorable quotes from Joe Tetlow, S.J.: "We all need peace of heart - a sense of belonging and of communication that eases isolation and alienation among us." "God our Lord creates all things at every instant." "People need to have a feeling that they do not so much have a mission, as they are a mission."

       Memorable quotes from Joe Tetlow, S.J.: "We know that God is at work momently, and we seek to do what God is doing." "I am not making myself holy; I AM MADE holy, and I begin there." "What we want is to grow continually in the image and likeness of a God who is love. (Gen 1:27)" "The root of desolation is egotism and self-centeredness - pride." "Virtues are blunt power and strength." "A mature disciple is a person who loves the ones near us God gave us to love."
Presented to Preaching the Spiritual Exercises Practicum Participants
Montserrat Retreat House
July 30, 2015
Presented by Jan Davis, D.Min.
Did you see the latest family photo of Prince William,
            Duchess Kate Middleton,
                        Prince George,
                        and the newest royal baby, Princess Charlotte?
What IF you got home tonight
            and found a note from Will and Kate saying,
     "We're sorry we missed you at George's 2nd                birthday party on the 22nd.
                        He was a "monkey" as usual."
There is something about royalty that intrigues us.
This idea of royalty intrigued Ignatius as well.
            He was, after all, a child who grew up in a castle...
I remember as a little girl, before I learned to read,
            having a concept of royalty.
Our family belonged to Christ the King parish,
            in Corpus Christi, Texas.
I remember that statue of Jesus the Christ upon his throne
            holding the world in his hand.
On the last Sunday in October (in those days) a procession,
            with banners and bells,
                        and this statue of Christ the King
            would parade through the streets.
I didn't understand it all.
            But I did know something special was happening.
What about Jesus Christ, the Eternal King?
It was helpful for Ignatius to think of Jesus as a king.
In his meditation
            Ignatius imagined Jesus to say,
"It is my will to win over the whole of humankind.
                        No enemy can defeat me....
                        I will draw all to myself.
                        I will stay with my friends
                                    and we will labor and struggle,
                                                watch and pray.
                        No one will have to go through anything
                                    that I do not myself go through.
                        Whoever works with me
                                    and suffers with me
                                    will also share the glory                                                 of the Kingdom  with me.
                        I assure you,
I will see my project crowned with total success." 
Jesus was very clear about his mission -
            to follow the will of his Father
                        and to bring all into the Reign of God.
Jesus calls us to join him in that mission.
            Look at him -
                        you might even see him inviting you.
One day,
            some years ago,
                        when my aged mother came to visit me,
                                    she told me of a sermon
                                    she heard at church the previous Sunday.
            She talked about how,
                        during that sermon
                        Jesus looked into her eyes and said,
            There was something mystical
                        and mystifying about all of that.
            My mother, then, seemed to change in subtle ways:
She seemed to have the Spirit of the Lord upon her.
                        She was always bringing good news.
                        She seemed no longer to be oppressed.
                        She gave away a lot of her simple belongings.
            Soon, very soon after that, she died.
            In her papers, my daddy found a copy of that sermon.
                        There was nothing about the eyes of Jesus,
                                    or the invitation,
                                    not even the word, "Come".
                        But she had heard it.
                        And had she answered it.
Was that the Call of the King?
            Or the invitation to the Eternal Banquet?
            Is there really a difference?
            Is the Call of the King a prelude meeting Jesus                        face-to-face in eternity?
             In Annotation 95 Ignatius writes about Jesus's call,
                        "whoever would like to come with me
                                    is to labor with me,
                                    that following me in the pain,
                                    he may also follow me in the glory.
            I will see my project crowned with total success."
So do you hear the call of the King?
There are several ways to respond - or not.
            Annotation 98
                        is Ignatius' prayer of offering- oblation -
                                    in answer to the Call of the King:
            (It goes something like this-)
            "Eternal Lord of All Things,
                        I make my offering of my whole self.
                        I want
                        and desire in my depths,
                        to imitate you in bearing all things as you did.
                        I will labor with you
                        to bring God's reign
                        - here - now -
                        if you will give me the gift to do it. Amen."
There are no banners and bells, but -
            Do you think something special is about to happen?