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July 22, 2013

"Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders."
- Henry David Thoreau Green finger




 Items for this week for all sizes click here: What's in my bag



Dear Friends,


It's winter seed order time again.  Actually, I'm a couple of weeks late but it should ok.  Looking over catalogs for broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbages, snap peas and so forth, it seems we were just harvesting these a few weeks ago.  I love trying new, or re-discovered heirloom varieties, yet have learned over the years to try to be  main stream in selection.  And we still get notes saying someone can't recognize some of the things we deliver.  Anyway, if you have a favorite winter vegetable or two, email me and we'll include in our order.  Personally, I can't wait for French Breakfast radishes when the weather cools down.


This week most of you will receive either chamomile or epazote.  Both are easy to dry for later use..both are good for teas but here are some other suggestions:


Chamomile Teas


Information on Epazote




All of your GreenStore orders are much appreciated and if there are items you'd like us to carry, please drop me a note.


 Happy cooking and feel free to contact me if you need help or suggestions--and that includes your likes and dislikes..


I read all the emails.


Stephenie Caughlin

Seabreeze Organic Farm

Seabreeze Green Store























3909 Arroyo Sorrento Road
San Diego, California 92130