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November 12, 2012

  "I never made a mistake in my life; at least, never one that I couldn't explain away afterwards."

-Rudyard Kipling


Happy Kid food  

Regular size CSA items: Avocado, Navel oranges, dates, Fuji apples, chives, radishes, scallions, parsley, celery, lettuce , salad, sprouts, sweet peppers, Jewel yams, Russet potatoes, Swiss chard, yellow onion and bouquet of flowers. 

 Substitutions may occur.      


Dear Friends,


l.  We had a computer foul-up last week and the packing sheet for the packers was missing a couple of items for your bag.   So if you thought your delivery was a little 'light', it was!.  so the bag for Thanksgiving week will have extra items in it ( I figure it might be a good week for extras anyway) and we'll have to devise a way to do the same for the every other week people the week after.  So sorry for the confusion.  It muddled my brain.


2.  Next in importance is to remember that the deliveries for Thursday will be on Tuesday.  You will be the ones most inconvenienced...Wednesday schedule will stay the same.


3.  Everyone, please remember that we can handle last minute cancellations however they will be donated to one of our military families...we have gone over this in prior newsletter as well as the Customer Agreement


4.  It's easy to add items from the Green just have to remember to do so by Sunday evening for the following week.  Otherwise, your order will be bumped to the week after (although some of you know you can email and we'll get your items in!). 


Happy cooking and feel free to contact me if you need help or suggestions.


I read all the emails.




Stephenie Caughlin

Seabreeze Organic Farm

Seabreeze Green Store























3909 Arroyo Sorrento Road
San Diego, California 92130