Garth Stein masthead
September 2012
Three Years At The Top
Miatas At Mazda Raceway
Dog Days of Summer
Trending Tattoos
On The Road...Not Really
Where's Enzo? In Ontario
A Night At The Races
Never Too Late To Help Others
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Garth's Event Calendar 

Shoalwater Bay Tribal Community Library
Tokeland, WA
September 21, 2012
4 pm

Ragdale Authors' Benefit
Lake Forest Park, IL
September 28-30, 2012

Vernetta Smith Chehalis Library
Chehalis, WA
November 3, 2012
1 pm

Audi Club Northwest
Portland, OR
November 3-4, 2012

For more information on upcoming events, visit
Garth's website.
Healing With Books

The Art of Racing in the Rain


LifePath Hospice in South Tampa, FL, helps people explore and heal from loss through an unusual method: a book club. Members read and discuss books dealing with themes of loss, in the hope that connecting with others and discussing novels' portrayals of grief will help them recover from their own losses. Selection number one is The Art of Racing in the Rain.   


When Procrastination Doesn't Work

My name is Debbi Snyder, I own DogSense Obedience, Inc. in Lakeland,  FL.  I have been training dogs and people for the past 40 years.

Several of my students have encouraged me to read THE ART OF RACING  IN THE RAIN over the past couple of years and I have put it off and  put it off with the excuse that I don't have time to read.  What a mistake that was!  Enzo thinks just like I have always believed dogs think and feel.  What a wonderful job you have done with this book.  I enjoyed every word, every page, and will now suggest that all my students from beginners to competitors read it.  There is a lot to learn from your words! 
Thank you!
Debbi Snyder
DogSense Obedience, Inc. 

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Three Years At The Top
The Art of Racing in the Rain
It's official! This June,The Art of Racing in the Rain celebrated its third year on the New York Times paperback fiction bestseller list. The novel first made the list in June 2009, shortly after it was released in paperback. Since then, it has remained continually in the top twenty, with only a few short drops into the extended list.

Miatas At Mazda Raceway
Photo courtesy of Lisa Pegg
More news from the Mazda raceway event, which Garth attended in March: ZoomZoom Magazine, the official magazine for Mazda news and events, interviewed Garth for a video article. Garth raced a Miata in the SCCA over a four-year time span, and was points champion for the Northwest Region in 2004.

Check out the video here. Some navigation is required. Go to page two of the online magazine. In the top right hand corner of the picture will be a list of several video articles. Click on the bubble marked "Miatas at Mazda Raceway."


Dog Days of Summer
Comet, the Stein family canine, received her time in
Photo by
limelight this month. Julie Clegg, a Seattle photographer specializing in pets and families, photographed Garth and Comet for an interview with PUP Culture Magazine. In it, we get a sneak peak at Garth's latest manuscript and learn a little more about Comet. You can see more photos of Garth and Comet on Julie's blog and catch his interview in PUPCulture's August/September issue.


Trending Tattoos

At a recent Seattle7Writers event, Garth met a fan who takes manifesting rather much so that he tattooed a reminder on his chest. (The tattoo reads: "That which you manifest is before you.") He's not the first, though. Another fan, Dawn Runyan, preferred to embrace the darker side of her nature, the zebra within us all. She found it amazing that a simple toy could inspire so much philosophical debate, and decided to get a tattoo version.     


Dawn says: "For me to put this on my body, I acknowledge it, embrace it, OWN it, and thus can use it and transform it. This zebra is mine and my zebra dances in joy, in the light of knowledge and completeness. Plus, it's so darn cute! " 

You don't need to tattoo a zebra on your skin to remind yourself of  its presence. For her tattoo, Dawn Runyan used the same zebra artwork found on GoEnzo mugs, which are now 20% off through October at the GoEnzo Store. Check them out here.

On The Road...Not Really

August was a light month for traveling, giving Garth plenty of time to work on his new book. Garth also chatted with Carlos Ruiz Zafon at Third Place Books, at an event celebrating the release of Zafon's The Prisoner of Heaven. Although Garth usually answers the questions during interviews, this time he took charge and interviewed Zafon  about his latest book and opinions on writing.

One of Garth's fans, Al Farah, sent him an original portrait to brighten up Garth's workspace. The modified flag on Comet's back is an adaptation of the Mongolian flag. Fun trivia: Mongolians sometimes refer to their country by the name "Mongol Uls."

As for the rest of summer, Garth spent most of it at home, guarded by his faithful watchdog. Or not.
As you can see, Comet worries more about escapees than potential intruders (such as the family friend who took this picture).



Where's Enzo? In Ontario

The search for Enzo revived in the far north when several posters turned up at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park in Ontario, Canada.
To see more pictures of "Where's Enzo?" posters and Garth's events, visit his website gallery.
A Night At The Races


The Art of Racing in the Rain reminded reporter Leigh Anne Hoover of Jeff Byrd, the late president and general manager of the Bristol Motor Speedway. Byrd was known for listening to fans and seeking out their feedback to improve the action on the track.


Races at Bristol Motor speedway include the famous night race (named by Car and Driver Magazine as "one of the ten events to see before you die"), this August's Nascar series, and the Food City 250.  

Never Too Late To Help Others

Reading The Art of Racing in the Rain reminded fan Leland Weinberg of his family's canine companion, Ruby. After training as a guide dog for the blind and discovering it didn't fit her talents, Ruby joined an adoptive family and found her new calling as a therapy dog.

About half of all dogs trained as guides for the blind complete training; the rest are adopted out. Many later train for other services, such as therapy, explosives detection, search and rescue, etc. Ruby's new owner, Michael Weinberg trained her for therapy work, which she took to with gusto. 

Since joining the Weinberg family, Ruby has visited hospitals, nursing homes, and VA centers. Currently, she helps veterans dealing with blindness, PTSD, and more. Here she is at the Long Beach Veterans Affairs Medical Center, taking a break to look for Enzo. At fifteen years old, she's still going strong. She's truly an inspiration and a reminder that, even when our first plans don't work out, we can still find fulfillment in life from serving others in new ways.


You can find out more about Guide Dogs for the Blind here


Happy Manifesting!