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Specials in Africa
Africa News and Events
AAC Wins Another Award!
Top 11 Safari Highlights
Did You Know?
Specials in Africa
We have added new dates and now you can save up to $7,600 per person on our Botswana-Vic Falls Deluxe safari! Travel now - April 15, 2014 (excluding Dec 10, 2013 - Jan 14, 2014). 


Save 20% on stays at Zarafa, Selinda and Duba Plains camps in Botswana from Nov 1, 2013 - Apr 15, 2014 (excluding Dec 30, 2013 - Jan 10, 2014). Camps include use of Swarovski binocs, and use of a Canon 5D with pro lenses at Zarafa!


Take some time on the beach this autumn and stay 7 nights, but pay for only 4 at Fundu Lagoon on Pemba Island! Valid for travel now - Dec 20, 2013.


Find more safari discounts or contact us for additional information on planning a customized safari that includes one of these specials.
Traveler's Corner

The Civille family just returned from visiting RwandaTanzania, and Kenya, where they enjoyed the 'sighting of the year' at Kenya's Ol Donyo Lodge. They were privileged to spend time with this caracal that (very unusually!) happily posed for the camera. More of their great photos are on our Facebook page

Please send us your favorite photos or video when you return from your own African adventure.
Africa News & Events
If you're in Colorado, join us for one of two events held this month. We are co-hosting 'Art, Wine & Safari' in Cherry Creek on Oct 18. Mahree would be happy to extend an invitation to anyone interested in attending (just click on her name above to request an invite via email). Oct 19 will find us all at AfricAid's Art + Soul event, where AAC is the presenting sponsor. We hope to see you at one or both!
For readers in Southern California, you can join the Gorilla Doctors at their Nov 4th fundraising cocktail and silent auction event at Ace Gallery in Beverly Hills. Buy tickets here.
The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra summer symphony season starts in South Africa on 24 October. Click here for more information and tickets.
Take a 3 minute virtual visit to Greystoke Mahale - one of our favorite camps in Africa - with this new video. You'll want to escape there on our Wildest Tanzania Safari as soon as you can!


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October 2013
Welcome to your monthly escape to Africa. We've had lots of excitement around here designing wonderful customized safaris, winning an award, and planning and going on our own dream adventures to Africa. 
Gretchen just returned from a visit to South Africa, where her number one highlight was taking a whale-watching flight from Grootbos. 'I'd put it in the top10 experiences of my life! We must have seen at least 40 Southern Right whales from the air. It was incredible!' Keep that in mind for your next South Africa adventure!
I'll be headed to Namibia in November for an educational trip to see ancient rock art and to search for desert-adapted elephants in Damaraland, as well as visit the amazing cheetahs at the AfriCat foundation. Kim will also visit Namibia in November for her honeymoon! She and husband John will adventure in the far northern reaches of the country and track rhino on foot. They will end their trip with some R&R in South Africa's beautiful Western Cape. Finally, Mahree will visit Tanzania in November, checking out the latest lodge upgrades, the migration, and Zanzibar's beaches. 
We invest in this kind of travel throughout the year so that we have the freshest information and experiences to plan the trip of your dreams. It's hard work, but it's also a privilege, so we're happy to do it!
Safari njema,


Kent signature 


Photo courtesy African Wings to the Wild

Tanzania Tourist Board Honors AAC


Last month, the Tanzania Tourist Board (TTB) announced the 2013 winners of the annual TTB Tourism awards. Hon. Amb. Khamis Kagasheki, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism and Hon. Amb. Liberata Mulamula, Tanzania Ambassador to the United States presented awards to three of the honorees, including Africa Adventure Consultants, at the Africa Travel Association (ATA) eighth annual Presidential Forum held at New York University.

AAC won the Tanzania Tourist Board Tour Operator Product Development Award in recognition of offering 34 Tanzania-only itineraries, including the award-winning "In Livingstone's Footsteps" series. AAC president Kent Redding accepted the award at the NYU ceremony. This is the third time that AAC has been recognized by the TTB.

The Awards program was created in 2000 to recognize and show appreciation to the travel professionals and media who have worked hard promoting Tanzania in the US market.
Photo courtesy Tanzania Tourist Board
Top 11 Safari Highlights


As we mentioned in the Traveler's Corner (see left sidebar), the Civille's just returned from an East African adventure to Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya. Upon their return, they not only shared photos with us, but a highlights list from their safari. We found it inspiring and wanted to share it with you!
1. Two treks to mountain gorillas in Rwanda and close encounters with gorilla families
2. Cheetah tracking prey and making a kill
3. Waiting and observing migration (non)-crossing at Mara River
4. Using 'bush toilet' while not realizing an unseen sleeping hippo very nearby
5. Dinner and conversation with Mugugu (safari manager) at Rwandan Restaurant
6. Meeting many new people and making new friends and dinner conversations
7. Masai Mara and many animals there
8. Watching animals at waterhole from the hide at Ol Donyo Lodge
9. Masai people/guides and visit to Masai village
10. Cats! Many cheetah, leopards, lions plus caracal and caracal kitten on night drive
11. Gibbs farm African massage ('Greatest massage experience ever')

Want to create your own special memories?  Contact us to discuss how we can provide the opportunity to make your own 'top 11' list!

Photos courtesy Frank & Gail Civille
Did You Know?  

The aardvark is nocturnal and is a solitary, elusive creature that feeds almost exclusively on ants and termites. After dark, an aardvark emerges from its burrow and forages over a home range of up 30 km. It swings its long nose from side to side to pick up the scent of food. When a concentration of ants or termites is detected, the aardvark digs into it with its powerful front legs, keeping its long ears upright to listen for predators, and takes up an astonishing number of insects with its long, sticky tongue-as many as 50,000 in one night have been recorded. 


Fact courtesy Bushcamp Company, photo courtesy Richard Ball