June 24, 2016
Dear Lakeside Community,
Throughout the summer of 2015, Lakesiders were asked to imagine what Lakeside could and should be in the years to come.  Input was gathered through multiple surveys, numerous roundtable discussions, interviews and social media.
All of this outreach and input is helping us build the necessary framework to develop a master plan and begin to prioritize specific projects and initiatives that support and enrich our Chautauqua programming.
Many needs were identified, but Lakesiders consistently noted two as short-term priorities: a community swimming pool and enhanced wellness programming.
Health and wellness are integral to our mission of nurturing mind, body and spirit.  Following a community forum held last Labor Day weekend, a Pool & Wellness Community Taskforce was assembled to begin due diligence on what it would take to build a community swimming pool and adjoining classroom space for expanded wellness programming.
Much Work Completed
In the months since the Taskforce was created, much has been achieved:
  • A location has been selected based on community opinion and expert input.
  • The size of a community swimming pool and wellness center has been determined.
  • Based on e-surveys and other input, the features of a pool have been identified and prioritized.
  • Wellness classes and programming were identified by the community.
  • An operational model and supporting business plan were developed confirming that a pool and wellness center can be funded annually, following construction.
  • A stainless steel pool, rather than a masonry pool, was chosen because of lower annual maintenance costs.
  • A site plan was developed by David Hottenroth, an architect, Lakeside cottage owner, and Historic Preservation & Design Review Board (HP&DRB) member
For many reasons, the field west of the Williams Tennis Campus was chosen as the location to place a pool and wellness center. This area is relatively clear of trees and subterranean utilities, offers space for future expansion and helps balance the traffic load across the grounds.
Overall, it creates the least impact on existing Lakeside infrastructure and events. The Lakeside Chautauqua Board of Directors unanimously voted on and approved this location.
Working with several pool construction firms and conducting a thorough analysis of historic tickets sales by week, it was determined that the swimming pool should be in the range of about 6,500 square feet of pool surface space, excluding the required decking surrounding the pool. A 6' perimeter fence would be constructed around the complex to meet state guidelines for community swimming pools.
Design concepts for the pool and wellness center continue to be refined and are in compliance with state health code requirements.
Preliminary design of the Community Swimming Pool in the open field near the Williams Tennis Campus.
Based on the results of e-surveys taken by a large sampling of community members, the Taskforce identified the following features to be incorporated into a pool: a water slide, children's play feature, zero depth entry zone, lap lanes and shaded area with seating. Nearly all respondents recommended a heated pool.
In efforts to meet the community's health and wellness needs, the Taskforce also polled Lakesiders on classes and programming they would like at the wellness center.
  • The top five aquatic classes are: lap swim, swim lessons, H20 strength training, aqua fitness and water aerobics.
  • The top five exercise classes are: yoga, strength training, Pilates, Zumba and Silver Sneaker classes.
  • The top five wellness classes are: wellness cooking, children and youth health & wellness, nutrition, stress management and metabolism.
The Taskforce reviewed operational data of other community pools in Northern Ohio and shared this data with the Finance Committee of the Lakeside Chautauqua Board. The Finance Committee is currently working on finalizing a business model and supporting budget for the 2017 fiscal year.
The Board also accepted the Taskforce's recommendation of a stainless steel pool because it requires very little maintenance and comes with a 20-year warranty. It is easily cleaned and is comparable to glass in its ease of removing harmful bacteria and algae.
Continued Work in Progress
The next items on the list are:
  • Finalizing building sizes and interior layouts.
  • Consideration of a Security and Safety Services office.
  • Determination of what kind of water slide and play features would be part of the pool.
  • Creation of a funding model to operate the pool and wellness center in the coming years.
One of the options the Taskforce is looking into for a water slide are two fiberglass flumes; one open and the other closed. The structure holding the two slides is estimated to be roughly 12-15 feet high.
The Taskforce also analyzed various business models to fund the annual cost of operations. 
However, no decision has been made.
How Can You Help?
  • We ask that you prayerfully consider supporting this project. We will be connecting with you and as many Lakesiders as possible throughout the Chautauqua season. 
  • Participate in one of the Lakeside Conversations hosted by Kevin Sibbring, President/CEO of Lakeside Chautauqua, every Monday until July 25 from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Hotel Lakeside Fern Room. Have your questions answered and become further educated on what is happening throughout this process.
  • Visit www.lakesideohio.com/news/2023/pool-and-wellness-planning for more information, or pick up a packet from the Lakeside Chautauqua Administration Office, Legacy House or the Information Center.
The Taskforce members, Board of Directors, staff and volunteers have put significant time into this community-driven decision process. They understand the importance of collectively coming together as a community to define this need and follow a well-disciplined process to make a decision on important aspects of the project.
We are all in this together, so please help us make this vision a reality. Your support will positively impact Lakesiders today and for future generations to come. The time is now.

Kevin Sibbring
Lakeside Chautauqua

Randy Snow Signature
Randy Snow
Board of Directors, Chair
Lakeside Chautauqua

Bill Drackett,
Chair, Lakeside Chautauqua Foundation

"I take water aerobics at home as part as my Silver Sneakers program. I am excited to take water aerobics at Lakeside since we will have a new Pool & Wellness Center."

"I have 10 reasons to support this Pool & Wellness Center, and that's all the reasons I need. I don't need any more explanation about why this is important. Those 10 reasons are my grandchildren."
"A pool is needed and so are other health & wellness activities for us older folks."

"My grandchildren are all competitive swimmers and travel to the Sandusky YMCA to practice when they visit me in the summer. Their coaches provide a workout schedule they need to follow even on vacation. We want a pool in Lakeside so they can ride their bikes and stay close to the cottage."

"I'm a yoga instructor and can't wait for Lakeside to have more multipurpose space so more exercise classes can be offered on multiple days."

"In order to attract and retain the next generation to have cottages here, we need to think about more wellness activities."

"My granddaughter plays soccer, and during the summer, her coaches ask that she keep up her fitness and training routines; so if we want to keep younger individuals with families coming to Lakeside, we should consider more fitness activities and maybe even a wellness type center."