In This Issue;

July Meeting Summary/ August Agenda
Boo! Parade
USP workshop
Library News
Ice Cream Social
Teen Driver/Alcohol Awareness Program

July Meeting Report


At our July meeting, City Councilmember Marti Emerald and Fire-Rescue Department Chief Javier Mainar, along with staff from the Public Works Department and the Independent Budget Analyst's office, presented their proposal for funding additional fire stations throughout the city. A total of 19 new fire stations are needed, and a fire station in the College Area, in the general vicinity of 55th and Hardy, is the third priority on the list of 19 stations. The City doesn't have the money to build these stations, and several possible financing mechanisms were discussed, all of them involving borrowing money and paying it back over time. The plan would be to build several fire stations at a time, to take advantage of economies of scale. The board voted unanimously to endorse the effort to build these much needed fire stations, and encouraged Councilmember Emerald to continue in her efforts to explore available financing mechanisms.


We also discussed the recent closing of College Lutheran Church at 6050 Montezuma Road. We were informed that the Lutheran Senate intends to hold onto the property for the time being. The board voted unanimously to ask the Lutheran Senate to appoint College Area resident and board member Robert Montana to the committee studying the future of the property. The board also voted to send a letter to the City asking that, should the property become available for sale, the City acquire the site for use as a park. The College Area is severely deficient in parks, and the site, which has good access and is near to the City library, would be an ideal location for a park. Further, the College Area Facilities Financing Plan calls for a Recreation Center in the College Area, and the City could explore the feasibility of converting the existing structure for that use.


Subsequent to the meeting, the CACPB received notice that Verizon Wireless is proposing a 30 foot high cell phone tower in front of the Lutheran Church, with a 4' diameter microwave dish, and a 184 square foot enclosure on the eastern side of the property for an emergency generator. This proposal may be considered by the board at its September meeting.


The board also voted to cancel the August meeting, and allocated $250 from savings for an Ice Cream Social and community education event on Sunday, September 20 in the courtyard of the SDSU Student Union. Subsequent to the meeting, SDSU offered to donate the funds for the Ice Cream Social, so use of the $250 will not be needed. The purpose of the event, which is from 2 - 4 pm, is for students and community members to get to know each other in a fun and positive setting, and to inform both groups about available resources to combat nuisance behaviors in residential neighborhoods during the school year. Stay tuned for more information.



August Meeting- canceled


The College Area Community Council and College Area Community Planning Board

Meeting of August 12, 2015 is canceled.  

The next meeting will be on September 9, 2015

College/Rolando Branch Library, 6600 Montezuma Road, San Diego, CA 92115



Quick Links
CACC website

The College Area Business District & the USPS Present:




Every Door Direct Mail Workshop:

Direct Mail with the United States Postal Service


This is a FREE Workshop to help you, the small business owner, enhance your business by using direct mail marketing to a targeted audience.

Every Door Direct Mail service is an easy, cost-effective way to reach potential customers near your business. Just create your mail pieces however you like, then select postal routes and pay for postage online.


DATE: Thursday, July 30, 2015

TIME: 8:30am - 10:00am

Location: College Area Business District Office: 4704 College Avenue, San Diego CA 92115


This Workshop Will Explain:

How It Works

Easy Step by Step Demonstration

Testimonials from local businesses who have used Every Door Direct Mail


Click here for more details and to register.


Light Refreshments provided
Bring your business card to be entered into a FREE drawing



Connect With Us

Get involved with the Boulevard BOO! Parade




The BOO! Parade is coming to the College Area on October 24, 2015 and will start at 10am from 59th Street and move eastward one mile on El Cajon Boulevard to Rolando Boulevard. To make this year's Parade the BEST EVER, we will again rely on the amazing community support that we have enjoyed over the past 10 years.


The BOO! Parade needs volunteers, so if your organization, school PTA or any other local community group can spare some time to volunteer with the greatest community event in the College Area, please visit our Volunteer Information by clicking here.


We also need BOO! Parade entries, so if you wish to be in the parade, please visit our Parade Entry Information by clicking here.


We promise a day of fun and excitement for all who enter or volunteer for the Parade! Need more information? Call the BOO! Parade host, College Area Business District at 619-582-1093



College-Rolando Library News



 Highlights of upcoming children's events for August:


Children's Music with Craig Newton - Friday, August 7 at 10am

Science-ing: Hands-on science for children - Tuesday, August 11 at 6pm

Storytelling with Marilyn McPhee - Friday, August 14 at 10am

Last day of the Summer Reading Program "Read to the Rhythm"! - Saturday, August 15th

Children and teens who read 10 books or 10 hours receive a bundle of prizes and a chance to win a brand new bike in our raffle drawing for ages up to18. Our special events over the summer included a kickoff party on June 15th, performances by musicians, science demonstrations and family science nights, a jump rope trick performance, a wild animal show, a Kumeyaay culture program,  storytelling and free movie showings.


Regular Calendar Events:

Signing Storytime: Mondays at 12:00pm

Lego Play Lab: Tuesdays at 3:30 PM

Preschool Story Time: Fridays at 10:30 AM

Yoga Storytime: 1st and 3rd Fridays at 11 AM

Free Homework Help: Mondays-Thursdays, 3:00-6:00pm

Arts and Crafts: Saturdays at Noon


Zumba Fitness 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30 PM; Zumba Gold: 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 9:45 AM.  

Aryn's Family Yoga: 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 9:30 AM.

Book Club meets 2nd Saturday at 10 AM with "Bucking The Sun" by Ivan Doig

Oasis Series - Wednesday, August 5 at 2 PM. - Pearl Harbor Day of Infamy, Day of Sacrifice with Mark Carlson


Friends of the College-Rolando Library Annual Meeting is Tuesday, August 25 at 4:30PM with Election of officers and board members. All prospective and Friends members are welcome to attend.


Browse our daily book sale carts plus Friends book room sales Tuesday 12:30-2:30 PM & Saturday 12-2 PM. Book room volunteers wanted. Visit for more information on programs and volunteer opportunities.



Ice Cream Social


At our July meeting, the board voted to sponsor a Community Ice Cream Social and education event. It will be an opportunity for ALL members of our community-long-time residents, new residents, students, businesses, etc. to meet, get to know each other and get information on issues of concern or interest. We will have representatives from the Associated Students, SDSU, the San Diego Police Department, the SDSU Police Department, the City, as well as our board members providing information on a host of topics. The event will be held on Sunday, September 20 from 2:00 PM-5:00PM it the courtyard of the new Conrad Prebys Aztec Student Union on the SDSU campus. Hassle-free, free parking will be provided for the event. The board is grateful to SDSU and the Associated Students for their generosity in hosting this event. As we get closer to the date, we will provide more specifics. We encourage all members of our community to drop by for a while, meet your neighbors, get some info, have some fun and enjoy some ice cream.  




By Jan Hintzman, Rolando Community Council



Is a student housing complex a multifamily dwelling? Reasonable people can easily identify the difference. The Rolando Community Council (RCC), the Eastern Area Communities Planning Committee (EACPC), and the College Area Community Council (CACC) know they are not the same product.

But the City of San Diego continues to maintain that a student housing complex such as BLVD63 is a multifamily dwelling. And any developer with a parcel zoned for multifamily use knows it can be covered with a high-density student complex by right, without challenge.

Over the past months, an ad-hoc committee of representatives from RCC, EACPC, and CACC has provided extensive research to the City demonstrating how other cities have successfully made the distinction. This research further shows that the distinction has survived court challenges, in one case all the way up to the Supreme Court. It also demonstrates that developers, lenders and real estate investment funds do make distinctions between multi-family and student housing products.

Yet despite strong support from City Council Representative Marti Emerald's office over these many months, San Diego officials indicate that they do not have the ability (or is it will?) to change municipal codes to make the distinction.

Is this failure important? You tell us. There are other large parcels ready for development nearby (in the 5000 block of College Avenue and in the 6000 and 6200 blocks of El Cajon Blvd)where developers currently have free-range to recreate BLVD63 --by right, ignoring community input and the City's own community planning principles.

Neighbors need a voice in such community-changing projects. To achieve this, meaningful action from the city is required. The RCC BLVD63 Action Team will continue to develop strategies to effect needed change. Polite reasoned requests will likely need to be amplified by continued grass roots action. BAT will keep Rolando updated at RCC meetings.



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Teen Drivers and Alcohol Awareness

  CSU Police Badge
The San Diego Police Department Traffic Division is starting a new outreach program to Teen Drivers. The program is called T.A.A.P. Teen Alcohol Awareness Program. This Program will be conducted at night at the Traffic Division on Aero Drive. The class will start at 9:00 pm with the Teen Driver and their parent. After some classroom time, the parents are released and asked to be back at 1:30 AM to pick their teen up. Meanwhile the teen will be taken to a working DUI Checkpoint and given a firsthand experience of what the consequences of driving impaired could be. 
To sign up for this class, email Officer Mark McCullough at or call the Traffic Division's Community Relations Office at (858) 495-7822. First class is August 25th at 9:00 pm.



CACC website