Time Sensitive Emergency
The 2014 Idaho Legislature approved and funded a plan to develop a statewide Time Sensitive Emergency system of care that will include three of the top five causes of deaths in Idaho: trauma, stroke and heart attack.
Studies show that organized systems of care improve patient outcomes, reduce the frequency of preventable death and improve the quality of life of the patient.
A TSE system of evidence-based care addresses public education and prevention, 911 access, response coordination, pre-hospital response, transport, hospital emergency/acute care, rehabilitation and quality improvement.
A TSE program creates a seamless transition between each level of care and integrates existing community resources to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs. It will get the patient to the right place at the right time with the right care.
The State TSE Council began meeting and is already hard at work developing the rules for the statewide system. Casey Meza, Executive Director of Affiliated Services for Kootenai Health serves on the state TSE work group.
Recently elected officers of the Region 1, Northern Idaho TSE Committee include:
Chair: Chris Way, Chief, Kootenai County EMS,
Vice Chair: Dr. Mike May,a general surgeon with Kootenai Health,
Secretary: Julie Hoerner R.N., Director of Emergency Services at Kootenai Health.
Emergency Room nursing managers from each of the Hospital Alliance members are serving on the committee, as well as physicians and EMS leaders from the region.
The goal will be to begin verifying centers in all three designations by summer 2015, specifically STEMI and Trauma.
Welcoming Mila Russell to Benewah Community Hospital as the new Director of Nursing Services.
Mila received her Bachelor of Arts in English and Linguistics from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida and her Bachelor of Nursing from the University of Tampa. Her post graduate degrees of Master of Education and Master of Divinity were both from The Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky.
Mila comes with an extensive health care background which includes risk and quality management, infection control and safety. She taught nursing at Kaplan University and has taught adult education at Spokane Community College.
She served in the United States Army for 20 years as the Assistant Chief Nurse of a Combat Support Hospital. She served in many areas at home and abroad.
Caryl Johnston, Director Northwest Hospital Alliance
208- 625-4138 |
Check out our new website.
Telling our story is one of the things the board and I feel is important. We want to let all of the people who are part of our network, and those of you who are part of our affiliations in health care, know how our working together is impacting the quality and access to health services for the people who live in our region. This is the first in what we plan to be a
short monthly electronic news update to keep you informed. I hope you find the information interesting and helpful. Please let me know if you have ideas and suggestions for added content. Enjoy! Caryl Johnston, Director Northwest Hospital Alliance
A New Look and A New Name for the North Idaho Rural Health Consortium
Changing times in health care and opportunities to grow and enhance the collaborative work of our members are behind the new name and new look of the organization.
The Northwest Hospital Alliance serves as a catalyst to develop a collaborative network to assist our members in offering high quality, cost effective health care in our communities.
Currently, the Northwest Hospital Alliance includes five hospitals: Kootenai Health, Benewah Community Hospital, Bonner General Health, Boundary Community Hospital and Shoshone Medical Center, with room to grow in the future.
Tran Creative was hired to develop a branding system. After several months of extensive research and hundreds of logo concepts, the final name and logo was voted on and chosen by the five CEO's of our current member hospitals.
The two linking hospital crosses convey working together, the bridge and connection between our hospitals.
Blue and green capture the Northwest colors.
Blue is for health care, experience and stability.
Green is for healing and recovery.
Orange radiates hope, energy, passion and innovation.
The short name will be referred to as the Hospital Alliance.
Saying So Long is Bittersweet

Gary Moore, who has served as CEO of Shoshone Medical Center twice has accepted a new position.
During his first tenure as CEO, he led the Shoshone team to accomplish the funding and building of a brand new facility. In December 2004, the first patient was served in the new building. After leaving for other opportunities, in 2011, the SMC Board gave Gary a call and asked him if he would come back. He just couldn't say no.
He returned and once again found a project he could champion, achieving DNV certification and then to pursue ISO-9001 accreditation.
"We have been DNV certified for three years now and our ISO audit is coming up in August/September," said a statement from the board. "He has given us a lot of accomplishment! We truly couldn't have done all this without Gary's leadership and commitment."
Moore will be truly missed by his staff and the community. He has accepted a position with the Idaho State Department of Health & Welfare as Division Administrator for Family and Community Services. He will be based in Boise with family close at hand and able to have more grandpa time.
New Leadership Announced
The Shoshone Medical Center Board of Trustees has announced leadership changes. The current Chief Financial Officer, Jerry Brantz, will take on the position of Chief Executive Officer as well. Mr. Brantz has been CFO at SMC since 2004. He served as CEO/CFO in 2006, 2007. His management team will consist of Beth Bates as Chief Nursing Officer, Justin Custis as Director of Facility Operations and Mary Bren as Director of Financial Operations.
Working Together - New DNV Peer Group Forms
Medicare-reimbursed hospitals must adhere to CMS hospital standards called the Conditions of Participation. These standards reflect the minimum requirements of operation to ensure patient safety as well as the provision of quality health care. Accreditation represents the most practical way in which a hospital adheres to these standards, improving upon practices, reducing systemic errors, and providing a level of care that satisfies the patient's needs. In a conversation between Jon Ness, CEO of Kootenai Health, and Gary Moore, CEO of Shoshone Medical Center, there was thought that the hospitals might have people who would like to work on the DNV model together. An initial meeting was held, and the level of interest was unanimous - hence the birth of this new Peer Group. Emily Miller, from Shoshone Medical Center, and John Scallon, from Kootenai Health, are leading the group.
"We're all at different places in the process and that's okay," said Miller. "We are all learning. Those who are further along in the process can coach those who are newer, and together we can all learn from each other. It's all about the best quality and safety for the patients in our facilities."
DNVGL Health Care is the health care accreditation division of DNVGL, the world's largest classification society with main expertise in technical assurance, research, certification, and risk management. The health care division was started in 2008 and since then has taken over accreditation of over 400 health care organizations out of a market share that used to be almost completely dominated by Joint Commission.
"In this particular region, through the Northwest Hospital Alliance, our hospitals tend to have a collaborative relationship," said John Scallon. "By speaking the same language when it comes to quality health care we make that collaboration easier and more effective. We all have the same purpose: providing safe and effective health care to our customers. Toward that end, there is a lot we can learn from each other in how to continual improve our service delivery."
The idea of a DNV Peer Group has been so popular, hospitals from outside our five northern Idaho members are asking to participate as well. The group meets monthly at Kootenai Health and there is a telephone bridge available. For more information call John Scallon at 208-625-4320 or Emily Miller at 208-784-1221 ext. 353.