Luscher Farm


November  2013  



Hi Community Gardeners!

Well, Autumn has arrived, but our streak of dry, sunny days continue.  What a break for getting things done in the garden.  We have had quite a lot of visitors (including the one I found in the box below) visiting Luscher Farm this year.  Many people have discovered that we have 92 scarecrows in the Community Garden.  You might  have noticed that each one is numbered and you may vote for your favorite by filling out a card and putting it in the vote box in the toolshed.  Scarecrows will be taken down after Halloween.  They are getting a little fragile after being up for so long.

Karen Davis

Luscher Farm Coordinator






This additional work party is offered to gardeners  who still have some 2013 hours to complete.  For those needing hours, we want you to continue to garden with us. Call if you have questions. 

Saturday, November 9                  Rain or shine




If you need work done in your plot this year you might consider hiring Luscher Farm's Caretaker, Brice Anderson.  Brice is available to do projects you don't want to or aren't able to do yourself. You may contact him directly at 503-313-5478 to discuss details.







Learn about seed germination, options for medium, how to stratify, as well as water, temperature and light requirements.  Leave with potted or bagged seeds. Ages18+            Beutler              

November 2      9a-12p

To register, click here



Learn all the skills to complete a basic scarf project just in time for holiday gifting.  Topics to be covered include understanding gauge, casting on, the knit stitch, the purl stitch, various stitch patterns, and binding off.

Ages 10+            Boulis 

Sunday, November  11/3-11/24     1-3p

To register, click here


Grow your own fresh organic produce at beautiful and historic Luscher Farm. The 2013 season gardeners will receive a letter and can secure their 2014 in November.  Each gardener is required to provide 4 hours of volunteer service at Luscher Farm during the season.  If plots are available after returning gardeners are established, a lottery will on December 17. You may call 503-638-0376 to enter your name, address and phone number.  The Garden Lottery closes December 31 and all those selected will be notified by phone and non-selected people will be notified by letter.



Wreaths serve as a welcome symbol and provide inviting warmth to a home. Learn how to decorate for the Holidays with your own homemade wreath or swag.  You may bring a few special items to attach is you wish.

Ages 16+           Whitman

Saturday, December 7       10a-12p

To register, click here 


To register for other classes, click  here 





Be sure you have your four hours of work time completed so you can return again next year.


Plant garlic for next season


Clean up your garden. By removing old vegetation you will be helping to eliminating many over-wintering diseases and pests (including slugs). 


Rearrange garden supports like trellises now so rotating your crops will be easier in the spring.


Add lime to your soil this month. This climate's winter/spring rains wash lime out of reach for most vegetables roots in just a couple of years.  (It's remarkably inexpensive to replace.)


Plant spring bulbs for welcome color in the early spring  


Cover asparagus bed with mulch or compost.


Winter squash is a warm-season vegetable that can be grown in most parts of the country.  The ideal time to plant winter squash is when the soil temperature is above 70 degrees.   May is usually warm enough (about when you are planting your tomatoes).  The most popular varieties are butternut, acorn, delicata, Hubbard and spaghetti.  Winter squash have thick, tough shells which protect the sweet, rich flesh inside and which makes them excellent storage vegetables.  They can be harvested when the vines have died back and the rind is hard, usually in September and October in our climate, but definitely before the first heavy frost.  You will want to cut the squash from the vine leaving two inches of stem attached and avoid cuts and bruises.  Store in a dry location with an ideal temperatures of 50-55 degrees. Smaller winter squash can be stored for 2-4 months and the larger varieties much longer.


There are many ways to cook squash.  They can be cut in half, seeds removed and baked at 375 degrees for 15-45 minutes, depending on the size and then poked with a fork to check for tenderness. Some people cut it in cubes to eat or mash it for soups.


My personal favorite is delicata which I cut it in half ( very carefully I might add, as I grew up in a family with four children and whoever did the cutting got the last piece) and microwave it covered with wax paper for 8 minutes cut side down on high, then flip it over and scoop in some butter and cook another 2 minutes or so. Some people wash the seeds and roast them on a cookie sheet at 160 degrees for 15 or 20 minutes.  They make a nice snack. Some use it to make delicious pies, often more popular then pumpkin pie. 


Although you may think of squash as a very starchy vegetable, recent research makes it very clear that all starch is not the same, and the starch content from winter quash brings with it some key health benefits.  One cup of squash is very high in vitamin A, and provides over 10% of your daily requirements of 7 other nutrients.  


While winter squash varieties are still available in gardens and grocery stores, this is a great time to check out which variety you like the best and plan where in your garden you can plant it for next year. 


PS- Did you know that the members of the squash family (which includes pumpkins) pollinate quite easily.  So you may see an occasional "what's that?" growing in your plot.

I hope you find these monthly newsletters interesting and informational. They are sent out the fourth Thursday of each month. Please tell me if there are topics you would like me to include in future
newsletters.  If you would like to unsubscribe from receiving these newsletters, please click the link "SafeUnsubscribe" found at the bottom of this email.
If you have any comments  or questions you may reach me at or 503-638-0376.  
See you in the garden,
In This Issue
Novemer Community Garden Activities
Gardening Tips and Things to do in November
Winter Squash
Discover Active Living!

To view the Winter/Spring 2014 Catalog, click here. To register for Parks & Recreation programs, please call the registrar 503-675-2549 or visit
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Luscher Farm Sponsors and Donors


Boy Scout Michael Moxness for completing his Eagle Scout project.  Michael worked in the Children's Garden building a large trellis, a winter cold frame, a garden boarder and installing two rain barrels for the program.


Special thanks to Nancy Sergeant and the Oswego Garden Club members for a very successful Scarecrow season. 92 Scarecrows this year!!!


New Seasons Market's Green Team for staff volunteer work at the supporting the Farm.