TMA Europe

Friday 27 March 2015  |  TMA Europe  |


TMA Europe's annual event focuses on Rebuilding after the Turnaround


The issue of when does a turnaround stop and the rebuild start will be debated by a panel of leading experts at TMA Europe's annual conference.


Highly-respected turnaround specialist Ian Gray, Managing Director of Baronsmead Consulting, will chair the panel at the conference in Stockholm on Friday, 12 June.


The theme for TMA's eighth annual conference is 'Rebuilding after the Turnaround' with the event focusing on the increasingly important role for turnaround given the current slow economic situation in Europe.


Mr Gray, who has extensive international experience of business recovery, will be joined by panellists J. Scott Victor, Managing Director of SSG Capital Advisers (USA); Henrik Engser, Independent Advisor at HEAB (Sweden); Maciej Woznica, Senior Portfolio Manager at Sparinvest (Denmark); and Gavin George, CEO of Alteri Investors (UK).


The debate will use a case study of a turnaround led by Mr Gray, which involved a distressed company where the entire management team was replaced in order to secure its survival.


Mr Gray, who is on the board of both TMA UK and the European Association of Certified Turnaround Professionals (EACTP), said: "What the panel will propose is that there is no point where the turnaround stops and the rebuild starts - it's a continuum.


"Although each case is different, the overall process is a continuous journey. Each time you look at the business, assess the options and identify what needs to happen. While the people may change the business continues - you fix it and then rebuild. And then you have to decide at what point to walk away and exit the business."


The annual TMA Europe conference has become one of the industry's leading events for turnaround professionals, with last year's event in Germany attended by more than 170 delegates from 14 different countries. It is the ideal opportunity for colleagues from across the continent to get together and share ideas and best practices, as well as learn about key developments in turnaround management.


This year's programme will also include panels featuring eminent turnaround and restructuring professionals discussing restructuring in Eastern Europe, financing a turnaround and where is best to restructure.


There will also be plenty of networking opportunities throughout the event as well as at the pre-conference banquet the night before.


Hotel room rates can be seen here. Please ensure you book your hotel early.

Early bird discount for the conference ends on 31 MARCH 2015.


For more information please email or to book your place see the TMA Europe website.


Non-performing loan transactions in Central and Southern Europe will be debated by leading restructuring experts at TMA Europe's East European conference next month


The event, being held at the National Bank of Romania in Bucharest on Monday, 27th April, will see speeches and panels focusing on the economic environment in Eastern Europe.


The first panel of the evening will look at successful NPL transactions and service models in the CSE. It will be chaired by Marko Fabris, Senior Manager in the Advisory Services department at PwC SEE, who said he was keen to explore which countries in the region are most interesting from an NPL investment perspective and why.


"I believe all SEE countries have strong market potential for NPL transactions. Romania, for example, still has to deleverage more than €12bn of NPLs from the banking system, and the process of actively deleveraging non-performing loans in other SEE countries has only just begun. In Serbia, Croatia and Bulgaria, the process of cleaning up bank balance sheets will continue for at least the next three to five years, so this is a really important issue to cover."


Mr Fabris, who has more than 12 years of experience in assignments in Serbia and other South East European countries, added: "We will also be looking at what the main asset classes are in transactions across the region and why, particularly in light of the sharp increase in the number of corporate loan portfolio sales in Romania last year. I'd really like the panel to discuss the trends in other CSE countries, and to explore the reasons as to why these are different."


"Another major issue for the panel to discuss is the size of transactions we are seeing across the CEE region and the drivers for this. Again, we'll be looking at the reasons behind the differences in sizes and whether this is the result of regulatory disparities, the existence of more developed internal restructuring and remediation bank departments which are focussed on finding ways to solve problem loans, or a simple lack of interest from investors."


Mr Fabris will be joined by panellists Enrica Maria Ghia, of Studio Legale Ghia in Italy; Nick Colman, of KPMG in the UK; Oana Petrescu, of Deloitte in Romania; Bernd Mittermair, of BCR Bank in Romania; Florian Klimscha, of Freshfields in Austria; and Viktor Levkanič, of APS Holding SE in Romania.


The conference runs from 4.00pm until 8.00pm. It is free to attend, but pre-registration is essential. For full details and to register please see .

TMA Europe's first Round Table debates the aftermath of AQR


Senior figures in financial services gathered in London for TMA Europe's groundbreaking Round Table event designed to debate and help shape key banking trends.


The aim of the new series of discussions is to bring together experts from a range of disciplines - including turnaround, bank financing, alternative capital financing, regulatory and legal - to jointly discuss topical issues. TMA believes that such cross-discipline debates will help to influence the way the sector develops and grows.


The topic for debate at the inaugural Round Table was turnaround in financial services and how London can continue to build opportunities in post-AQR Europe.



Call for Entries - 2015 TMA Europe Awards 


Entries have opened for TMA Europe's prestigious annual Turnaround of the Year Awards.


The awards, which are now in their fourth year, aim to celebrate the achievements of the individual or team of TMA turnaround professionals who have orchestrated the most successful recovery of a struggling company.


There are two categories, one for a small company whose revenue at the onset of the turnaround was less than 100 million Euros, and one for a large company whose revenue at the onset of the turnaround was more than 100 million Euros.


Submissions for the awards are assessed on the main actions taken to bring about the turnaround, the issues that arose and how they were overcome, as well as the eventual outcome.


The winners of the awards will be announced at TMA Europe's pre-conference banquet being held this year at the Grand Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden on 11 June 2015.


The deadline for entries is Friday, 24 April 2015.


Download the Awards Template and Guidelines.


For more information please contact Mandy Caruana.

Half-price EACTP application fee offer for TMA NextGen members 


The European Association of Certified Turnaround Professionals (EACTP) has announced a new membership incentive for all TMA NextGen members.


The EACTP is offering a 50 percent reduction in its initial application fee for any NextGen member who applies to become an EACTP Associate - a savings of �225 or €270.


In order to apply as an Associate Member, applicants need to provide one case study of a turnaround in which they demonstrated significant influence over the outcome. They will also be interviewed by two EACTP members.




Save the date for The TMA Annual, October 5-7, 2015 in Scottsdale, Arizona


This conference is a great opportunity to build overseas connections and strengthen your global presence. One of the many highlights of the conference will be the International Reception - an excellent chance for European investors and other business people to network with valuable contacts here in the U.S. In addition to great networking, attendees can expect state-of-the-art educational sessions. Please visit for more information.

Submit TMA Europe Newsletter Articles 

Submit articles for consideration for the next TMA Europe Newsletter to Mandy Caruana by Wednesday, 15 April 2015. Suggested topics include TMA Europe events, activities, or announcements. 

TMA Europe Sponsors



2015 TMA Europe East European Sponsors


KPMG logo  



Freshfields logo  




Global Turnaround logo  



2015 TMA Europe Conference Sponsors




Ghia Logo











Global Turnaround logo  








Apply for European CTP now!
EACTP logo

Become accredited with CTP, the turnaround kitemark of quality. The EACTP certification programme is now open for applications.

Upcoming Events


TMA Europe East European Conference


TMA Nederland Spring Event 


11-12 June 2015

TMA Europe Conference

Stockholm, Sweden


17 September 2015

TMA Europe Distressed Investing Event


5-7 October 2015

The TMA Annual
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