Legacy Society
Angels' Place Legacy Society Newsletter | May 2015 |
Dear (Contact First Name),
Welcome to the first edition of our
Gift Planning Newsletter!
The Legacy Society was formed in 2006 to support the long term goals of Angels' Place which include caring for our residents for their entire life, being their family when their family of origin cannot be and providing for all their needs. Caring, Being, Providing for life is our commitment.
You can be a part of this special mission by making a legacy gift. By naming Angels' Place in your estate, as part of your legacy, you will ensure that the family we have created for our residents will live on. What a beautiful way to continue to care, be and provide for our residents for life.
Your gift of a lifetime will support the life of another - for life.
My brother, John was born with Down Syndrome. He has lived at the Joliat Home for over ten years. His bedroom is adorned with family photographs, mementos and most important, his Tiger and Red Wing memorabilia. James Bond stands guard while John sleeps from two framed posters on the walls.
John enjoys baseball with the Miracle League in the summer, bowling and horseback riding, sleep away camp and swimming. John participates in the annual talent show and loves all the parties he attends, especially if pizza or hamburgers are served.
I know certain assets are ideal for legacy gifts and other assets are better suited for heirs. Retirement plans are ideal for charitable giving since their heavy tax burden is eliminated when the beneficiary(ies) are non- profit organizations.
So, I named Angels' Place the beneficiary of my retirement plan. At my death, Angels' Place will receive the balance remaining in my IRA. There will be no tax consequences for either Angels' Place or my estate. I made this legacy gift for all of the "ANGELS" who found a home at Angels' Place and in gratitude for its existence.
I have a lot of names for my brother...Johnnybabe, Sweetiebabe, John, Sweetheart, or Handsome. Yet, whatever name I choose to call him on a given day or hour, my brother is the joy of my life.
And, you can't put a price on JOY. Gretchen Koch
One of the easiest ways to make an estate gift is through beneficiary designation.
You can name Angels' Place as a beneficiary by calling your provider and making a change or adding Angels' Place to your beneficiary designation form.
That's it! You have just included a gift to Angels' Place in your estate.
Another option for estate giving is including a gift to us in your will.
You choose to make your bequest a dollar amount, a percentage, or the remainder of your estate, after your family obligations have been met.
Both of the above gift options allow you to have access to your resources throughout your lifetime and are revocable.
Other ways to give...
Angels' Place Annual Legacy Society Member Event
Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 6:30 pm
29299 Franklin Road, Suite 2, Southfield, MI 48034
Food and drinks will be served
RSVP by May 15, 2015
248-350-2203 or rsvp@angelsplace.com
|  It is important to work with a financial advisor or attorney who has expertise in establishing the appropriate estate plan to meet your family's unique requirements.
Barbara Urbiel, Director of Development 248-350-2203