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Signs & More, Inc Newsletter

Christmas & New Year Edition

December 2012

In This Issue
Ideas for a GOOD 2013
Sign of the Month
Article Headline
Is Your Sign Visible
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At this time of year, we always look back through the last 12 months to see what has made an impact on our lives.  Of course, friends and family ~ like all of you ~ make the top of our list. 


However, this year, with the event in Connecticut, we think about these things even more.  We think about our children whom we are so grateful to have and hug.  We think about our family who live in other parts of the country and wish we could have them closer.  We think about our friends who have had a tough year and pray for a better 2013 for them.  We think about our country and wonder what could drive a person to commit such an evil act. 


Jane, our resident educator, has some goals for all of us in the New Year:

Make time with your children a priority.  Read to them.  Talk with them.  Know them.  Know whom they hang out with and know what they like to do in their free time.  This all seems so frivolous - but many of us are so busy - we just ASSUME that we do all of these things. 


Our family unit has been disintegrating over the past several decades and thus, so has our way of living.  While many of the changes that we always have are definitely GOOD, there definitely has been the bad in the way our families have been affected.  While we can't argue and do agree that modern day technology is awesome, a big part of us wants to go back to the simpler times where things were slower and somewhat "easier." 


So, in the New Year, we wish you peace and happiness in your lives and that you bring peace and happiness to others. 


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 

Bill & Jane Swanson

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Spread Peace and Happiness to Others


 Make it a 2013 goal to do one of these each day!

  1. Hold the door for someone
  2. Let someone go in front of you in line
  3. Return a shopping cart
  4. Be a friend who listens
  5. Clean up after yourself
  6. Encourage a co-worker
  7. Be a role model
  8. Smile and say "Thank You"
  9. Give a compliment
  10. Make someone laugh


Sign of the Month


Lost Mountain Dental


Moving Your Office?  Time to Upgrade your Signage Like Lost Mountain Dental!

Are you thinking about moving your office, shop or factory to take advantage of the great real estate values available now?  It may be time to look at your logo and see if it needs to be upgraded as well!  Take a fresh look at your logo and make sure it is in synch with your business.  Have you changed your offerings?  Is it time to change your logo (maybe more professional)?  Do you like your colors?  Does your logo express what you want your customers to see?

Moving is the perfect opportunity to make a change.  Chances are a number of your signs will not work in your new space (size of space, configuration of signs, lease restrictions/covenants, etc.)  and signage is one of the most expensive parts of changing logos!

Lost Mountain Dental is an excellent example of changing logos and expanding sign usage during a move.  Here are their signs from the old office suite that only offered opportunity for 2 signs - Entrance and Pylon.

Entrance Sign Pylon Sign Before 

First they analyzed their logo and recognized that they needed a real identity.  Signs & More worked with them to create a new logo that would be used for everything from their website and stationery to signage on the building.

Their new location allowed signage on a pylon, a monument, the building front and side, lobby and other placements in the office.

V-Groove Pylon Panel

Pylon Panel

 Double-sided Light Boxes on Brick Monument Monument Sign

 Large Full-Color Lightbox Entrance Sign Entrance Light Box Sign

 3-D Full Color Transparent Reception Sign 3-D Reception Sign

The more times a logo is seen, the more times it sticks in people's heads to remember and recommend your company.

From the minute you walk into their office you will notice a difference at Lost Mountain Dental.  Dr. Mike Mulkey DMD and the entire dental staff are focused on providing you and your family with the very best in comfortable, patient-focused and results oriented dental care that help you have a healthy, beautiful smile for many years to come.  Dr. Mulkey and Lost Mountain Dental believe that your dental needs are unique.  So each patient receives the individualized attention needed to ensure he/she gets a beautiful, healthy smile.  They also offer a number of dental treatment options in their comfortable, conveniently located Marietta dental office and are confident that their patients will receive dental care that no other dentist in Marietta GA can offer!

 They offer:

         General Dentistry

         Teeth Whitening

         Dental Crowns

         Dental Implants

         TMJ Treatments

To schedule an appointment call 770-425-4001 or go to and you can discover a new dental experience.

And when you are ready to make a move or open a new location, call SIGNS & MORE (770-383-8808) for expert ideas and advice to properly identify and brand your business.

IDEAS FOR A GOOD 2013 (part2)
Pay it Forward in 2013

"Paying it forward" is based on the idea that everyone, no matter who they are, can make a difference in the life of someone else. When you pay it forward, you are positively impacting a person's life through acts of kindness and love.

  1. Say a prayer or make a wish for someone you pass on the street
  2. Offer sincere, kind words to a person who is hurting
  3. Praise generously
  4. Forgive a driver who commits an act of road rage toward you
  5. Put money in a street musician's tip jar
  6. Make a donation of time to your local school district or favorite non-profit
  7. Pay for a stranger's meal at a restaurant or drink at a local coffee shop
  8. Make a meal and take it to a neighbor
  9. Visit a terminally ill patient at a hospice center
  10. Hold open the door for someone

Is Your Sign Visible?


You've heard over the years that when picking a good real-estate property, it's all about "location, location, location." The three keys that help to make a successful selection and development of a commercial property are "Visibility, Accessibility and Parking."

An effective on-premises sign is such a critical component of visibility. Your advertising budget needs to be carefully considered and your sign company carefully selected so that you are assured the biggest advertising bang for your buck!


Monument Sign with Solar Panel Lighting

Monument Sign with Solar Lighting


Signs & More will help you stay within your budget by designing the best option for your budget. We carefully design and manufacture the best type & size sign for your location. We have helped hundreds of companies become noticed more effectively. Without a properly designed and placed on-site business sign, a commercial site cannot function at its full economic potential.


Granite Sign with Business Names

Granite Monument Sign


Anyone can make a sign...but Signs & More will make sure your signage meets these important components:

1. We help your customers develop a memory for your location and the products or services that you offer. This can be done through color, size, style of letters, and many other sign considerations.


Stone and Stucco Business Sign

Stone and Stucco Monument Sign


2. Your sign should reinforce a memory and it should extend the recall of prior advertising efforts. For instance, a logo or even combinations of certain colors and typefaces can trigger a positive memory of an experience at your location and bring a customer back many times!

3. Signs & More can help attract new customers by prompting first-time or impulse visits and purchases by having the most effective and visible sign possible within your budget.


Welcoming Logo Sign with 24 Hour ATM Notice

Logo Post and Panel Sign


4. Other types of signage can modify customers' purchase decisions or habits. This can be achieved by using vinyl on windows and signs within the location. These types of signs are especially effective in encouraging impulse buying, such as monthly specials, new items, or discounts that you are offering.


Sign & Window Graphics

Sign & Window Graphics


The other day we received a call at Signs & More where the client mentioned that they were not receiving a good steady business. We talked for a while about location, the items that they were selling, etc. Then we asked them about their sign. The response stunned us..."Oh, I have no sign!" Needless to say, we talked about how we could fix THAT problem! Remember, a business without a a sign of no business, and it could also be said, a business without a visible sign is a business that might not stay in business. At Signs & More, we can FIX THAT! Give us a call TODAY at 770-383-8808 and we can get your business seen by all!




Monument Sign with Changeable Tenant Panel  


Order any MONUMENT SIGN and get 10% OFF.

Please mention this promotion when placing your order.

Offer Expires:  January 31, 2013

Signs & More, Inc. is a full-service custom sign, vehicle wrap & banner manufacturing company that can satisfy all indoor or outdoor advertising needs. Design - Manufacture - Install, we do it all.  No project is too large or too small - monument signs, lighted channel letters, or full vehicle wraps to small window graphics, car magnets or inside wayfinding signs.  Signs & More is your obvious choice for excellent service and quality.  We specialize in matching specific colors in signs for detail oriented customers.

Let us promote you to the next level!

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you,

Bill & Jane Swanson