Update for the week of November 26 - December 2, 2015
In This Issue
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Saint Mark UMC
616 Quincy Road
Seneca, SC  29678
(864) 882-2603
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Check Out Our Entire Church Calendar of Events  
 Click here to see what is going on at Saint Mark this week and the weeks to come.
Nov 29, 2015
First Sunday of Advent

(click the passage
to read the text)  
Scripture Lesson:
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
"An Established Heart"
  8:45 & 11:15 
Lydia Dever

"Love Outside the Walls"

Rev. Bob Stillwell  
8:45 am 
Traditional Service

9:00 am
Children's Chapel

9:15 am
Celebration Service

9:30 am
Children's Chapel

9:45 am
Coffee & Conversation

10:15 am
Sunday School

11:15 am
Traditional Service 

4:00 pm
Friends of Music Recital with Dual Pianos

4:30 pm
Children's Choir Rehearsal

4:30 pm
Wings 'n Things

5:00 pm
Divorce Discussions
Room A206

6:00 pm
In His Eyes

Click here to view the information in our Saint Mark 2015 Ministry Guidebook. Information will include our mission statement, helpful flow charts, 2015 planning calendar. Administrative Committees and Ministry Teams with contact information, a summary sheet describing all teams and committees, and the 2015 Annual Budget.  

Quick, easy and available HERE 
Listen to Last Week's Sermon Today

If you were not able to attend worship on any given Sunday, you can still listen to the sermon.  Click here to select and listen to sermons that you may have missed.
Got News for Next Week's Heart Beat?
Click here to send your Heart Beat post to us by no later than 12:00 noon next Wednesday.  On the subject line, please type in "Heart Beat" so that we can easily find your article among the other emails.
Got News for the new monthly 
Heart Line newsletter?
Click here to send your  Heart Line 
article to Sande no later than 12:00 noon Thursday, December 10 for the January edition.  Please note the early deadline! 
Got Good News To Share With Your Saint Mark Family?  
Good news lifts our spirits. Share your good news with us. We will publish your good news in our "People 'Neath Our Steeple" feature. Your news will be sent out as an email. Click here to share your good news (births, achievements, awards, etc.). Include pictures if you have them. 
Got Pictures? 
We are creating an archive of pictures taken at Saint Mark events and activities. If you have taken pictures and want to share them, please click here and send them to us.
Interested in LGBT Inclusion?

Click here for more information. 
Prayer Focus for This Week 

Let your prayer be a prayer of Thanksgiving for all of God's blessings.  Pray for those who will be alone or who will not be able to feed their family this holiday season.
Submit Your Prayer Requests
Saint Mark is pleased to receive your prayer requests . . . for yourself or for friends or loved ones.  Click here to submit your request.

Usborne Books
Book Friday Sale!!!!
Tomorrow Friday, November 27

Tomorrow, you can pick up some special deals on top quality books for children. It is also the last day you can shop through Saint Mark to avoid shipping costs.  Take advantage of this special offer to pick up some bargains that are sure to please the children in your life!
  • Click here to open our Usborne Books distributor's website.
  • Then click on the link to "St. Marks United Methodist Church."
  • Then shop away!

Your books will be shipped to the church where you will be able to pick them up in time for Christmas.  

Memorial Service for 
Connie Stoker 
Saturday, November 28
1:00 pm

Join us to celebrate together
The First Sunday of Advent
THIS Sunday, November 29   

8:45 and 11:15 Traditional Services

An Established Heart  
Bringing the message
Lydia Dever

9:15 Celebration Service 
Saint Mark Center 
Love Outside the Walls 
Bringing the message 
Rev. Bob Stillwell 

For more information,
click here to contact Lydia Dever.

This Sunday, November 29
is the LAST Sunday to purchase
your tickets!! 
Purchase your tickets in the Narthex and Atrium
after the worship services.
Click here to contact Donna Poston
for more information.

Click here to contact Jeff Childress  
for more information 

United Methodist Women (UMW)
General Meeting
and Annual Christmas Luncheon
Saturday, December 5
11:30 am
Commons Room
Contact: Nell Hodge 
Tom Sawyer's Christmas Tree Farm
and Elf Village
for children and their families 
Saturday, December 5
12:00 pm - Meet for lunch at Wendy's in Highlands 
1:00 pm - Meet at Elf Village
Contact: Lydia Dever

Wings for the Lord
Dinner Theater Fundraiser
"For Unto Y'all" 
Sunday, December 6
5:00 pm 
Saint Mark Center 
Tickets are on sale through November 29 
$8.00 adults and $5.00 children 
Contact: Donna Poston 

Children's Christmas Musical 
"Away In a Manger"
Wednesday, December 9 
6:30 pm 
Contact: Lydia Dever

A Celtic Christmas Festival 
Saint Mark Chancel Choir
Saint Mark Gospel Choir
String Ensemble
Emerald Road Irish-American Band
Sunday, December 13
4:00 pm
Contact: David Wilcox

Emergency Christmas 
for children and their families
Sunday, December 13
6:30 pm
Meet in front of the church
to go to the fire department
Contact: Lydia Dever

Christmas Eve Services 
Thursday, December 24
Family Christmas Eve Service 
5:30 pm
Saint Mark Center
Community Christmas Eve Candlelight/Communion Service 
9:00 pm
Traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight/Communion Service 
11:00 pm
Contact: David Surrett 

Wednesday Recharge 2015-16

Five Alive Communion
Weekly at 5:15 pm
Commons Room
Led by Rev. Tony Medlin and Rev. John Evatt

Wednesday Recharge Supper
Weekly, beginning at 5:30 pm
Saint Mark Center
(Click the image above to see the meal prices
and to make your reservation
or to place your name on our Master List
that reserves your meals for the entire year.)

for Children through 5th Grade
Weekly at 6:00 pm

R.A.K. (Random Acts of Kindness)
for Youth grades 7 - 12
Weekly at 6:15 pm

Below is the schedule of programs for adults:

December 2
Seneca High School Madrigal Singers

December 9
Children's Musical 
"Away in a Manger"

December 16, 23, 30 and January 6
(formerly M.E.T.S) 
(for 50 and older)

December Event
Celtic Christmas Festival
Sunday, December 13
4:00 pm
Saint Mark Sanctuary
Cost: FREE
immediately following the event
Seenagers will host a Reception
for all of the Musicians
Saint Mark Commons Room
Seenagers, plan to bring Christmas Cookies
or Desserts.
We will be serving between 60 and 70 people.
Contact: Jim Morrison or Florence Hanzel

January Event
Covered Dish Luncheon
and Bunco
Friday, January 22
11:30 am
Commons Room
Contact: Marla Fuller

February Event
Dinner and Live Theater
Dinner - Location To Be Determined
5:00 pm
The Musical - "She Loves Me"
Thursday, February 18
7:30 pm
Brooks Center for the Performing Arts
Clemson University
Cost: $15 per person
Please Note These Other Dates . . .

Marvin's Kids Pizza Party
Saturday, December 12
10 am - 2:30 pm

"Activate Faith" Small Group Study
Organizational Meeting
Lunch and Learn
Sunday, January 10
12:30 pm
Commons Room
Contact: Mona Fleming

Rethinking Relationships
"Is My Community Your Community?"
Sunday, January 17
4 - 6 pm
Commons Room
Contact: Jane Brosnan

Advent Reflections

Because you receive the Saint Mark Heart Beat, you will begin receiving daily Advent Reflections by email on Sunday morning, November 29, the first day of Advent. There will be a scripture passage to read, some commentary on the meaning of the passage, some questions for reflection and a prayer to ask for God's help to apply what was gleaned from the reflection. We hope you find these reflections meaningful as we journey together through the holy season of Advent.

Stewardship Update  
Good News and Other News

The good news is that we have received 96 pledges totaling $417,302 - an average pledge of $4,346.90, about $1,000 more than last year's average pledge! 

The "other news" is that there are an estimated 160 cards still outstanding!  If you are among that number of 156, we encourage you to, in this time of giving thanks, remember your church and be extravagantly generous to God through your church for all that God has blessed you with!  We need your commitments in order to plan for 2016!

Thank you for your support and your generosity!
Bob Dobson, Stewardship Chair

Christmas Outreach to  
Seneca Residential 

We are beginning to receive gift boxes for the residents of Seneca Residential. Just a reminder, we ask for shoe sized boxes to be packed and wrapped in festive paper and perhaps even a homemade card or ornament placed on top. The boxes can contain things like puzzles, games, books, snacks, new tooth brushes, candy, blankets, warm socks.... Filled boxes can be left outside of Lydia's office where we will stack them like a tree until delivery day Tuesday, December 22. If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help deliver, click here to contact Lydia Dever. 

Disciplines Devotionals 

There are still a few copies of the Upper Room Disciplines devotional books left to purchase - one of them is a large print edition. Disciplines, an award-winning devotional guide, brings together 53 diverse voices to share messages of hope, challenge, and joy. Each daily reading offers a scripture passage, a meditation on the day's scripture (selected from the Revised Common Lectionary), and a closing prayer or suggestion for reflection.
Regular edition - $17.00 
Large Print edition - $19.00

Click here to reserve your copy(s) today. 

Updating Our Records

One more reminder that we are in the process of updating our church records. We would appreciate it so much if you would would take just a few short minutes to provide us with your most current contact information.  Click here to fill out an online form on our church website. If you need to update your information at a future date, there is a link to that same form in one of boxes in the left hand column just under our "Quick Links".

Marvin's Kids Secret Santa
Become a Secret Santa.  You will purchase gifts for children (about $50 per child) You can select age and gender.
Contact: Rim McNeill

Marvin's Kids Shopper 
You will go shopping with a Marvin's Kids family on Saturday, December 12. You will accompany the family as they shop at Walmart for clothes only. Marvin's Kids representatives will be at the register to pay for the clothes your family selects. (You will not be paying for the clothing.) You will attend the Marvin's Kids Pizza Party with your family on December 12.  This is a great family activity!!  We still have over 20 families who are waiting to be assigned a shopper.
Contact: Carolyn Keese

Bake Cookies for Marvin's Kids Pizza Party 
This is a huge event for all Marvin's Kids families on Saturday, December 12.
Contact: Nell Hodge

Bring Non-perishable Food Items for Marvin's Kids Families  
Bring cans, boxes, jars, bags, etc. of food to the Saint Mark atrium for care boxes for our Marvin's Kids families.
Contact: Billy Boggs

Pack Marvin's Kids Gifts 
On Monday, December 21 at 10 am, meet at the church to help pack and organize the children's gifts so that they can be delivered on Christmas Eve.
Contact: Sybil Sevic

Deliver Marvin's Kids Gifts 
Help deliver the gifts to Marvin's Kids families on Thursday, December 24.  Meet at the church at 9:00 am.
Contact: Kent Wigington

Donate Money to Marvin's Kids 
Your money will help subsidize the clothing that families will select on Saturday, December 12 ($150 per child).  Make your check out to Saint Mark UMC and drop it by the church office.

Saint Mark United Methodist Church

616 Quincy Road
Seneca, South Carolina 29678-3820

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors