WELCOME to Learn, Innovate, Excel! Our goal with this newsletter is to provide useful information and tips that will help you save time, be more productive, and also reduce risk. This information complements our SE University program, by introducing you to tips on a wide variety of topics affecting structural engineers. In addition to our newsletter, we are happy to announce the launching of our new website, www.LearnWithSEU.com, where we will be providing additional valuable information. If you have any tips you would like to share as part of a future Learn, Innovate, Excel newsletter, please email Lisa Willard or Brian Quinn. |
The last several years have been very challenging for structural engineers. A slow economy has increased competition and, in many cases, driven down fees. Most companies are struggling to maintain or improve the level of their services while trying to find ways to reduce costs.
Last year during a conference call, we talked with two engineers about the role that virtual meeting software can play in bringing together members of the design team. These tools essentially allow meetings to be conducted from any location where there is internet access, helping to get answers quickly, and eliminating costly travel expenses.
Read more from our LearnWithSEU Blog
Read our August 2012 Technology Column in Structural Engineer Magazine
In the ever changing world of continuing education requirements, New Jersey now requires that continuing education hours come from approved or exempt providers, or the individual licensee needs to submit a form and pay $10.00 to get a course approved. For more details please go to http://njconsumeraffairs.gov/pels/ContCompAppForm.pdf. Page 1 is an application form and Page 2 goes into more detail on the requirements.
THE GOOD NEWS: SE University is an Approved Provider in NJ now so the hours coming from SE University programs qualify as coming from an approved provider. Our approval number is...read more |
Our next SE University session will be held on March 13, 2013, when we welcome Perry Green, PhD, PE from Bechtel Power Corporation to present a session focused on Design Issues When Specifying Open Web Steel Joists and Joist Girders. This is the final session in our series on steel joists.
Perry Green was formerly the Technical Director of the Steel Joist Institute.
Handout and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, March 8, 2013.
On March 27, 2013, we welcome back Betsy Werra for a one-hour SEU BIM Forum session, focused on helping companies improve their efficiency using Revit Structure.
Handouts and registration emails for this session will be sent to SE University companies on Friday, March 22, 2013.
To learn more about subscribing to SE University, please contact Lisa Willard at (805) 482-8436, or by email.
It's that time of year - the SE University team is looking forward to meeting engineers from around the country in person, providing information about how SE University can help companies meet their continuing education goals.
Brian Quinn will be at the ISEA Conference in Indianapolis, IN, on March 7, 2013. More information can be found on the ISEA Spring Conference Page.

Brian Quinn and Lisa Willard will both be attending NASCC: The Steel Conference in St. Louis, MO, April 17-19, 2013. More information can be found at the NASCC 2013 page.
As part of NASCC: The Steel Conference, join us on Friday morning at 8:00 AM for an exhibitor workshop, where we present a session on "Interoperability with Structural Analysis Software and BIM Tools," including information from July 2012 SE University session speaker Doug Fitzpatrick of Fitzpatrick Engineering Group.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Willard at (805) 482-8436, or by email. |
Thank you for reading our Learn, Innovate, Excel Newsletter - we hope you found this information useful. If there are any questions we can answer, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.
Additionally, if you would be willing to help other structural engineers by sharing tips that you have, please email your tip to Tips@LearnWithSEU.com. If we choose your tip to publish, you will have your choice of a $50 Amazon gift card or a $50 donation sent to the Structural Engineering Association of your choice.
Regards, Your SE University Team
Brian Quinn, P.E.
Lisa Willard, P.E.
Linda Benson
Coming Soon to SE University
March 13, 2013
Critical Issues When Designing with Joists and Joist Girders
Perry Green, PhD, PE
Bechtel Power Corporation
March 27, 2013
SEU BIM Forum: Increasing Your Efficiency with Revit Structure
Betsy Werra
This session is one hour
April 10, 2013
Special Inspections
Otto Schwarz, PE, SE
Ryan-Biggs Associates, PC
May 8, 2013
TBD (Rules of Thumb for Industrial Design to be rescheduled for later in 2013)
May 22, 2013
SEU BIM Forum: Increasing Your Efficiency with Revit Structure
Betsy Werra
This session is one hour
For updated session descriptions and schedules, visit the SCHEDULE page.