Morocco 2015 RIM-NH Tour ZRS  
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Hopefully you have had a chance to peruse our previous mailing containing the itinerary information for  our 2015 Rockin' in Morocco Tour - designed specifically as an introductory experience for participants wishing to visit this wonderful county for the very first time. Through four years of additional research and travels in Morocco searching for fossils, minerals and great adventures, we learned about many additional possibilities that sounded intriguing enough to pursue. So, after the 2013 tour was completed, we stayed in Morocco for an extra ten days to explore options for a special, new itinerary -- primarily in western and southwestern Morocco. We were delighted to discover new collecting locations with abundant crystals, fossils, minerals and geological wonders equally as spectacular as those from our original trip. We also found several intriguing historic sites, interesting Moroccan oddities (like herds of tree-climbing goats) and remarkable villages as we connected with new Berber friends throughout these areas.

After experiencing and fine-tuning our itinerary for this new experience last year, we are again offering this additional Rockin' in Morocco - New Horizons Tour during the spring 2015 season. Travelers who have participated with our previous adventures to Morocco will perhaps appreciate an opportunity to see even more of this incredible country and explore exciting new collecting sites. Newcomers also have this second option now available for consideration, as well as the original tour. We know that regardless of which of the two tour options you might select, you will most likely love this fabulous country just as much as we do.

Dates for this new trip involve departure on April 12th, 2015 - with return flight on April 28rd (note possible 1 or 2 day schedule variation depending on flight status). The package cost of this trip is $6550 (per person double occupancy hotel) and includes your round-trip airfare, all of your ground transportation, hotel accommodations, all of your meals, admission to most museums and cultural sites, translation and guide service throughout the tour. Additionally, this package rate includes the shipment of 100 pounds of material back home - with the opportunity to ship more at nominal fees. The initial payment (deposit) of $3275 (plus $80 per person if paying with a credit card) is due upon registration to reserve your space. The final payment will be due in late January - and will include any additional costs for single occupancy accommodations in Morocco along with any additional fees and final airline charges. We will inform you of your final payment amount early in 2015.

A basic itinerary for our New Horizons adventure follows this message, along with a link for downloading the contract for this expedition.  If you would like to join us on this fantastic adventure, please download and complete TWO copies of this contract and submit both copies along with your deposit to ZRS as soon as possible. Reservations will be accepted in the order of submitted contracts accompanied by deposits until we reach the maximum group size of ten participants.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us by email or phone at any time. We truly look forward to sharing these wonderfully exotic experiences with you -- and hope that you might be able to join us next spring!

Ma'a salama!  Kelly (612.210.9711)  &  John (612.803.5301)

2015 Rockin' in Morocco - New Horizons

This tour accommodates a
total of ten participants only.  

With only a few spaces available at this time, we suggest
contacting us as soon as possible if you wish to join us!

To secure your space on this fantastic adventure
send two copies of completed contract and deposit to:

KELLY'S CELL  612.210.9711  /  JOHN'S CELL  612.803.5301

for more photos of our previous adventures!

Minneapolis to Paris, France & CMN 
(PLEASE NOTE: Dates may change slightly depending on final availability of flights.) 
Depart from MSP International Airport - Lindbergh Terminal  MSP Airport Info
Arrive to Paris, France - Charles DeGaulle International Airport
Depart from Paris CDG en route to Casablanca, Morocco  (CMN)

Koutoubia Mosque Minaret Tower  

It's so exciting to arrive at the Casablanca / Mohammed V International Airport (CMN) for our first of many days of highly anticipated adventures! Everyone is always curious and excited as we develop our land-legs and gather our luggage. Our dear friends and local guides for this wonderful adventure through Morocco will meet us at the airport upon arrival. After imbibing in our first cup of Moroccan Mint Tea, we will load up our SUVs and buckle up as we jump right into our exciting road-trip with an approximately 65 mile drive southeast to Marrakech. It doesn't take but a few miles for most people to realize just how special this amazing trek is going to be. For many, the views through the windows of our landcruisers driving from Casablanca reveal totally unique sites reflected through the mixed modes of transportation in the traffic, the styles and colorful dress of the people, the unusual script apparent in the signage and the obvious flow of an intriguing culture and life within this amazing new world!

- Arrive to Casablanca
- Drive to Marrakesh
- Visit Djemaa el-Fna & Souk
- Rooftop dinner near Koutoubia Tower
- Stay overnight in Marrakesh
  Info Links:  MarrakeshZellij Tilework

Sentinel Stork                             Water Carrier 

Hotel Fountain featuring Zellij Tilework 

Madrasa Ben Youssef Courtyard
    Info Link:  Madrasa Ben Youssef
14th Century theological college ornamented only with inscriptions and geometric patterns, the Madrasa Ben Youssef was the largest in Africa -- housed 900 students at one point.
Souk Marrakesh
The extensive souk and Djemma el-Fna in Marrakesh makes for an interesting stroll during the evening.

DAY TWO / Marrakesh

Tour several historic & cultural sites throughout Marrakesh, including:
- daytime visit to Djemaa el-Fna to take in the drama & theater of this UNESCO declared 'Masterpiece of World Heritage'
- the Madrassa ben Youssef / one of the oldest Islamic Schools in North Africa
- the Musee de Marrakech with its exceptional interior decorations 
- the Koubba Ba'Adiyin / the oldest surviving structure in Marrakesh (ca. 1120)
- enjoy a rooftop lunch with the storks near the Badian Palace

An example of classical Andalusian architecture, the Museum de Marrakech museum houses exhibits of both modern and traditional Moroccan art together with fine examples of historical books, coins and pottery of Moroccan Jewish, Berber and Arab cultures. 
Koubba Ba'adiyn
Koubba Ba'adiyn is the oldest building in Marrakesh and the only remaining structure of the Almoravid Dynasty (c.1100).
Moroc Essaouira stacks
Seagulls love Essaouira!

Morocco Essaouira
Ryad Lyon Mogador 
Moroc market photo
Colorful market stacks in Essaouira 


    - Drive to Essaouira (3 hours)

Check into a riad in the heart of the old
(two nights) 

DAY THREE / Essaouira 

The charm of this enchanting town is that it hasn't been entirely taken over by tourism. The fishing harbor is just as busy as it always was, the woodworkers are still amazing at their craft and the medina is just as important for locals as it is popular with tourists. Such a perfect blend of creative artistry, culture and pure magic!

- Tour the beautiful seaside, medieval city of Essaouira

- Visit the medina & souk to take advantage of their wonderful selections & prices!
- Tour the old Portuguese harbor - a stunning example of Moorish/Portuguese architecture
- Visit Thuya Wood Cooperative Workshop to see some of the world's finest examples of inlaid wood craftsmanship

Thuya Wood Inlaid Handcrafts

Info Link: Essaouira

Rows of Dutch cannons lining the 15th Century Portugese ramparts of Essaouira
Skilled local artisans create the rich and intricately detailed inlays of thuya wood with ebony, metals and pearl.
Essaouira artists display and sell oil paintings and art throughout the city.

  Wikipedia Info Link:

DAY FOUR / Taroudant
Our Moroccan friend loads up a large, magnificent ammonite plate for us. 
Today we will travel to Taroudant - one of Morocco's oldest walled cities and oft-considered rival to Marrakesh regarding historic importance. In our drive along the Atlantic Coast we will visit an Argan Women's Cooperative to discover the hand processing of these unique type of nuts into a variety of cosmetic & edible products. Traveling south, we will pass the famous ponds where salt is produced by the evaporation of sea water.

The highlight of the day will be the hours spent collecting gigantic Cretaceous ammonites (multiple species), nautiloids, brachiopods, sea urchins & oysters in the cliffs along the ocean -- with beautiful views!

Along our travel routes we will see herds of amazing tree-climbing goats who risk life & limb to eat the tasty argan nuts still in the trees.

We will pass through the modern city of Agadir, which was completely destroyed by an earthquake in 1960. From here it is a short drive to our resting place for the evening at the Palais Salam -- a 17th century restored Pasha's palace built into the old city walls of Taroudant.  If time permits, we will visit the Souq Arabe -- famous for its handcrafted items, with a special emphasis on fine Berber silver jewelry.

- Drive to Taroudant
- Visit Argan Women's Cooperative
- Collect giant cretaceous ammonites & nautiloids (multiple species), brachiopods, belemnites & sea urchins
- Check out the climbing goats in the argan trees
- Shop in Souq Arabe (famous for silver jewelry) 
Processing argan nuts into paste and oil at Women's Cooperative.
Moroc argan oil
Finished Product -- Argan Oil for cooking or body use. 
Moroc Ammonite LG w foot
Ammonite in situ ready to be excavated!

Moroc goats in tree
Tree climbing goats are quite the sight! 
We will collect these amazing giant ammonites. 

Palais Salam 

Moroc Giant Ammonite Site
We will be surrounded by gorgeous landscapes while collecting fossils throughout this interesting area. 

    Info Link:  Taroudant     
    Info Link:  Moroccan Argan Oil & Berber Women's Cooperatives 

DAY FIVE / Tazemourt

We will drive to the village of Tazemourte -- one of a small handful of places on earth where one can see a continuous stratagraphic sequence from the Precambrian to Cambrian periods. It is also the site of the oldest known trilobites. Even older are extensive deposits and reefs built by archaeocyathids -- a bizarre group of taxonomically undefined organisms that look like a cross between a sponge & a coral.

The remainder of the day will take us through some of the most geologically diverse & spectacularly visual mountain landscapes in Morocco. This is a perfect example of geology on steroids!

- Visit Tazemourte to collect the
oldest known trilobites, archaeocyathids & brachiopods 
- Drive through spectacular eastern section of Anti-Atlas Mountains

  Info Link: The Earliest Trilobites                         
Tazemourte - Site of the oldest trilobites.
Moroc Wild Geology
       Eastern Anti-Atlas Mountains
Moroc Tazemourte kids
New friends everywhere!
Moroc Camels
Tazemourte camel trails.

Unique botanical environment and accommodations at beautiful Dar Zitouine -- Berber tent with walls.
Moroc dar zitouine hotel Moroc Dar Zitouine Brkfst
Moroc roses

DAY SIX / Foum Zguid
Moroc Trilo Site Tata
Trilobite Site - Tata

Today we will visit several locations for Devonian fossils (trilobites, brachiopods, hematized goniatites, orthoceras & more) near the villages of Akka & Tata -- as well as extensive Cambrian trilobite quarries east of Tata.

Along the route we will stop near the village of Tissint -- the site of the discovery of the first Martian meteorite. A local barber has several examples he may allow us to see!

Info Link:  Tissint Meteorite 

- Visit exceptional Devonian fossil site near Akka

- Collect at extensive Cambrian fossil quarries east of Tata
Hour Glass Amethyst Crystal
Moroc orthoceras
Orthoceras Specimens are literally everywhere!


Familiar inscription throughout Morocco of God, King and Country

Hematite-Replaced Goniatites

Moroc trilos lahcen multi
Trilobite Assortment

Moroc Trilos Lahcen new
New Trilobite Species
Moroc Trilo in matrix
Unprepared trilobite just split open in the field.

DAY SEVEN / Bou Azzer

Today we will visit & collect in several of the dumps associated with the cobalt mines at Bou Azzer. This is one of the most unique geological sites seen on our tour -- a surviving section of an extremely old part of the earth's crust. After visiting Bou Azzer, we will explore a special Berber craft shop in Agdz while enroute to our night's accomodations at the Kasbah Meteorite Hotel in Alnif.

Drive through Bou Azzer mining district -- collect in the dumps
- Visit Berber craft shop in Agdz

  Info Link:  Bou Azzer Mining District 
Bou Azzer Moroc
World famous Bou Azzer Mine 
Moroc amethyst HG
Hourglass Amethyst Crystals
Cobalto Calcite Specimens 

Gathering Grasses

Moroc Bou Azzer minerals
Silver antique coin fibulas - Skutterudite Specimen
Ornamental and Functional Tagines
Moroc Kitten

DAY EIGHT / Erfoud

Today's adventures begin with collecting Devonian orthoceras and trilobites from quarries and the adjacent mountain top near Tazzarine. In the afternoon we will stop at a new barite mine to collect specimens of white barite covered with azurite and malachite -- then visit shops of local fossil and mineral collectors.
On this night we will stay at the finest hotel on the tour -- the Kasbah Hotel Xaluca.  

- Visit Devonian quarries of Tazarine for orthoceras, trilobites, septarian barite concretions 
- Visit new barite mine
- Visit local fossil and mineral shops
- Stay at Kasbah Hotel Xaluca
Moroc trade beads
Brightly colored African Trade Beads
on Barite Specimen
Kasbah Xaluca -- always a wonderful respite!


 Moroc xaluca salads

Moroc xaluca olives
  Info Link:   Erfoud Morocco

DAY NINE / Erfoud 
Amazing Fossil Starfish 

From our base at the Kasbah Xaluca, we will spend the day collecting Ordovician fossils (starfish, brittlestars, cystoids, carpoids, crinoids, eocrinoids, and others) from outcrops near the city of Erfoud.

- Collect Ordovician fossils
- Visit shops and workshops in the area
- Enjoy the Kasbah Xaluca

Kasbah Xaluca buffets are incredible! 

Local artisans creating orthoceras & goniatite sculptures.       Veggie & fruit markets supply our incredible picnics!

DAY TEN / Erfoud
Our morning destination is the extensive fluorite mines and dumps at Hameda. Along the way we will explore the incredible underground medieval water conduction system (kettaras) at one of the few locations in Morocco where they are still intact. These tunnels were hand-dug for great distances to bring water from the mountains to villages in the desert.  After collecting fluorite, we will drive up the spectacular Todra Gorge to collect salt crystals at Morocco's oldest continually operated salt mines.

We will then spend the evening relaxing in a quaint Berber hotel in the mountain village of Tamtattouchte.

Fluorite Specimen 

- Drive from Erfoud to Tamtattouchte
- Visit medieval underground kettaras
- Collect fluorite & barite at the Hameda Mine
- Drive the fabulous Todra Gorge

- Collect at Morocco's oldest salt mine
- Overnight in Tamtattouchte 

Moroc Weavings
Weavings for sale in the Todra Gorge 

Moroc Todra Gorge
Beautiful Todra Gorge

Moroc water system 1
Underground Kettaras Water System
Moroc water system 2

Moroc Wally
Our special Berber friend, "Wally"
Moroc Salt Mine
Collecting specimens at one of the world's oldest salt mines -- so interesting!
Moroc Salt Miner's Wife
Gracious wife of salt miner & hostess for our group.
Served wonderful mint tea & Moroccan bread with amlou.
Moroc Tamt hotel tent
Moroc Tam room
Tamtatouchte Hotel Dining Tent & Poolside Room

Our primary destination for today is several classic mineral localities near the stunningly picturesque village of Imilchil, where we will find green apatite and black magnetite crystals. We will also visit the homes of local village diggers to see what they have recently collected.

- Collect green apatite and magnetite crystals
- Drive to Midelt (two nights)  
  Info Link:  Imilchil    /    Info Link:  Imilchil - A Celebration of Marriage
Throughout this incredibly scenic region, we are surrounded by picturesque mountain ranges in all directions. 

Collecting Magnetite Crystals 


Beautiful and friendly village girls. 
  Moroc Hem crystals

   Info Link:  City of Midelt  


Our day in Midelt will start with a drive through the intriguing ghost town of Aouli -- once called the "Paris of Morocco" -- then we will collect fluorite, ankerite, azurite and malachite from small mines near Sidi Ayad and also agates from deep in the desert on hills near an ancient caravan cave.

- Collect fossils, minerals, agates
Vanadinite Clusters 

& crystals at several sites TBD

Kasbah Asmaa 
cobalto calcite
Cobalto Calcite
Amazing Agate!
Today we will begin our drive north through beautiful scenery
En route to Rabat, we will take some time to visit the Barbary Apes in the cedar forests.
of the Cedar Forests as we head towards the city of Rabat, making a few interesting stops along our route for special sites.

- Drive to Rabat 
- Visit the Barbary Apes / Cedar Forest 
- Collect agates east of Rabat 
- Stay at La
Get ready for strolling the shores & exploring the intriguing tidepools from our Atlantic Ocean hotel. 
Kasbah Hotel on the Atlantic Coast  
Sea Urchin Tidepool
Moroc Rabat hotel cook
Making delicious Moroccan pancakes - or Beghrir.
Moroc Orange juice cart


- Visit fossil lab                                     
- Collect Megalodon Shark Teeth
- Visit local sites & Medina
(last chance to shop for gifts & souvenirs) 

  Info Link:  Rabat
Medina Carpet & Lamp Shop 
Moroc Copal
Enormous Array of African Copal Beads

Moroc shark tooth collection
Megalodon Shark Tooth Collection

Moroc Lab skull
Lab specimens to admire!

Moroc shark tooth deformed
Fossil Whale Tooth
View of Shark Tooth Site

Sampling of Ancient ruins of Roman city of Volubilis.

Today we will visit the ancient Roman city of Volubilis -- the capital of Mauretania Tingitana. Developed in the 3rd Century BCE as a Phoenician (later Carthaginian) settlement, Volubilis covers more than 100 acres with a 1.6 mile long city wall. It is remarkably well preserved with major public buildings such as a basilica, temples and a triumph arch. There are also large private villas, bakeries, public baths, olive oil processing facilities, aquaducts and other commercial structures.

Near Volubilis is the most sacred site in Morocco -- Moulay Idriss. This is the site of the tomb of Idriss I -- a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and founder of the first Arab Dynasty of Morocco in the 8th century. Unfortunately, this site is closed to non-Muslims. In the afternoon we will visit several historic sites in the nearby imperial city of Meknes, including the tomb of Sultan Moulay Ismail who had a major influence on many of the places we have already visited on our tour.

Our evening will complete with a special farewell dinner at a wonderful restaurant in Rabat.               
Moroc Stork
Volubilis is home to many storks. 

- Tour magnificent ancient Roman city of Volubilis
- Visit historic sites near Meknes
- Farewell group dinner in Rabat

INFO Link: 
UNESCO World Heritage Site of Volubilis

Picoclos Restaurant
Our favorite restaurant in Rabat -- perfect place to revisit our exciting days & bid our fond farewells. 

DAY SIXTEEN / Departure Day 

Drive to Casablanca to catch your flight back to the U.S.

Possibility of driving to Casa previous day - or catching flight out of Rabat instead - final decision yet to come!

Please note that there may possibly be some slight changes (one or two days in either direction) in final dates in order to obtain the best airfare. We might also have to select an alternative hotel rather than one listed in this initial itinerary, if available rooms should run short for our first choice options.  Daily itineraries may vary somewhat depending on the group's particular interests -- some days there will be multiple activity options to choose from. We aim to remain flexible to try to meet everyone's desires! Hope to have you join us on this fantastic new array of exotic adventures next spring ... K & J