CampfireTALKMarch 2013  -  Week 4


It's the last of March, and April is coming fast!  In fact, it - is - here! 
In Puerto Rican, the word "april" means "a new beginning".  As April approaches we enter into Spring time!  Everything begins to bloom.  All of the trees, the plants, and all of nature begins to "green up" and show forth it's very best! 

Let's follow nature's example, and put forth our very best this April!

Make me proud!
-pastors rich & jane-

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Health Tips!
We will be re-vamping our e-newsletter in the coming months, and this will be the last Health Tips. 

In closing off this column, I want to share with you one thought to remember ... 

If you are going to lose weight, trim up and look good, it - is - all - up - to - you!  Nobody else can do this for you.  We recently discovered, to our dismay, that a Lifetime Fitness membership does nothing to help you lose weight!  It is the "exercise" that you get a Lifetime Fitness that helps you lose that weight, trim up and muscle up that body, and look and feel better, more alive!  It - requires - work!  Remember this!  You cannot blame anyone else for where you are.  Your current surroundings, your weight, your health and your financial situation, they are all a result of YOUR ACTIONS.  Nothing else, and no one else can make it all go away.  It - requires - you! 

Make me proud! 
-pastor rich-

 A Word from pastor Rich

Are you nearing the end of a quarter in your life?

Of course, you are!  If you reside on this planet, you are about to come to the end of the 1st quarter of this year!

You are also nearing the end of a landmark of some point in your life, and moving on to the next.  This is what life is all about - "change".  But let me ask you something about these changes.  Are you ready? 

It's a good thing to ask yourself.  Are you "ready", really ready ... for change?  It happens, often with little or no warning.  When it does, though, it brings with it endless possibilities and opportunities!  Your "choices" in these are what set your future on course. 

This past weekend, we visited with family and friends.  My best friend from childhood, Jack O'Bryan, dropped in for a visit.  And my Dad and Mom came into town for the weekend, for a wedding.  They stayed at our home while we were out in Houston for another previously scheduled engagement.  You see, my wife was performing another wedding! 

It seems that she's really "perfected" these!  I am so proud of her.  In fact, I told her I was going to copy her sermon and use it!  It's that good!  My niece, Diane, was getting married and they wanted her "auntie Jane" to do the wedding.  Fortunately, "auntie" is an ordained, licensed minister, so this all worked out real well.  And my wife did wonderfully!  I am so proud of her! 

That Saturday, I got a chance to speak at a meeting they have each week where they bring in the homeless and those who are having a hard time of things.  It was my chance to speak into their lives.  And I love this!  I am my very best ... a different person, actually, when I am in and under the anointing of God in my calling.  And this day, I got to meet some of the neatest people, and pray with them, encourage them, and show them "family", as we shared the love of Jesus. 

I met a young man by the name of Tommy, who showed me a good example of someone who is not about to be put down and defeated by circumstances.  He is pressing on with his life, and chasing God at the same time!  We prayed together, and he and I have become friends.  I really believe in this young man, and know that God has something very special in store for his future! 

This week, though, God began to speak to me about change, about things that were totally out of my "box".  He began to speak to me about things He wants me to do that I yet do not know "how" they are going to happen!  But, God has a funny way of making it all come together.  He is a Father Who is "full of surprises", and I expect that He is about to surprise this young son yet again!  But I am ready ... ready for change!  Are you?

The Bible teaches us to be ready in season and out, so I suspect that we ought to get with the program, right?

I look forward to next month, as Spring begins to usher forth it's beautiful greenery and it's wonderful beauty!  And I look forward to hearing from you ... soon!       

Make me proud!   
-pastor rich-


*NOTE:  Word Church is currently considering a move to the Houston area, and is not presently holding meetings in the Austin Texas area.  Please keep us in your prayers, as we seek God's perfect will for our ministry.   

If you are interested, please email us at:    

Meet our pastors:
Rich & Jane Allcorn
Rich & Jane, sr. pastors of WORD CHURCH, are both licensed and ordained, and have their BA in Biblical & Theological Studies. 

Margarett Parker
Margarett, associate pastor, is also director of foreign missions.  She is licensed and ordained, and has earned her BA in Biblical & Theological Studies as well.  Pastor Margarett recently traveled to Kenya, on her own, and ministered to hundreds while there! 

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WORD CHURCH  ... where the eagles gather!
Are you looking for a church where the Word of God is preached, and where you are not just a dollar sign on a pew?  Are you tire of feel good, user-friendly churches and ready for a church that is serious about helping you to get aligned with your calling in life? 

If so, then don't wait!  Contact us today! 


   mailing:   15612 Poynette PlaceAustin, Texas 78717-5351