March 4, 2016

Friday, March 4
  • Elem. vs MS Staff Basketball Game-RESCHEDULED for 4/22
  • Board of Directors Election Application Period Open and Online

Saturday, March 5
  • 100-Mile-Club Run at Sandstone

Sunday, March 6
  • 100-Mile-Club Run at Sandstone10AM

Tuesday, March 8
  • Weekly Daytime Tour-9:30AM

Wednesday, March 9
  • PTO Exec. Bd. Meeting-6:30PM

Thursday, March 10
  • Harvest Day - Spinach

Friday, March 11
  • 100-Mile-Club After School "Celebrate Your Culture" Run 4PM
  • PTO Festival of Cultures-6:30PM

Tuesday, March 15
  • Weekly Daytime Tour-9:30AM

Wednesday, March 16
  • PK-No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences-8AM
  • K-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • MS Conferences (by teacher request)
  • PTO General Session-6:30PM

Thursday, March 17
  • PK-No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences-8AM
  • Coffee with Principal Lowe-8:30AM/2:30PM
  • K-5 Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • Middle School Conferences Open House-4PM

Friday, March 18
  • No School - Schoolwide

Tuesday, March 22
  • Weekly Daytime Tour-9:30AM

Thursday, March 24
  • 5th Grade Concert-6:30PM

Saturday, March 26
  • 100-Mile-Club Run at Sandstone

Monday, March 28
  • 100-Mile-Club Run at Sandstone

Tuesday, March 29
  • Weekly Daytime Tour-9:30AM
  • K to Career-5:30PM

Thursday, March 31
  • 2nd Grade Concert-6:00PM

Friday, April 1
  • Submission Deadline for Board of Directors Election Applications - 
Monday, April 4-Friday, April 8

Having trouble receiving our email blasts?
If you are and have Gmail or Yahoo, our emails are often sorted automatically into the "Promotions" folder. Hope this helps!

As always, feel free to email Lisa Trank-Greene, Communications Coordinator, at
ltrankgreene@flagstaffacademy.org if you're experiencing email issues.

Have a sick child? 
The fastest way to let us know is by email at attendance@flagstaffacademy.org or by using our App. 


Hi Parents,

We've arrived at that time of year where the trees are starting to bud and we see all the marvelous changes that spring brings to us. This is also the time of year that we are planning for our next school year - setting budgets, looking at personnel needs, scheduling, and all the other aspects of running a school, including enrollment for the 2016-2017 school year. We're excited that so many of our families have already let us know they are happily returning to Flagstaff next year. If you have not yet returned your Intent to Return form, I would encourage you to do that immediately. I cannot begin to tell you how important it is in our process of extending offers to new families eagerly waiting to hear if their child has been accepted. We appreciate your timely cooperation!

If you are unsure of what to do, or have questions, please reach out to me! I would be more than happy to talk to you about any of your concerns, whether they involve our program here at Flagstaff or are logistical problems regarding transportation, or anything else. I am more than happy to talk options with you so you can make an informed decision for your family.

I'd also like to invite you to my upcoming Principal's Coffee dates!
Thursday, March 17
8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
In the Commons

Have a wonderful weekend - enjoy this gorgeous weather!

Robin Lowe
Executive Principal
Flagstaff Academy


Our Weekly Tuesday Tours are going strong! Principal Lowe leads our the tours, joined by other members of our wonderful staff, and continue through May 2016.

Please share this information with a family who would benefit from our educational approach and culture - Enrollment Information.

Weekly Tuesday Tours with Principal Lowe
(March/April 2016 Schedule)

Every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday, March 1
  • Tuesday, March 8
  • Tuesday, March 15
  • Tuesday, March 22
  • Tuesday, March 29
  • Tuesday, April 12
  • Tuesday, April 19
  • Tuesday, April 26

Thank you for your support of our school!


Join the Flagstaff Board of Directors - Now Accepting Applications!

Dear Parents,

As Chair of the Elections Committee, I'm excited to communicate with you about our upcoming Board of Directors elections for the 2016-2017 school year. 

Members of the Board of Directors are volunteers responsible for providing oversight and governance for Flagstaff Academy in accordance with the mission and charter of the school. Board members help set and approve the school's annual budget, define school policies, help guide the academic mission, and oversee the work of the Executive Director and Executive Principal.

This year we are seeking three (3) new members to join the Board of Directors.This year we have a particular need for Directors who have legal, financial, or educational expertise.  However, most importantly, our current Board is seeking people who have a great passion to serve, who can work as part of a team, think critically, be willing to learn, and make decisions for the betterment of the school as a whole. We have had men and women from all walks of life serve as members of the Board.

Serving the Board of Directors has a very meaningful impact on our school, so please consider applying!

Applications are available on the school's website, and are due by Friday, April 1, 2016 at 7:00PM

If you have any questions about the elections process, please email me at Debbie Nelson at dnelson@flagstaffacademy.org.  

The mission of the Flagstaff Academy Board of Directors is to develop students who are equipped to be well-rounded, ethical leaders in the world community with a foundation based on science and technology.


Preschool Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule:
Wednesday, March 16
8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 17
8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

Elementary School Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule:
Wednesday, March 16
4:30-8:00 p.m.
Thursday, March 17
1:00-8:00 p.m.

Middle School Parent/Teacher Conference Open House:
Thursday, March 17
4:00-6:00 p.m.

All School Noon Dismissal on Thursday, March 17

Your child's teacher will meet with you to go over goals for the school year based on Spring 2016 Assessments, observations from the teacher, and conversations with your child.  Thank you for partnering with us for your child's success!

Dragon Flight will be offering care on Thursday, March 17th from 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. and on Friday, March 18 from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Fill out the registration form and return to the front office no later than Wednesday, March 9th. After the 9th, the $10.00 drop in charge will be added to all registrations. Please note: the registration is not complete until payment is made online. Please make payment online at https://flagstaffacademy.revtrak.net/tek9.asp?pg=regwerks
and choose "Before and Afterschool Care". 


Due to staff illness, Elementary School vs. Middle School Staff Basketball Game, originally set for Friday, March 4, has been RESCHEDULED. The NEW date is: 

Date: Friday, April 22 
Time: 6:00 pm.
Cost: $1 at the door

Candy and water will be sold by Student Council and NJHS.

All proceeds go to benefit our May Graduation celebrations. 


K to Career Discovery Expo - Rescheduled for Tuesday, March 29

K to Career Discovery Expo 
Date: Tuesday, March 29
Time: 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Location: Gym

The Flagstaff Academy K to Career Discovery Expo is an opportunity for our students to see live, interactive demonstrations of how different careers and industries use science and technology, every day. 

We've rescheduled our K to Career Discovery Expo so that we can have an even more amazing group of Science or Technology business leaders for our students!

Do you work in a Science or Technology Industry? We are looking for exhibits where students can get hands-on interaction and connect their science and technology knowledge from Flagstaff Academy to the real world. Industries may include robotics and automation, space exploration, health care, computer science, forestry and environmental sciences, energy, entertainment and the arts, and education -- just to name a few! 

If your company would like to participate, please contact Wayne Granger, Executive Director, at wgranger@flagstaffacademy.org, for more information.


We are very excited to announce that the PM Kindergarten Class, starting in the 2016-2017 School Year, is a go! The new offering will reduce overall class sizes throughout our Kindergarten program, as well as fulfill the increased demand for a PM Kindergarten class. 

If you have any questions, please contact Sheila Strukel, Registrar at enroll@flagstaffacademy.org or 720-864-9090.


Every single Flagstaff volunteer makes a difference every day for our school. 

You too can become a part of our fun, caring, and connected community of volunteers!

Most Immediate Volunteer Needs:

 Front Office Volunteer:
    • Monday and Fridays, 12-2:00 p.m.
    • Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 2-3:30 p.m.
    • Thursdays, 10:00 a.m.- Noon. 
Health Room Volunteer is needed for every other Thursday, from 10-11:00 a.m., starting March 3rd.

Flagstaff Volunteers Rock!


Kate Salgado
Ms. Salgado
Coach Bellis
Mr. Joe Bellis
The Flagstaff PE Switch Up is On!
We are excited to announce a 4-week PE switch-up! Middle school Physical Education teacher Kate Salgado will be conducting a Climbing Wall unit with our K-5 grade levels from March 7th-April 1st. During this time Elementary Physical Education teacher Joe Bellis will be taking on the Middle School Net/Fielding/Target games classes conducting a Golf unit. We are really looking forward to this and appreciate your support. 

If you have questions, please reach out to Kate Salgado at at ksalgado@flagstaffacademy.org or Joe Bellis at jbellis@flagstaffacademy.org

We are still seeking donations for croquet and bocce ball sets. 
Here's to a fun Switch Up!

The PTO executive board would like to thank all parent volunteers for helping to build and strengthen the Flagstaff Academy community through your participation in the PTO. Participating makes a difference to the parents, teachers, staff, and children at our school!

Flagstaff Academy Spring Gala Sponsorships Available!
Reserve Your Sponsorship Position BY APRIL 1.
Present your business to 600+ families daily for as many as 15 full days!
View and download sponsorship information, here.
Contact Leah Herrera at  chipsandsalsa04@yahoo.com
or call 303-834-2701.

What is the Festival of Cultures?
Friday, March 11
6:30-8:30 p.m.
A celebration of cultures of the world and especially those represented at Flagstaff Academy. The Festival of Cultures PTO Committee invites parents and their children to host a "Country Booth." Countries that have been represented in previous years are: China, Ireland, Germany, Philippines, Sweden, Turkey, Colombia, Norway, India, Japan, Hungary, Mexico.
The committee would love to have these and more!
World booklet, country maps, and country signs are provided.
Share the cuisine of the country. Bring a dish or beverage.
Free to attend event.
Could YOU Host a Country?
If so, please fill out the online form found at 


See how close your classroom is to winning the first BoxTop Prize
at www.flagstaffacademypto.org 

Classes on their way to collecting 1,500 Box Tops for a Popcorn Party are: 
Wilkins 1,102 - Cynkar 969 - Slinker 757

Classes on their way to collecting 750 BoxTops to Chew Gum at School are:
Lewis 724, Burnett 719, MacKay/Happel 676

Please note that eBoxTops will not count towards these totals! Although, we appreciate all eBoxTop submittals, there is no way to track all of them to a specific classroom. eBoxTops will be included in the school totals, so please submit them. Only actual BoxTops that are turned into the teacher will count towards these classroom awards.

Download the March BoxTops Collection Sheet - also in your Friday Folders
Important Reminders:
  • Please remember to put the student's name, grade and TEACHER in with all BoxTops in a sealable bag/envelope. BoxTops with no teacher name will be included in the general BoxTop fund.
  • Please continue to trim the BoxTops prior to submitting them.
  • Please only include NON EXPIRED BoxTops. BoxTops do expire!!!


Before and After School Care and Enrichment Classes

Flagstaff Academy's in-house Dragon Flight program provides on-site before and after school care and enrichment classes. Dragon Flight provides students a warm, enriching environment while maintaining Flagstaff Academy's standards and values. To register for any of Dragon Flight's offerings, click here.

Conference Care!
Dragon Flight will be offering care during parent/teacher conferences:
Thursday, March 17
Noon to 6:00 p.m.

Dairy Queen Day!
Cost: $35 per student
(extra money is not needed, but please send lunch and snacks).
Join Dragon Flight for a fun afternoon of games, gym time, arts and crafts, outdoor play, free play, and a special trip to Dairy Queen. 
Friday, March 18
Time: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

$45 per student (lunch is provided; extra money for snacks optional).

From the largest elephant to the smallest shrew, the city of Zootopia is a mammal metropolis where various animals live and thrive. 

**Students must arrive by 10:30AM.
Fill out the registration form and return to the front office no later than Wednesday, March 9th. After the 9th, the $10.00 drop in charge will be added to all registrations. Please note: the registration is not complete until payment is made online. Please make payment online at https://flagstaffacademy.revtrak.net/tek9.asp?pg=regwerks and choose "Before and Afterschool Care". 

Space is limited, register now!

Current Dragon Flight Classes:
    • Super Science Smorgasbord - K-5
    • Chess Club - K-8
    • Yoga Kids - K-4
    • After School Fitness Fun - K-3
Spring Break Quest with Renaissance Adventures
April 4-8 at Flagstaff Academy
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $389 (Register in February for a $25 discount - Use code S1EARLY 
Register through Renaissance Adventures: www.RenaissanceAdventures.com

Dragon Flight Summer Camp 2016: 
Survivor: Outsmart/Outlaugh/Outfun!
Registration for Summer Camp 2016 is filling quickly! Don't miss out, register today!

For more information, please contact Jeanna Peppler, jpeppler@flagstaffacademy.org

Haven't registered yet? It's not too late! You can sign-up anytime throughout the year with the Online registrationThe revised 100-mile club schedule is as follows:

Morning Practices - M, T, Th, and F 7:15-7:45 a.m.

Students are welcome to attend as little or as many practices as they can.
It has been so great seeing your students come out to all the 100-mile club events. We started the year off with a bang! We have over 50 students that have earned their t-shirt and 5 that have hit the 50 mile mark! 

*Just a reminder that even though it is chilly outside we will still be running outside! Please dress your child accordingly: gloves, hats, and jackets are important to have.
Upcoming Events: March, April, May
100-Mile-Club Run at Sandstone
Date:Saturday, March 5
Time: 10:00 a.m. - Noon
Cost: Free
Parent/guardian must be in attendance. 
100-Mile-Club Run at Sandstone
Date:Sunday, March 6
Time:10:00 a.m. - Noon
Cost: Free
Parent/guardian must be in attendance. 

100-Mile-Club After School "Celebrate Your Culture" Run
Date: Friday, March 11
Time: 4:00-4:30 p.m.
Cost: Free

100-Mile-Club Run at Sandstone
Date: Sunday, March 26
Time: 10:00 a.m. - Noon
Cost: Free
Parent/guardian must be in attendance. 
100-Mile-Club Run at Sandstone
Date: Sunday, March 28
Time: 4:30-5:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Parent/guardian must be in attendance. 

100-Mile-Club Run Spring Break Run
at McIntosh Lake
Date: Tuesday, April 5
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Cost: Free
Parent/guardian must be in attendance. Pick up slip and then complete the 3.2 mile loop at your own pace.  
100-Mile-Club Run Spring Break Run
at Sandstone
Date: Thursday, April 7
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Parent or guardian must be in attendance. 
Frank Shorter RACE4Kids' Health 5K
Date: Sunday, April 10
The school with the highest number of students who completes the 5K wins $250, along with a trophy! 
Mud Hen 5k at McIntosh Lake
Saturday, April 23
10:00 a.m.
Cost:$15/Student (13 and under) 
Dia del Nino Spring Run
Date:  Friday, April 29
Time: 3:30-4:45 p.m.
Location: Rocky Mountain Elem. School
Cost: Free
Runners may choose to run 1, 2 or 3 miles through the neighborhood. Concession will be available. No registration-just show up! 
100-Mile-Club Run at McIntosh Lake
Date: Sunday, May 1
Time:12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Cost: Free
Parent/guardian must be in attendance. Pick up slip and then complete the 3.2 mile loop at your own pace.

Have more questions about the 100-mile club? Email Ms. Cynkar for more information at ecynkar@flagstaffacademy.org.
Flagstaff Academy | 303-651-7900 
2040 Miller Drive
Longmont, CO 80501

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