Dragon Weekly
December 19, 2013 
Have a great winter break! 
School resumes Jan. 6, 2014
Dear Dragon families,
Thank you to all of our Dragons for working so hard this first semester. Walking the hallways and seeing the student projects and artwork on display is a daily treat!  
We have had a number of great performances by our students, including the first-ever middle school choir and band concerts. Our Dragon community responded to the Flood with charity and generosity. Many staff and students volunteered for Flood Relief, and Student Council held their annual food drive early in response to the flood, raising more than 3,000 cans for the OUR Center. The National Junior Honor Society held a successful Baby Item food drive this month, and the Second Grade team collected more than 86 pajamas for the Scholastic Pajama Drive! 
Flagstaff Academy students are positively representing our school in academic, athletic, and extra-curricular activities. I'm proud to be a part of the Flagstaff Academy family.
2014 is just around the corner and I can't wait to see more student success and growth. 
Enjoy the winter break- it is well-deserved! Stay safe in your travels, relax, and we will see you in 2014!
Wayne Granger

Interim Executive Director
Flagstaff Academy 



...From the Elementary Principal


Dear parents and students,

I appreciate all of your support over the last few weeks as I dealt with some health issues. I am doing well, and am excited to see everyone when I return after the break. I have missed seeing all of our students' smiling faces every morning, and can't wait to greet them in the New Year.  2014 is going to be a great year! 


I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and a happy New Year,


Terri Long


Elementary Principal

Flagstaff Academy


In This Issue
School news and events
National Junior Honor Society updates

OUR Center baby item drive:
The NJHS collected 736 diapers, 290.5 oz of formula, 17 bottles, 12 oz of baby food and 109 clothing items for the OUR Center Baby Item Drive. Thank you to all the families who donated items.
Applications for membership
The NJHS Faculty Council has started reviewing Middle School applications for the NJHS. Candidates will be notified of their status beginning Jan. 13. Candidates accepted for membership will be inducted 6:30 p.m. Jan. 22. 


Read books online 24/7, 365 days 


Access the LMC over winter break! Students can use MackinVIA, our e-book portal, to access more than 700 fiction and nonfiction, Core-Knowledge aligned titles. Students in grades 1-5 are visiting the LMC before winter break to get a refresher on how to access MackinVIA, and to ensure they can log in using their UserID. To learn more about MackinVIA, and watch video tutorials click here.


PTO news
Jog-a-thon prizes delivered

Jog-a-thon fundraising prizes were delivered to students on Wednesday. If your student is missing any prizes from their packet, please contact Angelique Plath at flagstaffdragondash@yahoo.com.


Our school-wide Top Fundraiser is Hannah Aleksiev
who will be going to Water World this summer with a family 4-pack, including lunch and unlimited slides! Classes competed for a Free-Choice Spirit Day. Our Elementary winner is Ms. MacKay's class, raising $2,806. The Middle School winner is Ms. Curtis' class, raising $1,520. Way to go, Dragons! 
Stop by the PTO Bulletin Board across from the library to see how Flagstaff Academy is using the money contributed in amazing ways! 
Gala Trivia and Prize!

Dudes, last week's 80's riddle - What fruity company was born in 1984 that would now be lost without the letter 'i' was a stumper. It took an entire day to get the winning response. Congratulations to Diane Winters, who was first to decode the correct answer: Apple. However, the question was somewhat incorrect. Actually, Apple Computer Inc. (est. 1978) launched Macintosh in 1984. Since then, the company has gone on to create the iPod, iPad, iBook, iMac and many other 'i' products.


Here's our next question:

"Go ahead, make my day," was the famous quote by Clint Eastwood in which "Dirty harry" sequel?


The first person to submit the correct answer to flagstaffgala@gmail.com will receive a prize!  


Go to www.flagstaffacademypto.org for more information about the spring Gala. Like, be there or be square.

Box Tops
Congratulations to Ms. Slinker's class! With 1,009 Box Tops, they have won the right to chew gum at school for an hour!
Other classes in the lead for gum chewing are Ms. Saam - 656, Mr. Hamilton - 650 and Ms. Lamb - 566Classes in the lead for extra recess are: Ms. McGannon - 1,369, Ms. Brannon - 1,287, Ms. Alexander - 1,249.
Who loves Texas Roadhouse? The class that brings in the most Box Tops during the month of January will win a free kid's meal! Thank you Texas Roadhouse for your support!
Please remember to put the student's name, grade and teacher in with the submitted Box Tops in a seal-able bag or envelope. Please continue trimming the labels and Box Tops prior to turning them in, and please only include non-expired Box Tops, Box Tops do expire!
Flagstaff Academy | 303-651-7900 | lkrebs@flagstaffacademy.org | http://www.flagstaffacademy.org
2040 Miller Drive
Longmont, CO 80501