Each Wednesday Tim Carson shares the wonderings of heart and mind and the inspirations and quandaries of the spirit. You are invited to wonder along with him through the telling of stories, reflections on faith and observations on the events that shape our lives.  

Tim Carson


Tim Header no date
Wednesday Wonder
February 18, 2015


And so it begins, the ashes that await a Phoenix. We begin the long walk of Lent with frank recognitions: we are broken and we don't live forever. Those apparent but oft-denied truths serve as reality markers for anyone who dares to be scathingly honest. Those are not the last words but they certainly are among the first ones. Right after we hear "and it was good" from the creation narratives we hear an echo that reminds us that we haven't played well with others and the clock is ticking.


Ash Wednesday is meant to be that sobering. And hopeful, too.

This Lent we will be "reframing" everything. That means that we are picking up our stories and allowing them to collide with sacred stories. When things rotate 90 degrees you begin to see life differently. That's our hope, that we reframe what is already seen through a new lens. If the world changes it may begin with our own eyesight.


God does things like that.


@Timothy Carson 2014


Click here to go to Tim Carson's blog, VitalWholeness  http://vitalwholeness.wordpress.com/  

Broadway Christian Church
573.445.5312   www.broadwaychristian.net